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Chapter 1751 God stick?

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Fighting the continent, Utan City, Xiao Jia, hill.

Xiao Yuer's look is a little red, which is very excited.

"Ancestors, I can get the ancestors to pay attention ... I should solve the problem of Xiao Yan's brother cultivation."

Xiao Xuner is very exciting.

From the video, the ancestors are almost inevitable.

Crush a star, easily change the world pattern.

This power, almost exceeds your imagination.

The problem of Xiao Yan practiced, for the ancestors, is definitely only a light and easy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xun is sighing.

Unfortunately, I want to get the attention of the ancestors. It should be difficult.

Ten thousand years old, it is the emperor of the world, the status is extremely high, and he will call the ancestors.

Can yourself ... Curuous Avenue call God articles, will it be effective?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xueger is somewhat .

'Heart is clear, try it. '

Xiao Yuer took a deep breath.

In fact, the avenue called God, she had already booked, but the heart has been scared.

I am afraid to fail.

Xiao Xun closed his eyes and started to the heart.

At this time, a teenager suddenly came from afar.

"Knose, what are you doing?" The teenager asked far away.

Xiao Xurong opened his eyes, seeing the teenager, somewhat hesitated, smiled and said: "Didn't do what, Xiao Yan brother, how come you?"

She is not intended to tell the matter of the ancestors.

"Nothing, I will walk in Houshan." The young woman came over and barely smiled.

Xiao Yuer is silent.

She knows that in a few days, she also came to the days of testing.

In fact, don't have to test, she also knows that Xiao Yan is now fighting, not only does not increase, but it has been returned, knowing to stop.

I thought about it, Xiao Xunshi asked: "Xiao Yan brother, do you believe there is the kind of omnipotent god?"

"Well?" The teenager turned his head, and she looked at Xiao Xuan, curious: "Knose, how do you ask this?"


The teenager looked at the sky, is there a true God in this world?

As a villager, I have accepted the educational education, Xiao Yan didn't feel god.

Even after coming to this triumph, Xiao Yan believes that there is no god.

Even if you really have God, it is just a more powerful human beings.

As for omnipotent ...

Xiao Yan is moon laughter.

See Xiao Yan's smile, Xiao Xun is slightly frowning, there is no more.

Xiao Yan seems to be aware of, Shen Sheng said: "Knose, what should you have? You don't have to worry about me, I am fighting ... I can solve it! You can solve it This is a small problem, it is cheated! "

In the whole of the Xiaojia, in addition to his father, he is the best relationship with the lace.

At this moment, listening to Xiao Xue, Xiao Yan thought is sensitive, naturally it is aware of the problem, because of his own cultivation, listening to some gods.

Xiao Yuer is slightly, and the heart is sighing. Xiao Yan brother is still too large, and it is observed.

"Not a god stick." Xiao Xun said seriously, "It is true God. Xiao Yan brother, perhaps, I found a way to help you re-cultivate."

Since Xiao Yan's brother has been noticeable, Xiao Xun does not intend to conceal.

Xiao Yan heard his face without any smile, just acknowledging: "Is it? That, what is the requirements of that god? You or me, what is it? We can don't have much."

"Don't want money." Xiao Xun shook his head, "no need to pay."

Xiao Yan's face changed, looked at Xiao Xun, sighed: "Sarace, are you stupid? How can you have such a good thing in the world? I don't know how many people have seen it ... Which one does not want money? There is no free lunch in the world ... he must have a picture! Knose, you can make someone else. "

Xiao Xueger thought about it, in fact, Xiao Yan's brother said.

Just ...

"It's not what you don't need to pay ..." Xiao Xun thought about it, "For God, what is money, is not very good? Yes, you told me some stories when you were young. They will build temples in everything. The mortal will give the temple to give incense, pray for wish. The God of the Tianship, is dedicated to the incense, will protect the mortal party peace, complete their wish. "

Xiao Yan Zhang Zhang Zhang, this is a mythical story of the earth, how can it be true?

Besides, this is a mortal continent, where is the heavens and gods?

Although I don't know how the top of this continent is, even if it is weak than those myths, I can't weaken too much?

Not a world, how can it be compared?

Xiao Yan knows that Xiao Yuer is afraid of a ghost.

"The sky is a heaven, where is all between all. That's just a story. I said this world, there is no such god."

Xiao Yan explained, "If you want to say God, the legendary fighting emperor may be God."

"No." Xiao Xun shook his head, "I don't know how much I don't know, but the god is definitely more than the power of the emperor too much ... For us, he is your story. "

Xiao Yan was silent.

'That god stick seems to have a bit of skill, no, I can't let the lace are so deceived. 'He is.

"Anyway, you don't worry, don't say what God, anyway, I will not believe it."

Xiao Yan said.

Anyway, as long as you don't accept it, the lace will be cheated.

"Xiao Yan brother ..."

Xiao Xun is a bit helpless. After you want to wait for the prolidations, you will see that the ancestors will come. Say later.

Today, Xiao Yan brother does not believe in the roots. If the ancestors know, naturally it is impossible to fall, let alone the brother of Xiao Yan.

He is not devout, how can the ancestors help him?

What is the use of your own devout.

Xiao Xun is somewhat distracted.

I have already planned it ...

'It seems to have more time to wait. 'Xiao Yuer's heart.

In this way, Xiao Xun is only able to continue to have potential chat groups.

Until I saw the second video of the year to 10,000 years.

Xiao Xuri is tattoo.

'Playing the ordinary livestock to become a beast, turn the gift jade into a pertiance. '

For Xiao Yan's brother, help him restore cultivation, it is possible to blow out.

Xiao Xuner heart jump.

It is necessary to fight for a gas, this is not delay.

With Xiao Yan's brother's talent, as long as he can restore cultivation, catch up with it.

So, Xiao Yuer found Xiao Yan again.

"Knose, do you have to say God?"

Xiao Yan seems to have some expectations. He will show a few confident smiles on his face.

Said, Xiao Yan hit a slight movement, and a punch hit on the big tree in front.


The big tree trembled.

Although it is difficult to feel the fluctuation of the fighter, Xiao Yuer is able to feel it, it seems that Xiao Yan brother has improved?

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