Check in from Douluo

Chapter 171 Tang San's Eight Spider Lances (3)

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Yufeng glanced at the fat man.At the same time, Ma Hongjun also looked towards Yufeng.

The two eyes intertwined, bursting out a string of sparks.

"Black Panther, go! There is a change on the captain's side!"

Yu Feng said solemnly.

The black panther below was resisted by Zhu Zhuqing. The two of them had come back and forth, but Zhu Zhuqing couldn't beat the black panther.

Can only be said to be temporarily blocked.

Hearing this, Black Panther looked back and was stunned.

'what is that?'

In sight.

It was Tang San who directly released the external spirit bone, Eight Spider Lances without any hesitation!

The fighting team that went all out had given them tremendous pressure.

"This battle is unexpected!"

On the spectator stage, Flander said solemnly, "Emperor Fighting Team, it is too cautious!"

The master's expression was also very heavy: "It seems that Tian Heng must have watched Xiao San and his team fight! I didn't know that they still have these spirit skills similar to Xiao Feng's must have been inspired after seeing it... "

"I didn't expect..."

They didn't know that Yu Tianheng had seen the battle between the Shrek Seven Devils and the Crazy Team.

Wang Feng didn't even know, and the master was even less likely to know.

But at this time they all guessed it.

"Dai Mubai was the first to get injured, and his combat power was greatly reduced... Ma Hongjun's spirit ability combo created by Yufeng relentlessly broke, but his own spirit power is also scarce. With a hundred years of spirit ability, it is not easy to regret it for thousands of years..."

The master whispered, "Xiao Wu was also injured, now intact...only Rongrong and Oscar, the two auxiliary combat effectiveness are very low. I can only say that Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu quickly recovered, and the only one who still has combat effectiveness... Xiao San And Zhuqing."

"But the other party... only Tian Heng has some poison, but it is not fatal, and the rest have combat effectiveness! Xiao San's Eight Spider Lances may not be decisive!"

Flender was also speechless for a long time.

Although Xiao Feng made Tang San and the others stronger.

But not only does it make teammates stronger, it can also affect opponents and become stronger!

It can be said that the weather is unpredictable!

In fact.

Also as the master expected.

After Tang San turned on the eight spider spears, eight sharp spider-leg spears, containing highly poisonous, directly attacked the two brothers of the Shi family who used the tortoise shell burst!

The tortoise shell made a ping-pong sound when it hit the spider legs, but it didn't cause any harm.

The two of them were taken aback, and the spider's legs slashed through their bodies. The poisonous invasion caused them to instantly change their colors!

Yufeng and Oslo, who came quickly, also stayed in a daze.

Yu Tianheng, Dugu Goose was also shocked.

The eight spider legs behind that look really shocked!

But soon, the Dugu Goose as the commander reacted and said solemnly: "Don't try hard, this is probably a twin spirit? But how does it look like the spider legs of a human face demon spider? But no matter what, this power is terrifying. Things, the consumption of soul power must be huge!"

"We are all scattered. As long as he is dragged to avoid the attack, he will be weak by then! He will break without attack!"

After speaking, Dugu Goose spewed two mouthfuls of Bilin Purple Poison towards Tang San!

At this time, without Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, Tang San would not be able to use spirits to destroy her Bilin Purple Poison!

But what Dugu Goose said hit the nail on the head.

They are extremely cautious, and there is no slack at this time, they are very clear in their minds!

Just avoid it!Tang San controlled the Eight Spider Lances, and it was difficult to kill them!27KK Novel

In fact, this was what Tang San was worried about.

The Eight Spider Lances are powerful and capable of both offense and defense, but... it consumes too much spirit power!

The remaining few people, especially Yu Tianheng, his spirit power is very, very sufficient. The poison just now did not have a high effect on him. If he were to use it a few more times, the toxin aggravated to make him suffer more damage.Unfortunately, no chance.

Once the opponent dodges and does not fight, then it will be in trouble.

At the same time, Zi Wu passed through Tang San, rushing towards the people who were recovering behind.

Even if these two Bilin Purple Poisons had no effect on Tang San, they would have fatal damage to the few people who were still recovering later, as well as Dai Mubai!

"Blue Silver Grass!"

Tang San's complexion darkened slightly, his eyes exuded evil!

I saw that behind him, rows of blue silver grass suddenly rose up, forming an impenetrable blue silver grass city wall like an iron wall.

What does he want to do?

Several people in Yu Tianheng's mind were startled.

"This is a trick Feng Ge taught me! Let you try Bilin Purple Poison yourself!"

Tang San waved his palm down, as if giving orders!

I saw the blue silver grass behind the iron wall, suddenly bending backwards, as if it was crushed by the wind.

Then, like a spring, it bounced back toward the front!

Accompanied by it is a wind of terror!

Maybe not as good as Yufeng's thousand-year spirit ability, but the area is huge!

And Bilin Purple Poison is a cloud of mist!

The blue silver grass behind Tang San, Shen Bi, was like a puff fan, quickly blowing the bilin purple poison to Yu Tianheng's side!

Seeing this, Yu Tianheng's expression all changed!

Can Blue Silver Grass still play like this?

As the saying goes, the wind blows the grass, but the grass can also generate the wind!

This time, Bilin Purple Poison has not been cracked!

But it was directly blown back by Tang San...

"This trick works great!"

The master couldn't help but applaud, "Xiao Feng's brains are different from time to time. Just now, Xiao San didn't use this trick, just wait for this time!!"

Tang San possesses eight spider spears, which can absorb the Bilin Purple Poison without any threat, but the opponent directly takes two consecutive bites of Bilin Purple Poison. If the range is too large, he can absorb more than half of it, but as long as some of the Bilin Purple Poison spills. Later, with the remaining few people at this time, it is almost certain to fall to the ground.

And this trick can not only solve, but also counter the enemy!

Seeing this, Yu Tianheng several people immediately dodge!

The Dugu Goose hurriedly spit out a burst of Bilin Violet Poison again, and when it encountered the Bilin Violet Poison that was blown back, it sent out a collision and barely resisted it.

The two purple poisons collided, and a thicker purple mist burst out, only rushing into the air!

At this time, Tang San rushed into the crowd, fighting four with one battle.

The Yufeng behind is able to control the wind, and is naturally not affected by this purple poison.

But in the end, Tang San could only make Oslo and Yu Tianheng, the poison on the Eight Spider Lances in them, temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.Even Yu Tianheng relied on his tyrannical spirit power to stop him.

Neither Yufeng nor Dugu Goose were attacked. The four of them were almost pulling and fighting. Yu Tianheng blocked the Dugu Goose. Yufeng was in mid-air, and Oslo was so fast that it was difficult to hit.

The most important thing is that the opponent's strategy has been planned, avoiding without fighting, I will run and dodge, and you can't help it.

So Tang San tried his best last but only stabbed Oslo and Yu Tianheng's dragon claws.

It didn't take long for Tang San to fall on the ground because of excessive consumption, and he supported Dai Mubai together.

At this time, there are still those with fighting power left on the field, Dugu Goose, Yufeng, and half of Yutianheng.Yu Tianheng was struck by the Eight Spider Lances on the dragon's claws. His dragon's claws were resistant to poison, so it was okay at this time, but his face was slightly blue.

"We are going to lose."

Dai Mubai coughed several times before frowning at Tang San.

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