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Chapter 1758 is only ancestant!

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Everyone: "..."

Nima, you are the world.

I don't understand it.

Van leaves: "According to my analysis, the ancestors may be in the sense of rules, and the" Sheng Sheng, who directly obliterate, "

Yong Anang's buddy: "What does it mean in the sense of rules? Do not understand, explain?"

Van: "This explanation is very trouble ... Every world has its own rules. Do you know what to say? What he said is, this is the world rule, he wants to die, just need to say a sentence It's okay ... this is the meaning of true God! "

Everyone: "Oh ~!"

Ten thousand years old to the sky: "Where is Ye Xiao, I remember that you don't seem to be a cultivator ... how to know how? Is it also a hidden god?"

Van leaves: "Cough ... I just read more books ... Although I am not a god, this does not hinder me BB. Just test. Funny .jpg."

Everyone: "..."

Thausa Ancient Emperor: "I understand. No wonder, usually the strong depends on this side, all the earth-shattering ... These fights are all the top strong people in the mainland, no sound I have disappeared, this means is too much to imagine. May only have this kind of words you say ... I can understand a bit slightly. "

Yea: "But behind, I can't understand. After the fight, the special light shadow pattern that covers the whole horizon ... I feel more horrible, it is really difficult to speculate. The ancestors seem to have a special force, Break it ... Is that the strong of your world? "

Thausa Guardian: "No, no. We are the strongest here to fight emperor, although there are already many years without fighting emperor. But the emperor can not reach that level. That light shadow should be super off The strong people in our world are the behind-the-scenes of the evil persons. "

The gods of the universe are too far away from them.

Naturally, it is difficult to know.

Don't say it, I don't want to get it.

Wang Feng shook his head, did not insert it.

Let them talk.

"Hey, where is Cao Cao?" Wang Feng looked at it.

I found that the people in the world were not negligible, and it didn't speak.

This is not too bad.

Wang Feng actually has a heart that induces Cao Cao.

But the level of the song is too weak, and even the power of beliefs.

Therefore, Wang Feng did not come to Cao Cao's world.

It can't produce the power of faith, meaning that Cao Cao does not need to meet him, and there is no sacrifice.

Wang Feng naturally will come casually.

Although Wang Feng did not directly use the skills of the Shen Li, the group of friends directly became their own believers.

But sincerely still need.

Wang Feng is not anxious.

"Hey, 'Ghost' has joined the chat group."

In the chat group, a voice sounded.

Van leaves: "There is a newcomer! Ghost, this name is not good!"

Yong Anang's buddy: "Hey, how to take this name to yourself ... Newcomers, speed explosion, home production? Where is the world?"


In the chat group, a silence.

Newcomers don't seem to answer.

It seems to be silent than before Wang Feng.

"Ghost ..." Wang Feng slightly, this name.

He knows.

Isn't it the protagonist of the world?


"Yan Qingzi is coming, it seems to be what I know ... even my heart." Wang Feng smiled.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly moved: "Is Cao Cao seem to have reacted? Since so, it seems to be difficult ..."

A strong call, passing to Wang Feng's heart.


Three Kingdoms World.


On the sky, a sudden huge, falling from the sky.

The following is the surf of the red wall!

A first-war boat is linked to each other, and the well is in an orderly driving of the river.

"what is that?"

Cao Cao on the main ship is looking at the giant, and it is .

The face next to the face changed, "the prime minister, the big palm is covered ..."

That giant is like a sky.

It has completely transcend pure martial arts grade.

Even the most powerful war god of the past, I can cut off half of the chibi, but I can't show such a huge giant.

Cover him hundreds of thousands of troops.

And, on the big palm, it is covered!

Cao Cao pupil is shrinking.

"That is the sun's real fire! It is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Cao Cao is full of horror, "this is not there such as Zhuge Liang to show it!"

However, the voice falls, that huge palm has also fallen.

Almost no time to react to Cao Cao.


In an instant, the entire Chibi Dajiang pays a lot of evaporation, and there is an endless vapor.

Tens of thousands of troops, including the warship, almost in this moment, was destroyed!

The picture is shocking, almost let Cao Cao is stupid.

Just only have some martial arts to repair the general general, barely survive.

Fire is over!

How can I burn an unsuccessful sun? It is enough to burn everything.

The burning of hundreds of feet high sun refangies are not to be able to bear these battles of Cao Cao.

", withdraw!"

, immediately put Cao Cao together with other martial arts.

At this time, countless roads, from all sides.

"Cao Mende, you must be buried here today!"

"Cao Cao, this red cliff is your dog thief's home!


In the air, there are countless roads in the steam, and there are countless roads.

The horse is not riding at their feet, but drives water.

Very special.

Among them, there is still a very good breath, let Cao Cao's martial commander is cold.

Just now, the sky is abrupt, and the palm will lead Cao Cao as a few hundred thousand elite army, almost destroyed.

Today, the soldiers of Sun Liu, who come, the scene, is obviously knowing!

After Cao Cao retired, he stared at these guys. If you didn't come over, you didn't have a sweet throat, and you almost vomited directly.

'This is definitely not our power of our world! Mix! '

Cao Cao's heart is calm, 'is definitely that Sun Liu two is jointly ... Wait, I will see ...'

Cao Cao swept.

I found that the soldiers of this Sun Liu didn't seem to have come ... The rest didn't have.

'No, I can't defeat here ...'

Cao Cao returned to God, suddenly changing the changing.

If so before, he feels that he may explain.

But after joining the chat group, there is a lot of knowledge.

It can still be awake.

Cao Cao looked at the face of the face of the face of the face, and the eyes were gradually determined.

He is deeply sucking, "The ancestors, only the ancestors can help me escape the land of ten deaths!"

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