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Dark devil.

"Through the things, this is the case."

Wang Feng looked at the Red Fox Journey in front of him.

After returning from the gods, Wang Feng came directly to the dark devil world, then found , let her contact the red fox.

"The god of the Kro God, dealing with you in a god domain?"

Red Lao Huhuang Pensive Meditation, "There is also three? It seems that the universe is really not given to these indigenous people. Still playing this means?"

Said, Red Lao Huang smiled.

"Although our indigenous God is not counting, since God war has been fixed, even the holy roll war book is."

The Red Fox Emperor is jumping with a firework. "If you die in the god battle, even if you can't say ... you can play this kind of means before God's battle, not only fail, but also found. That It is also very losing that we have these indigenous people. "

"What do you mean by this?" Wang Feng has some speechless, "I think that I don't win,"

Red Lao Huang did not speak, just looked at him.

"Anyway this time, I understand."

Wang Feng shrugged, "Your indigenous God has some status in the universe of God. Otherwise, the Shenxiao's universe will not want to win this God battle. The three gods of the Kro Shenmai shot me The upper layer of the universe will not know. "

"Even the Donghuang Shen is not known. But it is still allowed to do this. Their purpose does not kill me, just to weaken my strength. White, I still want to have a victory in God's war."

"Then pass my failure of this indigenous God, you can righteous words, you can return you of these indigenous days into the system of God's universe."

Wang Feng pinched the chin, quite a bit of interesting look at Red Lord: "I have never thought of it, there is this relationship. So, you think I think I will reveal the situation and news of the Shenxian universe, it should be Is it allowed? Does your indigenous God have a common group in the Gods Universe? "

The Red Fox is silent.

Indigenous Gods is really a group in the Shenxian universe.

Not alone.

If it is one one.

For example, she is afraid of the gods of the gods, and she has been caught by the slag that the universe of the Shenxia is.

"Waiting for you to win again." Red the gods shake his head, "said these, there is no meaning."

Wang Feng is nearly a few points, walking into the front of the Red Fox.

A huge momentum slowly distributed from Wang Feng.

Red gods were .

At this time, she falls in the shape of the road.

But I can feel that Wang Feng is emitting an extremely powerful energy.

"Is there any meaning?" Wang Feng looked at the red fox emperor in front of him, "What is meaningful? You will be lie to me, is it meaningful?"

The Red Fox Huang hooded a faint vain.

Although her form is a human appearance, there is a fox tail of nine things behind.

From the vain from the hazy shadow, her posture and posture has perfect arc and temperament.

Moreover, there is also a holy and uncomfortable , that is because of the unique atmosphere formed by the universe.

However, under this situation, the Red Lao Huhuang also can't help but take a few steps, it seems that the momentum of Wang Feng is afraid.

The redness of the Red Fox is secretly surprised, and the speed of this guy is too fast!

When I saw him for the first time, I was still in the Red Rose ...

After a long time, this guy can already take yourself.

There is also what he just said, the gods of the three Croos God, lure him to the gods to deal with him.

He is now returning, and there is no process.

But it is conceivable that the three gods of the Croosian gods, the strength is absolutely weak, at least is the level of God.

Still in the gods of the other party, he can come back safely, meaning that the three gods are not his opponent.

'This guy really is a monster! 'Red God is in the heart,' is also right, it is the heritage of the source, carrying the will of the universe ... '

"Wang Feng, don't you say that you don't mind this matter?" Yan Qing saw that there were sudden tattles of the two, or he said.

Wang Feng snorted, said: "The man said the ghost, you also believe in before them, I will not mind this, I will only support them. This doesn't mean, I will not in front of them. Don't mind. Red you don't know what your mind is, do you think I don't know? "

"Do you know what?" Red the gods of the gods were weak, faint.

"Can you still do it?" Wang Feng slowly said, "Nothing is not for your dinner. Your yin and yang will be disabled, causing your family to be cursed. You want to fix this yin and yang, but want to repair This will ... "

Speaking of this, Wang Fenglon suddenly.

