Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1713, another blue star

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Wang Feng stands on a street and walks away.

The street has a variety of cars, a magnificent buildings, and Sichuan flow.

There is even a relatively high technology suspension track, hanging in half of the air.

There is a kind of letting Wang Feng returned to the illusion of the past life.

"I am really like, the other Blue Star of the universe." Wang Feng felt in his heart.

Here is the blue star's gorge city.

It is a blue star of the universe of thousands of snow.

Since I came to the universe where I was in the snow, Wang Feng came to Blue Star, just want to see the blue star difference between myself.

If you don't have a history of history, etc., almost exactly the same.

Wang Feng did not hurry to go to the angel nebula.

He came here to the universe, with only one, in addition to helping thousands of snow, it is to collect believe in faith.

With his current ability, you can say 100% to all of this universe all life.

Of course, it is a bit slightly difficult to like the level of thousands of snow.

"The World of Douro has been in the world, almost slowly closer to this civilization."

Thousands of snow around.

She is not an angel's appearance, but the ordinary human woman profile, wearing a blue jeans and white shirt, there is no wings behind it.

It seems like an ordinary street beauty, but the value is slightly higher.

"You miss it very much." Thousands of snow slightly mouth, "How, is there anyone who is unforgettable?"

"Yes, I am blind, but I have been passing down, I should have been turned around." Wang Feng replied, "Is it here, in addition to you, who can ... Oh, I remember, there is a Sun Wukong."

"Sun Wukong?" Thousands of snow surprised to see Wang Fengyi, "The super warrior of the earth is still a very old era. Do you know?"

"When I was in the dark magic world, I went through the worm hole, I was fortunate to have been a while, and I did it." Wang Feng said.

Thousands of snow, this is normal.

"Tour it?" Wang Feng turned his head and looked at thousands of snow.

The time flow rate and the universe of the universe are not right, the Blue Star is more slow, and he does not have a whit impression in some time.

Thousands of snow eyes squinted, snorted, took the arm of Wang Feng, started with Wang Feng slowly walked on this commercial street.

Thousands of snow as the king of angel civilization, the civilization of Blue Star is currently in the forefront of the era, is not much interesting.

Now it should not be an audience, after the Battle of the Galaxy, the Blue Star has joined the Light Dark Cosmic Union. Although the people who say Blue Stars don't agree with her dark order, they don't agree with the justice order of the sacred Caisa.

However, the Dark Cosmic Union As the Community of the Universe, the purpose is to protect the universe, this, let the Blue Star have joined.

As the king of angel, becomes a human woman, if it is an angel of the other angel of the nebula, it is obviously unlikely.

Unlike the snow, let me like many places in the universe, and the angels of most of the angels are not the same.

Experience is also completely different.

Compared to the sacred Caesar's kind of look, peaceful and graceful style, thousands of snow should be more casual.

"Say, I met many Blue Star's human soul when I was in the dark magic world." Wang Feng said, "After the heaven, the soul of the people should go back to the well. I don't know if there is any returns Go to Blue Star. "

"Isn't it going to go to the edge of the devil?" Thousands of Snow laughed from Wang Feng into a cinema, I want to buy a ticket, suddenly I found that she did not have a human coin.

"I have no money." Thousands of snow looked at Wang Feng and said straight.

Playing on the movie is the sci-fi blocks that have adapted from the Galaxy Battle [Wave Galaxy], different from the cinema in Wang Feng memory.

This is a holographic cinema that can truly immerse in the war that has gathered in the confrontation of most of the universe.

There is no need for any ophthalmic helmet holder.

Wang Feng glanced at the snow, "Then I don't look, what is the meaning of this."

"How is it not interesting?" Thousands of snow are somewhat angry. "Do you look down on the universe here? This is a civilized war that lays an angel civilization and the entire universe."

Fortunately, the two are spiritual exchanges, otherwise, the two people can sound in some nerves in the outsiders.

"With our two identities, can you always change some money?" Wang Feng helplessly looked around.

"In the past, since you come to our universe, you have to comply with the rules of this side." Thousands of snow suddenly laughed.

The eyes flashed a siki.


Wang Feng looks around.

Suddenly throwing the arm of the thousand snow, I walked in another direction.

Thousands of snow looks like Wang Feng, that is a 167-year-old boy pushing a wheelchair, sitting on a wheelchair sitting on a face-free middle-aged man.

There are a few obvious scars on the men's face, with a faint suffocation, but at this time, the breath of the Ni Mountain is exuded.

Thousands of snow looked quietly.

Wang Feng walked over and said a few words to the boy, and the boy looked at Wang Feng.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, and the call seems to be very big.

I don't know what Wang Feng said, the boy is somewhat excited, then closes my eyes, my hands are like praying, and I have a few words.

Then I will give Wang Feng one hundred dollars.

Wang Feng has blows a breath with the middle-aged man, and he left.

Then, the middle-aged man showed a horrified expression, as if something happened, he didn't dare to confuse something, he stood up from the wheelchair, as if there was no reaction, cold for a long time.

"Let's go."

Wang Feng took the money in his hand and said with a smile.

"The middle-aged man should be the Earth's veteran, the veteran veteran," Thousands of snow whispered, "Galaxy battle is a war that caused by the dark devil, and lives in the war, basically suffer The special dark magic erosion of those souls. Human civilization is now unable to crack this sharp magic. The veterans should not live, and the current human technology can only make him barely live, but the injury will never recover. "

"Unless you use our angel civilization, you will help him recover. The boy has a special belief."

"Why, are you interested in the beliefs of human beings?" Qian Xue Xue snorted.

She is very clear.

The boy is in the mouth of a few customs: 'Let me, have to live forever. Respect my, I am immortal. Enjoy the security. '

It is to let the boy believe in a god, this god, nature is Wang Feng.

"Earn more fast." Wang Feng referred to the money in his hand.

"Our angels, the angels of the nebula, itself has faith." Thousands of snow suddenly said, "You want the angel to believe in you, but you are not everything like Xiaoyu, so it is easy to buy."

"Bringing this word is not right." Wang Feng bought two tickets, walking into the shadow with thousands of snow, "The potential of Angel Yogi is not enough to support her to the third generation of the peak. I gave her. It is a benefiting of her imagination. She belief me. "

"How did you get a purchase in your mouth?"

"Anyway, it is bought." Thousands of snow smiled, "You want to buy other angels, but it is hard. Most angels, the belief is the king!"

"They didn't have the power of your belief." Wang Feng shook his head, "Chong Jing, not to believe. Belief is a kind of belief in the next life to the upper life. Life is not right. Wait. "

This is the school that God's universe.

Have a certain reason.

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