Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1703 Donghuang Shen

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God's universe.

Inside a god, Yuntian Palace.

The tray is sitting on the top of the palace to see, radiating.

A very handsome young man has a good breath of the god.

In addition to the clouds, the cloud Tiantian has a light gate.

As the warriors of a purple blood, it came out from the closing door.

"Well? Is it back?"

The youth is slightly frowned. "It seems that the situation is not right? Worship cloud, can you have what I said?"

As a goddom of the god, youth obviously know that these purple blood soldiers are very unsatisfactory.

Like the defeat.

In the illegitraitants in the absurd level, the purple blood soldiers have the characteristics that will never die, the enemy is infinite, and the enemy that cannot be defeated will not reveal a timidity, and will never be low.

At this time, it was obvious that the three hundred purple soldiers, even the headless generals were low.

Bew Yun Lingzun appeared at the feet of youth, and the gods respectfully said: "My god, everything is in accordance with your instructions. I will give it to the blast, let him call the empty beast, set off the time and space storm , Deal with the false god ... "

"But I didn't indute the breath of purple gold from his body." Youth cold road.

Worship Yun Lingzun, smashed a breath.

Within the god of my god, it contains the essential life aura. Between the breath, this should be enjoyed.

But I can feel a feeling of suffocating.

At this time, I saw the three hundred convulsions outside the Yuntian Palace.

The general of the headed, looked at the palace that stands on Qiong Yun, , unable to describe the palace to describe it.


Not only failed, but even my gods temporarily gave birth to the treasure, and the sacred products were lost.

This is sinful, enough to let him punish the penalty, it is not enough to die 10,000 times.

I took a long time.

The youth is far faint to open in the palace of the palace, "It seems that you are not only the mission, but also the purple golden gourd is also lost.

The general squatted in the clouds, did not dare to look up, as if it was like a prisoner who was waiting for the death penalty on the cross-turn.

"Let's get up."

Youth slow road, "Wrong is not in you."

"Do not!"

The general voice suddenly got high, excited, "I punished us! It is our fault, it is our missed to bring such a big loss!"

Youth is silent.

As a genus of the belief, it will not have any doubts about the god of belief.

God's distortion is not inviolable, God will not make mistakes.

Youth waved, a great force dragged the general.

"Signal, take things, come with me."

Youth did not pursue your right and wrong, but asked calmly.

The general wants to continue to kneel down, as if to redeem a little bit of fault, but how can it be ignored, at this moment, I will immediately understand what I will say, and the last words of Wang Feng said. A way.

"It turned out to be an indigenous day ... I can also practice the power of time and space, and there is no way to come."

After listening, you are a long time. He looked at the sky of the gods. He has a interesting look on his face. I don't match my God's universe. "

"But it is also therefore, indigenous people often think that their universe is invincible. I really want to launch God's war for me, this is inevitable to tell each other."

The youth laughed, "The special sacred product of the east drops, existed in the long river, rare to extreme, was got to be unwilling to use special means to be unwilling. On the surface, we only The will of belief time. It wants to take this opportunity, with this indigenous day, escape the control ... "

"To include God's war? A indigenous day?"

The young look is flat, no sadness, no profile and dignity.

Bewloon Ling Lou said: "Enhanced, you need to let me call back the rest of the three Lingzun, God war launched.

"Call it back." Youth is light, "After all, it was a sense of God. Hand palm? "

"Bewloon, you go to the god of the gods of the universe, marching this matter to the Dong Huang Shen, an indigenous day, wants to launch God's war for my god of the universe."

If you worship Yun Lingzun, you will understand the intention of my god.

This is what impact wants to expand this matter.

Under the universe of God, there are many universities, and these universes will occasionally have one or two indigenous days.

Just, indigenous people are hard to be absorbed by the universe of God, and even when they have not become a God, it is difficult to know the universe of God.

Once you know the universe of the gods, it is in the invincible of this universe. I naturally think that my universe is invincible, and I can't see God's universe.

Moreover, indigenous people have existed because it is difficult to imagine, and the whole universe only has one.

The heart must be extremely embarrassing, there are many indigenous days, and even dare to challenge the universe of God ...

Results ... Originally, I would like to absorb these indigenous people's gods naturally impossible to endure.

If it is the combat power of the single body, the Aboriginal God and the Gods are not big, and the indigenous God may be stronger because of the particularity of the particularity.

But the universe has the rules of the Shenxiao universe.

Single fight is not measuring a sense of God.

The god domain, the nuts, and their own strength are added, and it is a measure of a meantity.

Naturally, many indigenous people are strong, challenge the universe of God.

The result is mostly very miserable.

The initial indigenous people challenge the gods of the universe, with their own strength to the Gods of the Universe, no matter whether they will lose, the end is very miserable.

Later, the indigenous people who appeared roughly learned some, and they respect the universe of God.

There are also people who want to pass the rules of the universe in the universe, with the rules of 'God of War, against the gods of the universe.

But unfortunately, so far, there is no indigenous day to succeed.

The reason is too much.

Worship Yun Lingzun knows the reasons why I doing this, I want to use this indigenous day God, and again warn those indigenous days.

Don't say challenge God, the indigenous God is impossible to succeed through the fake god of the "God" challenge a god of the universe!

By Yun Lingzun immediately acts.

God is a universe of the universe, the most young and very powerful, and the most powerful boy, which is very potential, is very likely to become the gods in a long-year-old year.

The famous arrogance is very good.

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