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Chapter 1772, the right track, four spirits

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"You have no feelings, basically it is impossible to be right with me. Um ... how to say, the two parties think that I am a person, it is, I'm doing it. Continue to surrend me to me ... "

"Hey, how lonely is invincible ..."

I didn't think that I didn't think of it, I am very surprised.

The forces of the three-party hegemony, according to the reason, only a war is not enough to set anyone who is the owner of the whole world.

I am afraid that it is delayed and may be delayed for more than ten years.

Especially the other two-part forces are in a joint state, and a key war is lost, and it is impossible to distue the analysis so quickly.

Not don't say surrendering.

However, after listening to the latter, it understood.


Look at the video that day.

The two armies fight.

This has won.

As a party, one party is resurrected.

This is so great, even these resurrected warriors, and there is not much difference, but the other party has no battle.

too frightening.

Even in the future, even if it is a powerful planning and strength, I will take this: if the other party is resurrected, how to fight?

Can't play.

But just fearless struggle.

The army has no morale, the leader is not a heart.

That, only surrendered.

As long as the ancestors have a gold medal, they have been behind them.

Even if the ancestors are no longer coming, they are deterrent.

This invisible boost, influence is even greater.

Wang Feng saw Cao Cao's words, just laughed.

In fact, because Cao Cao's world, itself and the three countries in history have a large way.

Moreover, the trajectory is not the same.

Even if there is no help, if it is in accordance with normal progress, Cao Cao may not lose in Chibi.

Because the three countries of China and Gaowu, many of them are useless, and the power of force is too much.

Just because of that world, it is clear because of the more special, attracted other gods, so that Cao Cao has been defeated.

The god wants to use the sun to refine the fire, defeat Cao Cao's life, and then do three people in the uniformity of Liu Sun Cao.

Unfortunately, because of the reasons of chat group, Wang Feng intervened.

Destroy the wishful abacus.

"Cao Cao has also entered the formal ... but the miracle is still to be lowered ..." Wang Feng thought about it, "As for what I gave, the martialillow of the three countries of China, the potential is still very big ... Although there is no need Collect your own believers, but they have the power of the beliefs, not with us. I am afraid that it is better than the life of the world, and the power of these beliefs will have a group of special ancestral creatures after chaotic Qinglian. "

The progress of several worlds has made Wang Feng quite gratified.

According to this progress, when the next time they sacrifice, the power of faith can increase a large wave.

There is no need to establish a third round of reincarnation.

"I don't know how the ghost is ..."

Just as Wang Feng wants, suddenly I feel a special call from the ghost, "Materation? What is this ghost?"



Fox Mountain, Ghost King Zong.

Mountain abdomen.

Rolling blood is like a cloud smoke in the cave.

, !

In front, in a blood pond, wear the sound of the eardrum.

Sique and evil power, in the blood pool.

The blood pool is empty, and an old Zhong Ding exudes a pure and peaceful fairy.

It seems that the treasure of the fairy, especially on the whole, and there is a lot of shares of the Qi Xiangrui.

With the blood pool below, a very large contrast is formed.

In the blood pool, the four huge beasts were dying.

These four-headed beasts are all in the ancient gods or be beasts, and they have the ability to turn the sky.

, , yellow bird, black water mysterious snake.

It is the world, there is a strong spirit.

However, at this moment, it is imprisoned here, and it is unable to .

A middle-aged man who can swallow the Mountain River is standing on the edge of the blood pool and looks faintly.

Next to him, there is a mysterious man with a whole body.

"The four spirits have been completed, next. Just wait for a good opportunity, the main owner can control the power of this chaotic, open the land, open the door of Shura, and hold the neighborhood, under this world, this world, will not be your opponent "

The mysterious people are hoarse.

The middle-aged man faces a vibrant arc.

Like laugh.

At this time, a portrait came from the outside.


The middle-aged man suddenly turned around, looked at people, slightly frowned, "Ghost? Is it you? Without my order, who allows you to come here?"

Some surprised in the eyes of middle age men seems to be surprised to die.

"Ghostwear, I don't know if you are doing some people ..." Ghost slowly, "I don't know what the blood pool is, but I have already perceived a bit, this is not a good thing. What is your purpose? ,I see."

"What do you mean?" Middle-aged man faint, "I can leave here, I can do it without everything."

The ghosts shook their heads: "Ghostwear, this blood supply is extremely evil power, you want to use this blood pool to get more powerful power. Can you think about it, can you control this power?"

The middle-aged man looks gloomy looks at the ghost: "I will say it again, leave here, I can do anything, I can't, do you want to stop me?"

"No, I don't want to block." Ghost slowly, "I know, you want to get more powerful power. It is not just like a ghost, in order to let this heaven and earth under your feet. But ... You want to destroy the world, and revenge for Baguio. "

"Hahaha ..." Middle-aged man laughed, and his eyes gradually looked at the ghost. "You think that you know me very well?"

I don't talk.

The mysterious person with a black robes did not speak.

Just under the black robe, the eyes are like a little smile.

"I don't know, but some people know." Ghost slowly.

After finishing, a light footsteps sounded in this cave.

Beingbell ~!

A crisp bell, long echo.

In an instant, the middle-aged man seems to be hit by Tianlei, and the whole person stays on the spot.

It is the mysterious person next to it, and the breathing seems to be stagnant.


Middle-aged man looked at the green figure, lost God, "How is this possible?"

My daughter, I have died for many years, and she only has a mission, and there is basically no possible possible.

If this is, his heart is not so hatred.

However, there is a living appearing in front of yourself.


Bagui whispered, "It's me, I am back."

She walked to the middle-aged man and gently hugged.

"Ghostwear, whether it is a real person, you can see clearly ... people die, it is impossible to rehabilitate, this is the power of violating the heavens and the earth." The mysterious people are hoarse, "is never possible!"

The ghost smile on the side.

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