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"Harvest is quite rich."

Wang Feng felt the power of constant beliefs and sighed.

The power of these beliefs is the most powerful.

After all, he is the most intuitive feelings of this 'ancestrate'.

"Although these beliefs, it is still not enough to compare with the angel nebula ..., now there is a special increase in chaos Qinglian ..."

Wang Feng put the power of the faith of this time directly into the Dao Chaos.

The power of the faith, the most special.

He is the fate of the world, which is the emperor who carries the world will, the royal man who is unified in the country.

The power of his belief is not only strong, but also very special.

"However, I didn't give my own efforts directly, and these believers didn't have a post-printing ..."

Wang Feng Shen said, "Even if I don't have a direct gift ... I believe in the power of the faith, but there is a increase in chaotic green lotus, and the effect is also ok."

Moreover, the power of faith is increasing in the source of the source, meaning that the government has sent the avenue to the other people.

"With this batch of beliefs, I can slowly build the nine reincarnation of the ancestral world ..."

Wang Feng's palm chaotic green lotus, pregnant, a layer of faint glare.

Therefore, enter the faith in chaos, first rolling a circle on the lotus table of Qinglian, rapid increase in rolling.

A trace can be increased, then floating, entering Wang Feng's body.

The power of Qin Shihuang's special belief, showing the golden yellow, bright and clear, looks extremely dazzling.

"After the power of these beliefs, not only can supplement the power, but also use to cultivate the will of the universe ... expand the domain of the ancestral world ...

Wang Feng is a belief that is connected to the ancestral world. It can naturally be cultivated with the power of faith.

This belief is very good. Otherwise Wang Feng will not cost so many faith to condense.

"The land of the previously opened."

Wang Feng flashed and came to a slightly dark ground.

This is the front of Wang Feng's ancient ax, and a special small world is cleared in the ancestral world.

It will also have no life in the black tide absorbed in the dark magic world, and placed this, waiting for the reincarnation.

However, when Wang Feng was not strong enough, it could not be handled, and could not be completely established.

In the boundary of the shadow, the sky is gray.

The earth is grayish, all walks of chaos, and the dark.

There is only one inopeous ocean in the distance.

That is a bitter sea.

One of the ancestral reincarnation systems.

On the other side of the bitter sea, it is a purple black thunder cloud, countless thunder.

Live thunder.

It is also one of the reincarnation systems of the ancestral world.

After these two systems, it is the core order of Jiudao Reincarnation.

It's just not.

"Previously, I used to use virtual origin to become a pure energy body, in the reincarnation system of the ancestral, turned into the first batch of life in the ancestral."

Wang Feng is soft, countless beliefs, the river, condenses the back of the bitter sea.

"Now use the belief to condense, everything in the ancestral world is completely connected with this belief. It makes the ancestors become their own gods, so that the gods can't see the problem."

The god is very special.

Not a world that is casual.

The life of the universe, standing in the vertices of the unit universe, don't say that you want to rule a big world, similar to the world's world, it is easy.

God domain is strong in the universe of the Gods.

The gods of the universe of the universe can open their own gods in the young age.

As long as the god domain is inadequate, God is even difficult to be killed.

Moreover, the location of the god is very special, and it is generally necessary to give a more powerful God if they don't give coordinates.

At the same time, the god domain can also provide strong backup support for Shenming, Shenming can dominate everything in the god domain, create a variety of lives, and even directly derived the universe.

As the gods of God, the status is very special and important.

Non-Shen Shen's God, that is, indigenous God.

It is difficult to have the gods.

Because of the indigenous God, itself is different from the universe-level life, cultivation mode and the universe of the god.

For example, the Red Fox, she has no her own god.

But her strength is still very strong, she also opened up her own world, so that the Red Sky fox lives.

But the world she opened, but it is not a god.

However, she can't cultivate their world with the power of faith.

Even if Red God can collect the power of other worlds, and cannot be used for the world they open.

Because the real body of the Red Fox, does not have the ability to transform the power of beliefs.

This is the special thing of the system on the universe of the Shenxia.

And Wang Feng's belief, there is this ability.

He is divided into, equivalent to incorporating the system of the universe, but it is independent.

Very special.

Therefore, he can now cultivate the ancestral world with the power of faith.

"God, ghost, monster, compulsory"

Wang Feng sinks.

He looked at the power of the .

This stagnation has the power of the emperor's belief, with powerful energy and ideas.


Nine, it is a nine.

It is also the classification of the ancestral life.


Wang Feng has a lot of hands, and countless beliefs, then gathered into a golden giant door.

The mysterious and mysterious law is covered, as well as the order line, climbing the entire giant door.

On the giant door, it is printed with an old and mysterious symbol.

"Humanity Return."

The power of beliefs is reduced in the body of Wang Feng, and the source is constantly incorporated into this giant.

On the other side of the sea, the floating virtual life begins to instirle.

It seems to have any attractive, forcing them to enter the giant door.

They began to go to the giant.

But the sea and the thunder robbed their path.

"Although you are virtual life, you don't want to pass the bitter sea and the thunder, it is not easy ..."

Wang Feng dark road.

There is a reincarnation in the sea, which is the energy in the black tide.

There is also the power of the swallowing of the king.

These virtual lives have been ignored by virtual origin, and now it has become a pure and unconscious soul energy body.

It also has a certain virtual and no property.

It can be immunized to most of the special injuries.

It is useless to make them.

But the bitter sea is very heavy, it is easy to let these soul energy sink into it. The power of beliefs is reduced in the body of Wang Feng, and the source is constantly incorporated into this giant.

On the other side of the sea, the floating virtual life begins to instirle.

It seems to have any attractive, forcing them to enter the giant door.

They began to go to the giant.

But the sea and the thunder robbed their path.

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