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This is good news.

It means that the end of the two incomplete days of the end of the Qing Dynasty have fallen.

"Is there still?" Asked Shiyue.

"Another surprise ..." Wang Feng said to another direction, "Some days of arrogant, hiding in this long river, peeping ..."

Shiyue and Yan Qingzhen were shocked.

This is not a surprise.

"You mean ..." asked the moon, "Is it not yet caused?"


Wang Feng thought about it, "But now, it will practice subtle, this practice will have a little longer. However, once I draw this universe time, I have no three souls, just The soul of the wheel can reach the level of the universe. "

Become a life-class life, in theory, it is necessary to get the will of the universe.

But Wang Feng's cultivation is extremely special.

His soul is the beginning of the round, which is to practice the time and space of the long river.

In the long run, there is an implication of time will.

Like the world's long-term long river, it is also the branch of this universe time.

The time of the entire universe, like an boundless long river, and the long-term long-term long-term long-range temporary period is like this long river, while gathering this whole universe.

In the universe, different planes in the world is different, which is different from the flow rate of river water in these blends.

Some rushing, some sprouted.

The reason why the gods will be shocked by this time and space, because this time has a dramatic water flow in the long river, impacting the long river of the gods, and then the entire Douro's spiritual world suffered this Impact.

But it is exactly the impact, let Wang Feng feel the long river of this universe, thus entering it.

Lathy one or two.

The time will be the strongest in this long river. He draws the time and space of the time and space to cultivate the ecstasy, which is equivalent to cultivating the time to cultivate the time in the long river into the soul.

If it is possible to draw this whole time of the long-term force.

Then, his hierarchy of the soul of his, will reach a new realm.

This time, the long river is endless, whether it is a long-rheed mortal, or the long-rheated pulley, or the long river that can represent the whole universe of the whole universe.

If you want to absorb, you don't know how long it takes.

Of course, as the beginning of the sun, the long river is absorbed, and the force is absorbed. Wang Feng can easily set the time at this moment.

He can be at this moment, endless

The rest of the world, relatively stationary, there will be no changes.

Equivalent, he is in the first moment, the soul is so late and reaches a higher realm.

However, this is like cultivating in chaos, still to bear the endless loneliness, the external time is not flowing, but does not represent his process, it is still stationary.

Ok this time, there are at least two companions.

"Are you ready?"

Wang Feng looked at the two, "This practice, it will be much longer than before, of course, the outside is not feeling, but we can feel it. I demand is not high, once the performance absorbs this time long river very One of the times of time and space, just. "

"I have no problem." Yan Qing nodded.

Decorating the yin and yang govern the origin, which is also beneficial to our soul.

As for the boring cultural process, for her, it is not a matter of millions of years.

Some of the moon hesitated and then nodded.

In the next moment, the three people showed a first-line, Wang Feng, the center of Wang Feng and Yan Qingxi on both sides.

Originally Wang Feng also wanted to take the dream to cultivate together, she is also the heaven of the ancestral world.

But the ancestral born, the dream is also very weak.

It is difficult to cultivate it.

It can only be temporarily letting the two powerful heaven and ...

Because the yin and yang is entitled to the origin, can only be a soul, a yin soul, relatively practiced.

There is no , at this time, there is still a soul of the somatitis of the World of Douro, can't come.

This will cause yin and yang disorders.

Wang Feng in the center, whispered two light shadows, that is, he is cultivated in the gods and dark devils, and becomes two-respect.

The soul of Yue Yue and Yan Qingyi is two yin souls, together with a soul of the soul.

In an instant, the momentum of the long-range time and space in the long river, rushed to Wang Feng's position.

Then, the time and space of the extremely flood, is even fierce, I am impacted toward them.

Bang ~!

Yue Yue and Yan Qingxi have started cultivating, and the face changed.

"Time and air chaos are impact us." Yue Yue can only feel the soul, as if it is going to be cut.

The ecstasy of the beginning of the wheel is only Wang Feng cultivated.

Can they not be affected, still relying on the momentum of the spatial space.

Wang Feng is not chaotic by this time, but they can only slow down this shock. After all, they are not the beginning of the round.

Wang Feng sinks and smeared: "Near points, souls, let my starting wheel, the soul can be completely packaged. This shock is invalid to us."

This time I have no doubts.

The soul floating, directly to Wang Feng, the side of the soul, palm with the palm of the palm.

The soul is observed, and the feeling of yin and yang is more obvious.

The other side of the Qingqing also did not have any contradiction.

This kind of cultivation is really a pure cultivation.

"A lot." Siyue slightly, "start."

This time, the three are not affected.

Quietly cultivated in this long river.

at the same time.

Tracking the generals of the three-person flow of purple blood soldiers, and follow.

They are carefully walking in this unilateral light.


The general suddenly drunk, his time was unfolded.

"Do these gods are not crazy? These gods are not so obvious? It is not so obvious that there is another at least the level of the universe, and they have taken the long river. They actively Fly coming in ... General, this is our opportunity. "

A deputy will propose.

"No, since there are other God intervene, this is not so simple. I want to come to this God should still be with my gods. Otherwise, it will not take a long way."

The general denyed, "Maybe Dou Luo will be here, it has been dyed. These gods entered the time and space, the big probability is coming, since the three gods have problems. The gods of the problem, not worthy of the glory of my god. Waiting for us to watch them fall, then wait for my god's order, if it is my god to be the best. "

Just finished, a warrior suddenly said:

"General, you see, the three gods ... , how do you seem to have four ... What are they do?"

The general rumored, suddenly took a breath ...

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