Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1685, God, Yuntian Palace

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"The people are not good."

Wang Feng quietly looked at the quiet clouds.

The real enemy, he knows not the black man. It is not possible to reduce this place from another time-space.

Only maybe the 'God' shot behind them.

This is long, the vast universe, since the magic day policy, the strong must constantly appear in his own sight.

Wang Feng naturally won't be afraid, and, he will not meet the power level of the magicity of the magicity.

It is also possible that the system is different, and the other party claims to be god.

However, this kind of self-calling is nothing.

The fundamental representative does not work.

As for these black people, it is a few flies to Wang Feng.

I hope that the god is a bit of self-knowledge, don't come back to this world, otherwise Wang Feng will not be polite.

"Even if I don't appear, the strength of the black man is also unable to turn over too big waves in today's Douro."

Wang Feng shook his head.

Don't look at a few guys.

It can truly display, in order to combine the strength of the world strong, combined with the soul, they are not high.

Obviously, they don't know that this still exists in the Douro World in the long-term river, which has already changed the change in the sky, and it is not the original.

"Let's go."

Wang Feng finally looked at a half-air gap.

He is actually able to feel the god through this kind of sacrifice.

But there must be something more troublesome.

and so…

Wang Feng waved a hand, wiped this, did not leave a breath.

Many souls that were tied, they fled.

Wipe the breath of the sacrifice, Wang Feng is leaving with small ice.


at the same time.

A certain universe, a vast god domain galaxy.

In the galaxy, countless gods planet or the world is like a starry point, blinking in this ancient and powerful star field.

One of them is not big, it is not small in the god domain.

I saw that there are thousands of miles in the gods, countless singularity of the beasts, all kinds of gods, and light.

On the air, a brilliant palace is also suspended, with the clouds, there is a fairy sound burst, and the heart is shocked.

There are thousands of steps below the palace, and there are three words above the ladder, and the three words are carved above.

'Yuntian Palace'

And the top peak of the palace, floating a fashionable figure.

Not much time.

The figure suddenly opened his eyes.

"Well? Dinning six believers? It is ... the believers of the original Douro World. Are they not collected by the Douro's border that I sent another time and space? How can I die?"

People muttered, they like to be very mysterious, "Just now, I seem to feel the breath of the sacrifice, but I will soon disappear ... I am thinking that this believers will be killed? Should not be, in the strong strength of the World, don't say Kill them. It is not possible to even defeat them. "

"I give them a millionth year of the soul ring with Shen Li, how can it be done? Is it difficult to have other gods?"

"The god of Kobo is not a lot, after all, it is just a small world. And if you are God, you will definitely leave a trace ... I can't induce ... I am interested."

"It's hard to be the goddess of Douro. I still think about those fake gods and a little strength. I only gathered in the World of Douro. Today, it seems that it is not possible. Even God's believers dare to shoot ... this I can't help. Otherwise, where is the name of the god of the world? "

The shadow is contemplated, and suddenly it suddenly.

He waved a hand.

In an instant, the inside of the god is shaken, and a respect of the Qing Tian Jian Jie rises from the inside of the domain.

That is a soldier who is wearing a purple armor, every one exudes an extremely horrible breath, and the eyes are cold and ruthless, as if there is only killing.

'Wilderness, purple blood warrior. 'The portrait stands up, stands on the palace, looks at these soldiers in the cloud.

Like Tianbingtian will be general.

Only three thousand, not much.

But they are the wilderness, the powerful warrior who spends endless contributions.

Every one can be discouraged, and the foot is planet.

One can easily destroy the world of the world.

Even if it is the gods of the god of Dou Luo, three thousand this quantity, can also be accepted.

"Forget it, too many three thousand, waste. Three hundred should be enough."

The figure is contemplated, "" Dou Luo's god world, calculate the timeline, should it be in time and space? Poor is a chance ... go. "

Between the words, the number of soldiers has a little less.

After getting a command, it is directly disappeared in half an air. I don't know where it is.


The land of Nibei, the inner layer.

The ice is standing on a crystal clear Yuling tree.

Looking forward.

The cyan long skirt, with the cold wind and snow, slightly.


She thought about it, said to the voids on the other side, "Sister, the breath has disappeared. We have no invaders for many years, and they just have a few breaths. It is very special. Like us The world, but it is not like our world. "

The void is moving, and the Snow Emperor is gradually emerged.

"Alien customers." Snow Emperor shook his head.

"It should be very powerful?" Ice emperor recalled the breath just now, "that more than a million years of breath, and I am not familiar."

Nowadays, the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul, and Ice emperor know.

One million years, it is even more unlike, it is very clear.

Those who have a million-year-old soul ring, there is no problem with her familiar soul, and there is a problem.

"But it seems to have disappeared ..." Ice emperor looked at the distance. "There is no battle, there is disappeared. What happened? Even if it was defeated, there should be a battle energy fluctuation? How didn't be. "

Snow Emperor looked with his lips and whispered: "He is coming."

"Who?" The Emperor I didn't respond yet.

Seeing the expression of the Snow Emperor, the ice emperor reacted.

It's a spicy man.

"It is also right, only he has this thing." The Emperor snorted, "Now, I am watching my sister, you are not more important in his heart."

"Say, I have been so many years, you just have to get along with a few months. Even if he uses his own blood, you will save your sister, you have been with your feelings for so many years, it's too late?" I asked with the emperor.

"Emotional will, but will not disappear." Snow Emperor smiled, "as long as there will be, as long as there is in the heart, then because of the emotion of time, it will be more deep sooner or later."

Ice frowned frowned.

I feel that my sister is not reasonable.

"Then you are admitted, your emotions of him?" I asked the ice emperor.

Sister seals for so many years, but her memory is not only stayed before.

That is impossible.

The seal does not represent that even the soul is sealed, my sister is able to feel the lapse of time.

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