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Is it in this way, is it in this way?

Wang Feng laughed, but it is estimated to play with the feelings of these guys.

"Master, you see, they want to sacrifice!"

Yan Meng also pointed to the picture.


Wang Feng took the picture.

Sure enough, after the emperor returned to the place, the crowd came to the place where everyone came to the sacrifice.

The places they live are very simple, they are small caves with simple stone.

But the place of sacrifice, but it is built.

Eight sides have a plum-clear jade column, ten meters high, I don't know what material.

But for these people living in the cave, it must be extremely precious.

The central office, standing up with a statue, Wang Feng looked at it and found that it is really a look.

But the engraving is very general, even the three points of idylosis are not engraved.

At this moment, the man cut the head of the beast and put below the statue to show its precious.

Wang Feng finished the sacrifice.

In fact, it is not complicated. For these newborn people, the process is very simple, but it is particularly solemn.

In addition to the beast in the sacrifice, there are many items they collect, and they will be used as a sacrifice.

"The sacrifice, I first helped the master, you received ..."

Yan Meng said.

A spiritual force of a very pure belief, aggregating from each of them, gathers in the statue.

"The power of good beliefs ..." Wang Feng low voice.

"Of course, you are their father and god. In their hearts, born, you are the greatest existence. And they are still in the foreigner."

Yan Meng said, "Although the power of faith is weak, it is very pure."

Wang Feng lamented, gently waved, first injecting those beliefs into chaotic green lotus.

When the power of these beliefs has been increased, it intercepts one tenth, and changes through the power of the origin, the power is processed, and the rich heaven and earth energy is injected into the statue.

Next moment, after the ceremony was finished.

The statue is shining, emitting a burst of energy rain.

Falling into every humanity.

Wash them, fix them.

At the same time, Wang Feng will change the power of the belief from Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue, and pass through the power of the source.

Injects the two people around the people.

These two people are the left and right arms of the royal, and they are the process of hunting, they are helping people to kill the beast.

In an instant, I saw that these two people's breath immediately produced a dramatic change.

"Hey, the owner, you just do ..." ""

Two dazzling rays rose from both people.

"Sure enough," Wang Feng smiled slightly, "said the power of these people's beliefs. After the labor processing, it can enhance the qualifications of these people I created. Even some powerful features."

"In the ancient system of the universe, this is in fact, which is correct to cultivate the gods, the most special and powerful ways. But now the life of the universe, in order to pursue speed, most choice directly will directly The son of life, developing into their own spiritual nuts. I ignored it to create life, because this time consuming time and energy ... and their beliefs are not enough. "

In the history of the universe of the Gods.

This method that has been eliminated is really a big defect relative to now.

With the power of beliefs from the son of Tianzi, they can give themselves to create life, and they can improve the qualifications of these lives.

The reason for being eliminated, the most important one is that the sexual price is very low.

According to the universe information from the Shenxintang, at least one hundred people who have a belief in the child, can improve the qualifications of life.

Therefore, the god of modern God is universe, thinking that this method is too old.

Although the life you created, it is extremely powerful, and even doesn't even need God's imprint, even if you are dead.

These lives created are still very powerful, and will not die as God, and the potential is endless.

However, the power of the belief in the child of life, but it is enough to let a god that has just opened the gods, and immediately promoted the fake god.

Under the pseudo god, it is a subtle god, and according to the size of the gods, and the number of homologous gods has ten levels.

Such a huge faith is only used to enhance the qualifications of God's life, it is too wasteful.

God created life refers to the life created by God.

Moreover, directly cultivating the child into its own spiritual nuts, and can also get life with this qualification.

Why do you want to create life, consume your strength and your own strength?

Although directly cultivating the son of life, it is necessary to leave God's imprint, so that the thoughts of these people will be cured, and they will die with God, but they do not hinder their strength.

Naturally, this way of cultivating the nuts is eliminated.

And this ancient law, in the universe of the god, is called the 'Shenfa Communication'.

'The power of my belief is useless, because I am not the system of the universe of the universe ... On the contrary, this ancient law is greatly beneficial to the ancestral world. Coupled with the increase in chaos, it means that I didn't get a sense of belief in the son of life, I can constantly improve their qualifications. '

From the vastness of the emperor, Wang Feng roughly believes that this ancient law that is eliminated by the universe of the universe is best for yourself.

It seems that it is true now.

If it is a bit more, it is like a passerby NPC, which is just a white-named passers-by, directly improved a special NPC, such as purple, red, etc., which has changed, which is extremely huge.

If it is in the universe of the Shenxiao, it is from the wilderness, directly upgraded to the Holy Products, and it will become a prospective family in the future.

This doesn't know how many grades are large and small. In the wilderness of the people, the classification of the universe of the Shenxia is divided into a large size of one hundred and eight. It is not just a name.

at the same time.

Along with the statue of his own statue, drop the miracle.

Every race is excited to cheer.

This is the miracle of the father and god, which is for them, this is the response of the father and god.

"The family has already embedded it."

Wang Feng smashed the chin, "Next, we must start to prepare the next round ... The ancestral can not only have a man ...

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