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Today, it is not a problem.

Ten thousand years old: "Thank you, what needs it later, even though!"

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: "Hey, 10,000 years, why don't you ask our cultivation cheats in this world?"

Borrowing ten thousand years old: "Your world is fighting, there is no relationship with me, I'm not reliable. Moreover, this star is the ancestral gift, what kind of fighting The heart method is cultivated, and it is quieted. "

Thausa Ancient Emperor: "What does it mean? Are you can't afford to fight? Hey, wait for me to become the emperor, broken the empty, I will apply to the ancestors, go to your world, will be a good one Fan! "

Ten thousand years old: "Hahaha ... I am waiting."

The ghost laughed.

The world of 10,000 years is indeed similar to his world.

It is a slightly similarity of mortal civilization.

This 10,000 years, it is also very advocated to Xian Dao, so you want to find a suitable force to cultivate the stars from your own cultivation.

And the world of Thausa, the world, the difference is very different, apparently 10,000 years.

It is not a despite.

To put it, the most curious, or the world where the leaves are located.

He just looked at the video.

It is obviously a future world that is not immortal, but there is a Kowloon to pull the cater, pull the group of friends into the universe.

The mysteriousness is really mysterious, and it is unlimited.

At this time, Ye Fan can not think about it.

Because he is running with a group of students in a group of students.

Behind, as a shadow of the abyss, just like a hand, running toward them.

He is at the Taishan and the classmates, and he was pulled by the Kowloon to this mysterious zone.

Then in this mysterious zone, I found an ancient temple that won many treasures from the ancient temple.

Because of the ancestors tips, he got a few special Buddha's ancient treasures.

It is precisely because of these Buddhist ancient treasures to live to date.

In the shadow behind, a huge beast, if you have a shadow.

Ye Fan speculates that the giant beast is a crocodator according to the many ancient books you know.

It is the evil magic of the ancient Buddha's suppression. Now because of the cause of the ancient temple disappears, he is born.

"If we take away those Buddha Games, this monster will not be saved ..."

Ye Fan sighed.

This world is causing, a drink, it is difficult to count.

After a few interest, several students who didn't get ancient treasures were swallowed by the shadow.

See this, Ye Fan bites his teeth.

If you are yourself at this time, the proclaming will call God, and the ancestors will come?

After he looked at the perspective, he was the place where the Kowloon was coming.

Perhaps, when I returned to that, I passed the five-color altar, I can activate the Kowloon from the new, bring them to other places, escape this place.

But the road must not be less casualties.

"But the ancient treasures of these Buddha do it. Although these students are generally in general, I am not obliged to save them ... but ..."

Ye Fan looked at the bronze ancient light in his hand.

This is the Buddha, and since it gets this.

So Ye Fan believes that saving people will win a seven-level floating.

Otherwise, the Buddha gods are not possible to play a light in their own hands.

Think of this, Ye Fan is a step, stopped.

The rest of my classmates saw this.

"Ye Fan, what do you stop? Run run!"

A burly male boy next to Ye Fan shouted loudly.

"I don't want to run away."

Ye Fan shook his head, "I ran down, even if I finally ran to the location of our land, I couldn't have a few people."

The burly boys and poor laughed: "Ye Fan, I have served you. Do you still want to manage their death? A classmate, you have already given them some of your hands in your hands. It's hard to do this time you still want someone to block the ugly crocodile? Why didn't I find such a cow? "

Although I have finished saying, the burly boys also stopped. I walked toward Ye Fan.

And those students behind them have not stopped.

"Save them?"

Ye Fan shakes his head. "I want to block this crocodile, not to save them. But because of these Buddha Games ..."

Pubbo stunned, but immediately understood the idea of ​​Ye Fan.

They did not intend to get these Buddhist ancient treasures, so that the broken big thunder temple was ashes, causing this crowns.

This crocodation is natural to have a dense relationship with them.

"If we ran so, I don't know how many creatures, I will live because of this crocodile ..."

Ye Fan slowly, "If he is not re-sealing him, or the town is killed, these Buddha Gate Ancient Bao, I can't help with the heart."

"If you say this, you can rely on our strength ..." Pang Bo courage two channels, "Ye Fan, my spirit, I support your ideas, but reality ... but we are escaping now, wait until you have become stronger, have the opportunity to come again. Packed up this crocodile. Such a simple truth, should you understand than I? "

"Yes, if it is normal, I think so, but now ..." Ye Fan smiled slightly, "now has a chance. We can't clean up this crocodile, but there is one."

"Who?" Pang Bo saw it left and right.

The shadow in the distance is very close.

It may take only a few seconds to completely engrave them.

"You believe, is there a god?" Ye Fan low voice, "I used me, it is a completely unpopular person."

"I know, if I put it before, I didn't believe what God was." Pang Bo thought, "But now ..."

Ye Fan stepped forward, "Now, I don't believe it!"

The shadow will surround him.

In the shadow, the crocodation, such as the shadow, the crocodation of the sky, opened the blood, in the shadow, almost ignored the rays of the bronze ancient lamp.

Annesed toward Ye Fan.

The Pompobo heart is mad, blood is in this moment as if it is solidified.

He looked at Ye Fan on the side, but he could only see a glow, illuminated on Ye Fan's face.

next moment!

A light column, from Ye Fan, from Ye Fan.

The surrounding light shadow is shot, and it is like opened a door outside.

The light shadow of the west, exudes the door outside the day, exudes a long and majestic.

The world seems to be stationary at this moment.

Pang Bo suddenly took a breath.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Fan opened his eyes and looked at the side, excited, "the ancestors came! No, what is it?"

At this time, Ye Fan gods slightly.

The ancestors do not seem to come, only if there is no light shadow, let Ye Fan feel that it may be a ancestral.

But what is the door of the sky?

However, the next moment, Ye Fan saw it clear.

The Tianmen opened, a mysterious warrior of the mountains, from the door, from the door, emitting the trembling of the heavens and the earth, so as strong to the extreme killing breath ...

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