Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1769 Zhang Zhixu

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Wang Feng did not say something to the dream.

In the world of immortals, baby is really a lot.

Perhaps, those treasures are not what is it.

However, after the increase of chaotic green lotus, it has a great helpful for the ancestral world.

"Now the special terrain landform of the ancestral world is too small, although there is already life, but it is still a space."

Basically most of them are mountains and rivers.

There is no kind of colorful fruit, and there are few resources.

Resources This kind of thing, if it is from normal scientific perspective, it is necessary to bring together the accumulation of the moon for a long time.

For example, basic mineral resources.

In the era of flooding, this resource is estimated to be less.

The minerals that were previously dug before the East, so towering mountain peaks, that is, then.

The resource is rare.

However, the world of Zhu Xian, the background is quite similar to the ridiculous era, and the resources over there are accumulated by a certain era.

After the increase of chaotic green lotus, it can increase to the intensity of the ancestral world to use life in the ancestral life.

The resources of the world of , is relatively backward.

"Don't say anything else, you are still good, it is good."

Wang Feng stalls, five light gold, like a wing-like paper, presented in front of him.

This is the heavenly book of the world.

In that world, the heavens and earth concepts contained in this day have born three of the Buddha.

To a certain extent, it belongs to the source of Wanfa.

Because of the three founders of the Buddha, the practice of cultivation is from this day.

Of course, in the perspective of Wang Feng, this is a quite powerful fairy law.

It belongs to the world of Zhu Xian, but has never appeared, but there is indeed the method of cultivation of another fairyland.

In the world, there is a flying.

It means that the cultivar in the Zhu Xian world will eventually enter another world.

And in fact.

In the resurrection of Baguio, when the world's heaven is turned to thunder, Wang Feng is induced.

The world is indeed there in this world.

No accident, it should be a big world.

Fairy civilizations belonging to the Er.

It is natural to control the immortal living in the world.

For Xian Dao civilization, how can the reincarnation of the world? How can I be changed?

Naturally, it is not allowed.

It's just that Wang Feng is afraid of it, and the smoke is disappeared.

For that world, you want to learn the difficulty of faith, you can not be so easy.

The top power of the fairy civilization is also able to touch the existence of the universe-level life.

And this existence is hard to believe in other gods.

Unless the set of the universe of the universe, use brute force to conquer, leaving Shen Li, give strength.

It's like the death god, in the super god universe, turn Karl into a nationality.

Of course, for Wang Feng, as long as it takes some time, don't use it, you can also cultivate believers.

However, the most lack of time is time.

Besides, there is a increase in chaotic green lotus, Wang Feng does not need to spend so much time to cultivate believers.

Unless, the luck is good, there is a very weak person.

such as…

Ye Fan.

Waiting for Ye Fan to pull the nail, enter the east world, endless resources, and count.

Ye Fan as long as it can offer two different sorrows, after the increase in chaotic green lotus, then the benefits do not dare to imagine.

"This day, the scriptures are a common law." Wei Meng thought about it. "What is it? It's better to fire."

"No." Wang Feng smashed the head, "this day, five volumes belong to the law of cultivation, many of them, very suitable for the new people. Just, the present family, the birth of different students with different characteristics system."

"So, this day is five volumes, I will modify it in the ancestral capital, and it can form a complete cultivation system. At least, suitable for the present."

Today, the people, empty, but the law of cultivation, but it is .

If this is developed, the three special people's spirit will be given to the power of beliefs, which can be exposed to higher levels.

But in fact, the law of cultivation is very lacking.

Wang Feng himself reresses a set with Hongmeng's home, and it takes a lot of time.

But now there is ready-made, basically no time.

Wang Feng only needs the model and many data of the ancestral, and the various data of the advanced family.

In the main source of Hongmeng, as a data foundation, in the five volumes of this day, we can promote a complete system.

Moreover, because it is the method of enlightenment, the ancestral people can open up other cultivation on this basis.

It can quickly reach a hundred flowers, the extent of the strong generation.

Even the law of this enlightenment, the monsters who have just been awake now, itself has a more powerful monsters, and has a great impact.

"As for this stick, the role is relatively, there is a lot of small ..."

Wang Feng Shen said, "This stick, it is bonded by the two kinds of Tianwei Diomao of the Zhu Xian world ... There is no effect at all ... Waiting for the chaotic green lotus, waiting for the next sacrifice, Give him. "

"Ghost is a child of the world, now Bagui wakes up, but his way, it will not stop. Take him, is the right road."

After the action, Wang Feng set up the plan, immediately implement it.

First, the five volumes of this day are adapted first.

The concept of this five volumes is derived from the three cultural concepts of the Buddha.

Based on this, Wang Feng was carrying out, and joined the special Shenxiao, Suon Road, Ling Dynasty, Yinyang Road, the life concept of the monster road.

Because of this rest, it is a nine reincarnation of Wang Feng will open, and the life race of the ancestral world.

So, the book is five volumes, it has been strengthened to become a nine volumes.

Every volume contains the concept of life that does not understand, and the universe is mystery, directly ultra-off the concept of the basic rules of the world.

Hierarchy to the universe.

The name, also from the five volumes of the book, becomes the nine volumes of the Zhuba.

"Will you have a nine volumes below, below the ancestral world."

Wang Feng slowly.

"Good master."

The gift of the ancestors, for the whole ancestral.


The sky is above the country.

The hills with the homogeneous hills rose from the ground.

It is located in the nine different orientations of the ancestral world.

"what is that?"

At this time, the central office of the tribe of the raft.

The emperor looked at the distance, and suddenly he hit, almost straight huge stone columns.

These wonders have not been seen at all in his hundreds of years of experience.

"He, the statue of the ancestors glows!"

At this time, a man with a Junwu, who was loud of his man.

The man is burly, the body is like a giant, and the two-day town is stunned to surprise.

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