Check in from Douluo

Chapter 180 Multiple Applications of Xuan Ming Thorn (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The most fundamental reason is that Wang Feng possesses Meteor Tears... which can accelerate the absorption of soul power.Even in normal times, the body will automatically increase soul power, although the effect is very slow.

It takes years and months to see it.

So obviously everyone can’t do this completely

In the past two months, Wang Feng will still go to the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, or to fight in other soul hunting forests, looking for the three little guys.

Go back to the college two or three times a week.

There is to continue to exercise Xuan Ming thorn.

There are at least tens of thousands of Xuanming thorns on the Xuanming Armor. I thought that it would take a lot of time to control them all.

What's interesting is that Wang Feng discovered that if he controls Xuanming thorns, he can even form various weapons.

But this requires more sophisticated training.

For example, combining hundreds of Xuanming thorns to form a short spear, long sword, dagger, etc.

The power after the combination is also improved, the attack effect is still corrosive and super heavy.

Most importantly... it looks super cool.Wang Feng is not tired of this.

However, in order to achieve this, it really requires extremely large mental power, and still has subtle control over soul power. Even with Wang Feng’s ability at this time, he can barely manage to stab more than one hundred Xuan Ming thorns. Combine it into a dagger, but also disintegrate.

It is estimated that in a year or two, as the number of Xuanming thorns that can be controlled increases, the stronger the strength, the more obvious the control changes will be. It is unlikely that Xuanming Jia will change in a short time.

One day and night.

"Hey, Wang Feng didn't come back today."

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were lying on the bed in the dormitory. They were dressed slightly lightly. They seemed to be discussing matters at this time.

"Brother Feng is used to going out to exercise. It was like this when he was at Notting College."

Xiao Wu nodded, and pulled the quilt away a little bit, "Rongrong, do you miss him again? Hehe, your skin is so good, let me touch..."


Ning Rongrong hurriedly grabbed Xiao Wu's little hand, and touched her leg with his backhand, "Huh, who would miss him, I'm just afraid that our martial arts fusion skills are unfamiliar..."

"Rong Rong, do you want it to grow bigger there? Say, do you envy Zhu Qing?" Xiao Wu quickly patted Ning Rongrong's messy little hand, and said with a chuckle.

The fusion skills of Ning Rongrong and Wang Feng had the greatest effect, as if Ning Rongrong had become a Plus, equivalent to the appearance of his twenties.

It was naturally bigger there too, which was Ning Rongrong's favorite point.

"No!" Ning Rongrong wouldn't admit it, "I heard that Oscar and Wang Feng's martial arts fusion skill is burning flame sausage. Do you remember? The last time they tried it, the grilled sausage and fried chicken are delicious, it's almost It is a peerless delicacy. Not only that, it can also give us the double-amplification effect of grilled sausages, as well as super fire special effects, but also stimulate the potential in the body, allowing us to achieve a short-term strength explosion state..."

Listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Xiao Wu also felt suddenly hungry.

Burning Flame Sausage is the martial soul fusion skill of Wang Feng and Oscar. After use, it is a grilled sausage, which seems to be a peerless delicious.

Eating one can make people feel the refreshing and spicy sensation of the explosion of taste buds, and one can make everyone sweat profusely, even if they are Dean Flanders.The effect is also abnormal. The Burning Flame Sausage can make the soul master of the war burst out of strength, possess super-strong self-recovery ability, and his eyes are like fire breathing, without any pain, and will be in a state of extreme excitement.Seven Realms Novel Network

"I don't care if the strength is not strong, but the flamed sausage is really delicious..." Xiao Wu couldn't help swallowing.

Over the past two months, Wang Feng has also gradually tried to perform martial arts fusion skills with the others.

Not to mention, and Oscar is the most fun.

For the rest of the people, I haven't tried it out for the time being. It is estimated that they will need other forms.

"However, I feel Feng Ge and Zhu Qing's fusion skills are really cool."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "I felt like Zhuqing went down to the earth with the Huangdou team that day... and you, the goddess going down to the earth, are completely different experiences."

Ning Rongrong said weakly.

"Xiao Wu, do you think men like it?" Ning Rongrong touched his skin that Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing admired.

Her skin is the best of the three women.Compared to Zhu Zhuqing's figure, Xiao Wu's legs...this is her characteristic.

"Sure, you didn't look at the fat man. When you went out, the first glance was to look at those girls' breasts?"

Xiao Wu said happily, "However, my brother is different!"

"Then you can rub it for me, I heard that it gets bigger...or I can rub it for you too." Ning Rongrong said quietly.

"Oh, I don't want to... do something so big, you didn't hear Zhuqing complaining to us some time ago... saying it's too big, is training troublesome?"

Xiao Wu hurriedly covered her face with a quilt, "You want to find, your future husband will rub it for you...I don't want you to rub it."

"Hey... don't you rub it for me, do you rub it for Tang San?" Ning Rongrong laughed softly.

"Rongrong, you are dying, Tang San is my brother!" Xiao Wu's face immediately turned red, from her neck to her forehead, but soon she retorted, "Then you go and let Brother Feng rub you …"

The two of them simply killed a thousand enemies and harmed themselves eight hundred.

Ning Rongrong's face also blushed, his white and delicate skin immediately seemed to be congested, and his head seemed to be hot:

"You die Xiao Wu...I hate it, nonsense. I, Ning Rongrong, let those stinky men rub...Speaking of which, I envy you very much. Didn't you see that Tang San was in the Star Dou Great Forest last time for you I don’t know what it looks like. You can see how important he takes you to. I don’t know when I will meet such a boy."

Probably girls will long for a boy who can throw his blood on himself?

"Sooner or later, I will meet you." Xiao Wu said blushing, "I am brother's relatives, of course he will do this... it's the same for me. I believe that Feng Brother is the same. You are so beautiful and so many people. Chase... There must be a lot of boys like this, but you didn't find it."

"It's not the same. I am the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School... Many people chase me, and beauty is only part of it and more because of my identity."

Ning Rongrong shook her head, she knew very well, "But we are still young, and we have a lot of feelings, we can't tell ourselves..."

"The same is true for Zhuqing, she talks very little, but I can feel that she is also under a lot of pressure... This kind of pressure makes her not want to involve other people. Even if the relationship between the seven of us is so good, she also wants us to know about About her, only she herself is willing to say..."

Xiao Wu nodded, she could feel it too.

In the dormitory, two girls' low-pitched conversation came slowly:

"...Go to sleep, hee hee, brother said, Brother Feng will be back tomorrow, and brother just happened to hold a few good things for us...after all, we seem to be leaving tomorrow..."

"Really, really, that's great? Oh, I...I'm just curious about what Tang San will other meaning."

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