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Chapter 1737 chats!

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Wang Feng did not expect that he had returned to the ancestral world, and he had completed it.

Chat group…

"Let me see what the parallel universe finds some natural son."

Wang Fengxin.

Immediately, his heart responded directly: "Join!"

In an instant, a virtual screen appears in your mind.

"Hey, the ancestors have chatted."

With this slight vibration on the screen.

Yongan is a young man: "Hey, come to newcomers? Welcome!"

Van Lee: "Ancestors? Although the nickname is what you take, the newcomer is not small, hey, the speed report is here!"

The world is not neglighted: "It's just in the kid, you just say that I just said that I will lose it in the south. Joke! I ... Sitting hundreds of thousands of troops, how can you lose? You said first Clear! Newcomers go! "

Ye: "Not what I said, it is the history of our side. The battle of Chibi, we are already in the case of historical textbooks ... I really don't say, I don't have that ability ... Cao Laoge, you Don't bother me ... "

Thausa Ancient Emperor: "What are you talking about ... this new person, which world are you? Come in, is there anything? Hey ... Don't be afraid, what kind of chat group, I also got it for a long time ! What is different, you can ask me! "

"These guys in this, I don't understand what I can't understand."


Wang Feng looked for a while.

Good guy, , this is not easy.

Look at the information brush screen like chatting, these seemingly strange, but familiar with the name.

Wang Feng's heart was applauding.

obeneously looks like an ordinary person.

In addition to these few speakers, there is no talk.

Called: I will borrow 10,000 years to God.

Wang Feng basically can guess the alias of the other party.

Yongan is a young man ... This must be one of the protagonists of a certain era.

Speaking of the world of fairy swords.

When I was in the dark magic, Wang Feng, I used to be a devil in the world of one of the world, heavy building.

Have a side of it.

Moreover, the devil is coming to the dark devil world, it is also in order to practice.

must be aware of it, and must have been to the world.

It is said that it is the child of life, not too.

As for this ''.

The nickname has fallen over, Ye Fan.

This is also a person who is not very.

When Wang Feng is in the world, several secret laws are from the world where this Ye Fan is located.

has also been to this world.

Just, let Wang Feng did not expect, and did not expect the world that it seems to have not yet started.

That is, Jiulong pulls.

This in the future, breaking the ruined ancient sacred body, achieving the normifier, the universe of the universe, is now just an ordinary person.

'Is not simple. ... ...

Wang Fengxin.

He doesn't know the world where the Ye Fan is located will not connect to the world that he is familiar with.

But in the experience of , she has communicated with the emperor of that world, basically it is certain that it can pick up the track.

'Thaizen Ancient Emperor ... Laugh, this is not a fight against the mainland ... Wait, this name, should he be an ancient, or a soul? Look at this tone, is not like the anti-party on the side of the soul, it should be an ancient ... is it ... '

Wang Feng roughly knows who is.

The child of life, these four words can not be general.

In their world, they are the world will, adhering to the development of the world, is the darling of God.

'As for this world, you can't lose me ...'

If you don't want to know, this should be the Wei Wu Emperor, Cao Mengde.

'Is not very pair ... In the world of these people, it is a high-level world, and it can also be compared to the previous Douro world over the world. Cao Cao is just the historical figure of the earth ... Even if it is parallel universe, his world is just a feudal world in the cold weapon ... '

Wang Feng is slightly unhappy.

Even if the people in this world, they have a natural awe of God.

However, the power level is too low, which is obviously not in the world of these days.

How can ...

At this time.

The world is not negative: "Joke, fire attack? I am going to practice the body, not afraid of the water, the five sons will be able to pick flowers and fly, crossing the big river can. More don't say my 'cloud The fire is not invaded, and it is a piece of one, let the flame burns for ten days and ten nights, there is no trace. "

"The zone fire attack, I want to destroy my Cao Mengde 300,000 troops in Chibi? Where your kid is simply not saying!"

Ye: "Wait ... lying in the trough, practice the body, picking flowers flying leaves? Cross the Great River? What is this ghost? Is this the soldiers in the ancient three countries? This is also too fantastic ... not right, Cao Old brother, you are definitely not what I know ... "

Wang Feng saw this, stunned.

This is really not the three countries in normal history ...

This is afraid of Gao Wu three countries!

'interesting. '

Wang Fengxin said, 'The son of these days, but also the Cao Mengde has identity and qualifications ... Others are basically in a very young child, have not been strong ... but their world is really very good ...'

Is this not the source of belief?

'My angel gathering the strength of the belief, plus the world, can make a belief. The belief is bound to the ancestral world, the ancestral is equivalent to the god of my belief. Through this belief, I can use the power of faith, greatly accelerate the development of the ancestors. '

The God of God's Universe.

Not the war between two gods.

It is between the two gods and the war between the gods.

The strength of the god domain, the number of races, the taste of the taste, the strength, etc., etc. will affect the gods themselves, and the results of God's war.

Wang Feng's opponent.

That is, the fake god of Donghuang Shen, why dare to be so arrogant.

Once God war is opened, the many nationalities in his gods, as well as the world, have a battle.

Combined with Shen Ming itself, even if he did not get the will of the universe, the overall combat power will reach an unprecedented level.

But this level of battle is very troublesome, once the battle is warned, it must be full.

Because as long as it involves the gods, it must be the most fundamental power of God.

If it is the monomer fighting force of God, the god of the gods will be lost. The strength should fall a lot, even if it is the hero, it is much weaker than the indigenous God of the universe.

Once it is God war, the gods collision, the Shenxian cosmic system has played a huge role.

The gods with the power of hundreds of millions of beliefs combined with the gods, in cooperation with countless nationalities, Lingzun. Waiting, then compared to the indigenous God of the universe, it is weaker than the universe of the universe.

This is the strength of the universe of the Shenxia.

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