Red stare at him sharply.

"The key is the main source of Yin and Yang's will, which is the source of Yin and Yang." Wang Feng is not afraid to look at the Red Fox Emperor, "From you to gain Yin Yang Gang, you will start, you want to use me, to repair This yin and yang will. Although I don't know how to fix it. But I must not leave this. "

"It is also necessary to discover all my red ink yourself, inseparable from you."

Wang Feng also said: "We are still aligned now. If you dare to encourage the next time you still dare to encourage, I don't want to blame me."

When I said, Wang Feng disappeared in the same place.

There is only a silence of the Red Fox.

After Wang Feng left, after a while.

"You see, I said ..." Yan Qing didn't have a slow opening. "I am all the way to grow up, I am very clear about his temper. You do this, will definitely cause his dissatisfaction. And I have never seen him. If you want to use him, it may be very troublesome. "

Red Lao Huang still does not speak.

"However, I can see it, he is still full of goodwill." Yan Qing said, "You have helped him a few times, he also knows. Just your means, too radical."

"Not I want to be radical, but not waiting for me." Red gods shook his head gently.

Yan Qingzhen seems to think about what, and also shook his head.


the other side.

Chat groups.

"Hey, 'Li Fei Yu' has been added to group chat."

"Hey, 'Nan Xuan Xianzun' has joined group chat."

When the prompt sounds.

There will be many welcome sounds in the chat group.

Thausa Ancient Emperor: "Wow, there is a newcomer into the group! Everyone, hurry out! Newcomers! You all introduced it? Our information, there are group announcements!"

Van Lee: "Xianzun? This name is a bit strong? It is difficult to do, it is a big ? @ ?"

Ten thousand years old: "Newcomers generally don't speak. According to my experience, the big capital will be swing for a while, then wait for the understanding of the understanding. You said yes! @ Will? "

Ghost: "Amount ... Generally, there is more strange voice in sudden brain, it is personal, you will be vigilant ... Juji .jpg."

The world is not neglighted: "That is not, when we just added it in the group. As a small child, the little man was most relieved, chasing us asked the West, let me be embarrassed , Can only fool a few words ... "

Van: "By, you are two, I said that I felt that you were not right, a lie to me said it is a dying old man, a lie to me, it is a good color. Hoisting, special, a whole Qin The Emperor of the Empire, one is the Xiongxiong in the horizons. Angry .jpg. "

"However, your identity is actually I have been broken by me. Smirked .jpg."

Ten thousand years old to God: "..."

The people in the world are unable to lose me: "..."

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: "Laughter .jpg."


at the same time.

Water blue star of the universe, a city.

A face-clear teenager, looking at the river.

"Chat group? Interesting, Daxie Empire's elderly? Jiongxiong in the world? Thaizen Ancient Emperor ... What is it?"

The boy is smiling, it seems very interesting.

"I didn't expect that the South Xuanxian Zun, who was in front of the universe, reborn here, actually added a chat group?"

The teenager laughed, "It seems that people who seem to have some other world are all pulled into this chat group ... There is such means, in the universe of the universe, no more people ... Enter the group ... This needs to carry the cause industry, not small ... "

This group is also a person.

"It's also, you will see what they talk ..."

A young woman smiled and looked at the chat group.

However, the more look, the smile on the face, gradually disappears.

The more frown, the deeper the brow.

I seem to see some view.

Teenagers breathing slightly.


Juveniles stared, "crown to name, in my past, God died in my hands, I don't know how much ... this ancestors seem to be a little different."

"The sputum is the first life, I can do it ... but can be so easy, and can turn this huge energy to the huge energy, injecting a world, make it easy ... Biographical room ... This means, it is true. "

"Avenue calls ... believers ... Belief ... This kind of god, should not have this kind of strength to ..." The teenager muttered, "I encountered a lot of this kind of experience, I'm going to learn the world, I am willing. Strong, but they don't have this powerful ability ... "

"what is this?"

