Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1694 Time and Space Current

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But the premise is that it can support it.

Even if it is a long-term long river in the unit universe, the spatiotempoken flow of time and space, contains great will of the universe.

If you want to be over, this universe is that there is no life to do.

Only the wave can be flowered.

It will eventually live in time and space, it is also good luck. Can pick up a small life.

The general calculated time.

Three hundred purple blood soldiers are silent.

I don't know how long, I'm, and the general of the head is bright.

"Time and space coming."

With his calculations, it is at this moment.

In an instant, the three hundred purple blood soldiers opened their eyes and stared at the distance.

Time and space is very difficult for the gods of this world.

They can have special gods, which can not be affected by this time and space.

Just, it is still careful.

However ... after a while.

There is no movement around.


The general brain jumps, according to time calculations, it should be just right.

Why don't you have any movements?

General time and space, the whole world will be covered with a sky, because the entire Douro will float in this time and space.

Changes caused by them are inevitable.

The gods will also have some collapse, and the endless time is eaten, and countless gods will be deprived of life under this reverse time and space. Also or in the gap, the universe is thrown, and finally chemical dust in the universe in the endless starry sky.

In short, it is impossible to change without changes.

"I will not have something wrong with my god ... Is there a third party to do a hand feet?"

The general thought.

My god will not be wrong, there is no problem in the expected time.

Then ...

"First report me god, see what he said."

at the same time.

Spirit world.

The moon mat, looking at the golden sea in the round sea probe.

The bordering of Wang Feng is a smile.

"That ..." Siyue said something unclear, "I solved it?"

"Temporarily solved." Wang Feng nodded.

"How to solve it?" Yue Yue hoped four weeks, "Why didn't I feel?"

"If you can feel the time and space, now the god circle is also incorporated into this chaos." Wang Feng said.

Siyue slammed the chin with hands, and made a meditation.

After the magic day, Wang Feng did not leave the gods in the first time.

Because Wang Feng felt a special force, it was running towards the gods.

Is the power of time.

It is a long river.

It has been cultivated to become the soul of the beginning of the Shu, which has extremely sensitive to the time.

Not to mention that his soul is cultivated from the long river.

I naturally induced this sudden attack.

Siyue is only the god of the gods, she naturally can't feel the power from the long river.

Especially now, she has not been out of order, and she has not become the life of the universe. It is more impossible to feel.

"How did you solve it?" , "If I know how to cultivate your soul, I feel that you are definitely lie."

"Time and space chaos itself is caused by the long river. For me, I want to solve it is actually very simple." Wang Feng explained a few words. "I just need to use the beginning of the Soul slightly guide the time of the long river. The trajectory of chaos avoids the gods, but can only be slightly delayed, time and space is still coming. "

"..." , "That's not useless? The god can not suffer this impact."

"Rest assured, delay the time, let you have some mental preparation." Wang Feng said simple, "I intend to enter this time and space, I will cultivate someone in the beginning of my round, when I will cooperate with you, and In these, cultivate the source of yin and yang, strengthen my beginning of the ever, the resulting soul energy is just the final anecdote to the finals of the ancient ax. "

"Douro has a little accident, and the universe of the king of the king will not inherit. And there is still a will of open the day, maybe I can make me a universe life."

"This is just an opportunity."


"Is there danger?" Siyue language is very solemn.

"Danger?" Wang Feng smiled, "Danger is there, but you have to understand. Initial Wheel, the soul of the long river is unsecured. Even if there is a super off-time, the universe-level life of the long river Unless he can take this time the long river is annihilated, it will not cause substantial harm to me. "

Siyue frowned.

Is it so powerful?

The universe-level life is a long-time long river, not for time.

But I want to annihilate a long river that means to annihilate a timeline of the multi-universe.

Means, to destroy a unit universe.

This time the time is chaotic, it is not a normal time and space, which is the time will will make the whole unit universe.

Don't say that the gods have, even the dark devil will suffer great impact.

Even the time of the universe of the dark magic link, there may be some micro impact.

Very metamorphosis.

"But can you withstand the impact of this time and space? The soul of the round is not a universal," "" "" "" ""

"So, don't you still have you?" Wang Feng shook his head, "In the process of cultivation, my soul is constantly drawing the time and space in time and space, the stronger the impact, the more cultivation Fast. With you, , the two joint cultivation of the yin and yang govern this source, I have two beginning wheels. "

"As long as the speed of cultivation is fast enough, this shock brought by this time and space, can't keep up with my strong speed."

"Nature will not have any danger."

Yue Yue is silent for a while.

"So, this is an opportunity." Wang Feng's eyes flashed, "and it is still an opportunity to rebuild the ancestral."

Siyue stunned again.

"What is the relationship between this and rebuilding the ancestors?" She asked if she could not help.

"You will know when you come."

Siyue snorted.

But there is a certain idea to play in the heart of Wang Feng.

"Are you ready?" Wang Feng asked.

"Okay." Yue Yue returned to a sentence.

"coming soon."

Wang Feng low voice, "walk!"

In an instant, he flooded the rays of silver, and finally turned into invisible.

It seems to disappear.

Then, the moon has not spoke, and it will disappear.

at the same time.

"My God said, there is some problems. Time will go later. But there is no problem. When we know this news, time and space should come."

General listener's order.

Just listened.

His heart is shock, and it feels a unpleasant greatness between the moment, and it is rolling from all directions ...

That is the force!

The general is suddenly looking at the sky, I saw everything, as if it is still in a static state.

It seems that the time is not walking, an intangible long river appears among their souls, swinging throughout the world ...

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