Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1683 Snowball

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The north of the north is cold, and the wind is constantly.

At this time, on the eve of late autumn, the sky did not see the sun, but it was still bright.

Under the sky is washed, the rolling glacier is like a crouch dragon.

Above the top of the mountain in a mountain, I saw a sleigh flying from the mountain.

Sleigh is exquisite and beautiful, and a large two people sit on the sleigh.

"To accelerate."

Wang Feng in front of the sleigh is gently drunk, the foot is gently moved, the sled is like the arrow of the string, and it is shot in the mountains.

The petite figure is sitting on the shoulders of Wang Feng, holding Wang Feng's head, gigting a laugh.

The two are Wang Fenghe Xiaofeili, who has left the North Ice Spirit.

After the small ice lotus, it took a few days in the North Bing Soux, and he was temporarily bid to Horse Xiaoximi and a teacher.

Before the apartment, as a teacher of Ma Xiaotao, Wang Feng also gave a meeting.

Taking Wang Feng's realm, it is a little point for a little guidelines.

The back is naturally in the eyes of Ma Xiaoximao, left the base.

The days that meet each other are not, but things are eager to have, and they naturally see Snow Emperor with Xiaobian.

For the territory of Nibei, Wang Feng is afraid that he has not seen it for hundreds of years, but it is still familiar.

If there is no small ice, between Wang Feng, you can go anywhere in the north.

However, there is a child, there is always a bit of fun, which is not too much time.

Although Wang Feng did not have experience with the child, he did not eat pork, he always met the pig.

Xiao Yilian is only three or four years old, and it is still in a childhood.

So this road, Wang Feng went to stop, in order not to let the journey look boring, take advantage of this extremely northern place, with Xiaofei uses a variety of ways.

This big snow, the skiing is always less.

Plus Xiaofenda's energy is very affinity to the Eyes North, in which snow is playing, it is naturally very happy.

Smiling in the way is very bright.

"Dad, Dad, Look, there is some snowball in the sky, I want to fight the snowball!"

Sleigh is accompanied by a semi-circular curved slope, rushed out from the mountain waist, gliding in the air.

Suddenly, Xiaoyan stretched out his finger, and said the horizon in the distance.

I saw the sky in the sky, and suddenly fell a crystal snow bead, rotating the inspector in the air.

Looks like hail.

However, the weather and terrain of the north are not likely to have hail.

"Those, should it be a star soul?" Wang Feng thought.

The star soul ball is similar to Blue Star's unmanned reconnaissance, which is often used to monitor certain special terrain, or to monitor some of the dangerous soul beasts. The hidden hidden is extremely hidden, it is difficult to be induced by the soul.

The place of Nibei as the most powerful soul of the world today, and after the Soul Beast has already signed a peace treaty, human beings generally do not interfere with the internal situation of the soul beast. This star soul ball is prohibited from being put from the forest forest. '

Wang Feng watched slightly.

When he left, he chatted with Ma Xiaoxiang.

I know very detailed.

Wang Feng double his light flashed, and the dozens of star souls were taken through.

"There is a special mark on the star soul ball, according to the mark ... these star soul balls are from ... um? Holy Spirit?"

Wang Feng was stunned.

The Holy Spirit teaches him to know that in the era of Huo Yuhao, it is the evil forces on the sun and moon empire.

However, this will have this forces in the World of Douro without his Wang Feng's timeline. That is, this strength is in the original.

How will it still have it now?

This era of Yu Hao has not said that it has been in the past few hundred years. Even if there is such evil strength on the sun and the moon, it should have been annoyed.

Moreover, in the conversation with Ma Xiaotao, Wang Feng has not heard of what is powerful in this world.

Accurately, the evil forces are there, but most are small.

In the eyes of Ma Xiaowao, it belongs to the kind of non-value.

And under today's trend, even if the evil forces, I don't dare to invade the field of soul.

I don't say that this star soul ball is used to snoy the situation inside the Nibei.

This is a trick.

Not only cannot be used to explore the north of the north, many of the strong people who go beyond the hundred levels cannot use the spirit to discuss the inside of the north of the north.

"Interesting." Wang Feng blocked.

Wang Feng touched the head of Xiaofei, said: "Okay, let's fight the snowball!"

Xiaofei heard the answer and immediately shouted his hand.

Wang Feng fingertips gently, the following sleds became two skateboards, gliding in half air.

Immediately, he was close to the air, and a snowball of a piece of a size was condensed in the arms of Wang Feng.

"Come, give you. Let's see who is hit!" Wang Feng handed a small snowball on the shoulders, pretended to be serious.

Xiao Yiline took a snowball, and he hit the snowball, and then he nodded, he went out toward the front of the star.

Although Xiaofeili has just been reaches a few days, it has been fully adapted to his body.

Don't look at this little body, but hidden huge power.

She slammed out, thousands of nm, those very far-sized star soul balls, they were actually in it!


The violent sparks are ringing in the air.

"Ye, I am hit! Dad, you see, I am hit!" Xiao Yilian said very excited.

Wang Feng was awkward, and I also smashed out.

Snowballs have passed an arc, deformed in the air, but it is with all the star soul balls.

"Dad didn't fight."

Wang Feng pretended to be discouraged, "it is a little ice."

"Hey, Dad, you let me, I don't want it." Xiao Yilian kissed Wang Feng's cheeks, "Dad is the most powerful!"

Wang Fengxin is hot, saying that her daughter is a father's intimate cotton jacket, and Xiao Yiline is more sensible.

"Come, play more."

Wang Feng also handed two snowballs in Xiaofei.

Xiao Zilian is so tired that it is tired and thrown out.

She is a quasi, and two beautiful sparks are exploded in half.

'Explosive three star soul balls, the guys behind it still are still? 'Wang Feng is not in a hurry.

Putting these star soul guys from that organization called Holy Spirit. But today's Douro World does not exist this evil organization.

Then, the origin of this organization is very interesting.

"Dad, my hand is tired, the snowball is still much better." Xiao Yilian was on the head of Wang Feng, "I can't finish it."

"Nothing, Dad came."

Wang Feng picked up a snowball, gently, and his eyes were lined up, and he went out again.


Just listen to a series of hitting sounds in the distance.

In an instant, all the star soul balls suddenly explode, forming a huge dark cloud, rising from the sky.

The countless soul beast below is also alarming, and it has been placed in half an air.

Many flying smells are also called, and come together towards this place.

at the same time.

The space suddenly trembled.

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