The young eyes suddenly slammed.

At this time, I saw which ancestors who appeared, it seems to come to the world where the Thaizhen Anterius is located.

The ray of the rain in the sky is like a shock, a shower, a shower.

Others in the group, don't understand this scene.

On the contrary, they can pinch the stars sun to the ancestors, and the livestock is god, and they are shocked by the artifacts.

However, teenage only saw this scene and shocked.

"That is ... God of God? It is the god of the universe ..."

The teenager slammed a sigh of relief. "In the universe in my past, the Master has been taken away by a god that claims to come from the universe from the Shenxia. The gods have rely on what I know with me. The strong people of the soul belong are very different ... that light shadow, definitely a sense of gods with the gods ... It is just that he is killed? "

Other people in the group don't understand this.

But the teenager is known.

Because he is reborn now, its root is here.

"At that time, the Master was taken away by the god, I wanted to force blocking, but I haven't seen the gods, and I was defeated by him. Thousands of years For the Torch ... "

The teenager bite his teeth, and the eyes burned a few disturbed flames.

"I didn't expect that I not only reborn, I also added this chat group ... this ancestors ... seems to be a strong outrageous ... He can easily destroy God's god of the universe ... Means he must have the ability to break the boundary ..."

The juvenile face has hooked a bruise, "Now I am born back to the blue star, this world, I must reach the high! Find the god of the people who take the teacher!"


Chat groups.

Thausa Guardi: "Oh, all downloaded the video. Newcomers don't talk! Regret .jpg."

Van leaves: "Don't worry, let the new people brew! The glory of the ancestors will soon make them a bad!"

Li Fei Yu: "All, my name is Li Fei Yu, from a Putu-Tong's cultivation world, is a Puchong's cultivator. I just learned about it, probably and @ Please take care of me."

Ghost: "The mid-the-way people? In the future we can exchange more."

Li Fei Yu: "Don't dare not dare, you should be the existence of the big level ... I can only ask you to ask."

Mortal cultivation of fairy world.

Huang Fenggu.

Han Li feels many news in chat groups, caught in meditation.

Chat group.

All World Ten World.


This is to use the knowledge to communicate, it seems that it is not possible to pass or share it to others?

"The people in the group seem to be very powerful ..." Han Li's heart thinking, "this ghost also comes from the cultivation of the world ... see the information, there is no detailed realm, it must not be simple ... But what is the ancestimate? character?"

He downloaded several videos, but did not watch in your mind.

I thought about it, Han Li asked:

"All the people, the younger brother came to see, I don't know if this ancestors are people? These videos don't seem to be related to him?"

When I heard this, I was quiet for a while.

Van Lee: "Newcomers are good, don't know anything. What is the ancestors, now I am listening to you, you are estimated that there is not much. You just know, it is an inexpensive, you can't, the super big energy of the bovine to explode. One of the gods of gods, wisdom and benevolent coexistence! "

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: "Yili, you are enough! Nothing, I like to shoot the ancestors!"

Van Lee: "Oh, no way. You don't know, the ancestors gave me this tree, too ... I have added an east waste, they said that I am what is the wild ancient temple. Body, very cavern, but the key is that the fundamental cultivation can not be consumed, because this holy body needs to consume huge amounts of resources, and ultimately can not break the upper limit. Even small Chengdu is impossible. I am very good ... they don't know, the Bodhi The tree in my body, I feel that my holy body is already small! "

"Do you dare to believe? I feel very strong now, but I don't know how strong I am!"

Thaizen Ancient Emperor: "..."

the other side.

"Holy Body?" Han Li is touched, "these people in the group, it seems to be strong! It can be a reverence object in the mouth of these strong people, this ancestors, I will be very powerful ... I will see these videos. "



PS: Today, four thousand words, no seizure.

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