Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1742 is the ancestors.

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Especially those martial arts, every one has a strong breath, and if there is no river, if there is no river.

It is clear that these days have breakthrough in these days, and the unknown cultivation fields that have never been embedded will be practiced.

These days are not just human.

Under the energy of the silver long river, many vegetation flowers, and even livestock have been greatly changed.

However, as a human, the change has changed the most.

When I heard the words, many civil and military officials did not suspect.

Because I saw that day, it is really too shocking.

Waiting for the miracles, and the gods in everyone in the ear, it is never an illusion.

"From now on, I will pass the avenue to call God, and I will have a protuisine. This matter must be passed away from all the people in the country!"

The ancestors have dropped such a huge grace, and the government believes that he is so uncomfortable to reward the latter.

But let's think about the greatness of the ancestors, and anything that is weak, the ancestors are estimated.

It is only necessary to devoutly, it is already the biggest return.

"In addition, now we have the power of anti-demon. You immediately started to study this force! Open new cultivation!"

The government continued.

"Your Majesty, the power given by the ancestors is too magical, I am afraid that it is difficult to study in a short time in a short time ..."

Wang Hao stood up and said, "But, now weigh the demon, it should not be here."

It is the case.

After all, it is the force given by the ancest, how can it be so easy to study?

If you ask yourself, it is too stupid.

The ancestors have already given the power. If it is also ancestant to tell you how to change it ... ,...... . ..... .. .... ....... .. .. .

'Yes, that chat group ...'

When I move in the heart, I will return to the palace immediately and go to the chat group.

I will borrow 10,000 years from the sky: I have a problem, can you help me think about it?

Van: , 10,000 years, your guy dives so long ... finally came out, I don't know who you are? Question mark .jpg

I will borrow 10,000 years to God: Who isn't of important ...

Yongan is a buddy: What is the problem? tell me the story? Is there a relationship with money?

The people in the world are unable to lose me: What is the right?

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: If I can help, absolutely try to help! After all, we are a group! Are friends!

I thought about it, my heart was once again.

The chat group is complicated, and there is a record function.

Memory records can record the scenes that have occurred in their own world.

will make the thing that happened to the day and recorded the process as a first perspective, and then sent directly to the group.

Van: "Small video? Good guy, 10,000 years, do you have a different video in our group! This is unmthical ... cough, you can send it privately!"

at this time.

Ye Fan in a parallel universe, a smile opened this video recorded in the first perspective.

"I will borrow more than 10,000 years later ... this guy is 80% is an emperor, otherwise it will not take this name ... Obviously I have lived ... I don't know what this video is ..."

Ye Fan is squatting, while focusing on the view that has started playing ...


Then stay stared.

The pupil is gradually contracted, the mouth gradually grows, and the breathing gradually urgently ...


Fight continent.

The hill of a family.

A girl blinked and opened the video extracted in my mind.

"Hey ... The first time there is a group of people send a video ... Video this thing is really strange, like memory Baozhu ... let me see what is."

When the girl's eyes blinked, only curiosity in his eyes.

However, when the first looks, the girls are stunned ...

Not long, the whole person is stupid, it is like a petrochemical general ...

It seems that it has seen any incredible things.


Three Kingdoms World.

Xuchang, Caofu.

Cao Cao took two stones in front of him.

The explosive airflow is like a hurricane generally scraping in the garden.

Cao Cao did not move.

"The main strength is progressing again."

Standing on one side, a smashful giant man checked.


Cao Cao worn on the clothes sent by the maid, "I still don't know, you are afraid that you are thinking, your main public, I am afraid that it is even more than a hundred husbands. What else is there? "

"I dare not dare." Ju Han hurriedly waved.

"OK, check it out, I have something." Cao Cao waved, knowing that this strength, it is weak in front of himself, the same as the small grass next to the giant tree is not worth mentioning.

Giant is gentle, the whole person is like the arrow of the string, disappears in the courtyard.

"Hey ... Let me see, this 10,000-year video, what is wrong with ..."

Cao Cao called the chat group in the brain, sinking for a while, extracting video, open.



After a few seconds, he smoked a breath ...


Chat groups.

Silence, silence, still silence.

patient is waiting.

I have passed for a long time.

Finally, there is a message of the message.

Van Lee: "Lying!"

Yong Anang's buddy count: " +1"

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: "lying ... lying ... +1"


The people in the world are not neglighted: "lying trough + 1 ..."

: "..."

Ten thousand years old to the sky: "That, have you finished reading?"

Van Lee: "After reading, let me slow down, this is too scary ..."

Yong Anang's buddy: "Mom, what is the stuff? That light, I don't know what he did, but I feel awesome ..."

Thausa Guardian: "The light and shadow must be a peerless person ... he uses his hand to grasp the silver briquette, it is terrible. I can feel the horror power of the moment of light from the screen! He I didn't get it directly, I haven't affected the world you are, and I don't know what he did. I still change the light source after the break into the star Yinhe, lay in your world ... "

"I don't dare to imagine!"

The world is not neglighted: "Yes, the light source of the light and shadow is very terrible. It is absolutely able to destroy the world. It is our world. I feel hard to bear the impact of the light source explosion. We have the world, before The first holy will be Lu Bu, I am afraid it is difficult to survive in the explosion. "

"I didn't expect that light and shadow actually captured and didn't affect your world." It is incredible. "

Van: "Nothing culture, you are. That light source is looking at the light and far and near size, then at least a star! A light and shadow can catch star ... It is too exaggerated ... It's like a myth legend ... "

Yong Anang's buddy: "What is Mrso, what is the star?"

Van Lee: "The star is ... is the sun in your memory ..."

Yong Anang's buddy: "..."

Thausa Ancient Jade asked: "Yes, 10,000 years, what is the light and shadow? Curious .jpg."

I want to think about it, or reply:

"It's a ancestor."


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