Check in from Douluo

Chapter 188 I don't know which two? (10)

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Can you practice while sleeping?

Qin Ming looked at Tang San with an incredible expression.

"Brother Feng also taught us this method, but unfortunately we still can't learn it for the time being. We can only practice while practicing."

Tang San said.

Qin Ming swallowed and suddenly understood why the seven were so perverted.

"That battle..." Tang San smiled bitterly, "Actually, Brother Feng had often played against us alone in the past three months. Without those three months of combat training, we would probably be the first time. , Will be defeated, after all, your Emperor Fighting team is too careful and serious."

"A pair of training with you alone? Three months?" Qin Ming was shocked. When I was recounting old times with Flanders, he had never heard of this situation?

In a daze, Qin Ming remembered what Flanders said when he introduced Wang Feng:

"Either he thought it out, or he was beaten out..."

At that time, Qin Ming still didn't understand, but now it suddenly appeared.

"He alone can beat the seven of you... Wait, it seems possible." Qin Ming was shocked just as he asked.

He seems to be able to beat me at the time?

At that time, besides the two spirit abilities and the twenty-level spirit power were useless, he was doing his best.

Even with the core spirit ability activated, I can't beat...

"For three months, we have never won once." Tang San said with a look of shame, "The best result is that the seven of us lasted ten minutes in the hands of Brother Feng. We really didn't have any spirit power... "

"..." Qin Ming.

Was that monster captain Wang Feng really only level 34?Qin Ming couldn't help but questioned himself in his heart.

A 13-year-old child has caught up with his 30-year-old.Qin Ming really didn't know how strong his opponent would be when he reached 30 years old?

After the shock, Qin Ming asked Tang San to wake up everyone, and after breakfast, while introducing them, he took everyone to the inside of Tiandou Academy.

Along the way, Qin Ming's eyes fell on Wang Feng from time to time, causing Wang Feng to think that this senior Qin Ming should not treat himself...

'what happened?What does Teacher Qin Ming see me doing?'

Wang Feng secretly said.

I am a serious boy and I like older girls.

Wang Feng walked to the side, with a slightly evasive look in Qin Ming's eyes, while listening to Qin Ming's introduction.

The classification of Tiandou Academy is very serious.

Students are divided into Tianwei level, Tianzhi level, and Tiandou level.The same is true for teachers, but there are three more teachers on the Board of Education, all of which are at the level of Contra.

But Wang Feng can understand.

In the previous life, there are ordinary classes, rocket classes, and experimental classes. Teachers are also divided into ordinary teachers, special-level teachers, professors and so on.

With the strength of several people in Flanders, it is not a problem to mix a Tiandou level.

And the bonus subsidy is quite high, three thousand gold coins, it is simply wealthy!

Soon, Qin Ming led a group of people to a moving building in the middle of the school.

This building is magnificent and majestic, and it is not inferior to those martial arts halls in big cities. As soon as Qin Ming walked in with a few people, Wang Feng saw three old men standing in the front.

The old man wore a black robe dress, this kind of dress was only for the strength of the exclusive Contra level, and he needed to go to the Spirit Hall to receive it.

Also very formal dress!

The pressure, involuntarily, was released from the three of them.

"Contra!" Wang Feng's heart moved.

Above level 80, Contra is still very strong!

At least, it is impossible for Wang Feng to beat him now.LeTV Novel

Turning on the Pan Gu Axe...There is no chance, the fifth gear, of course, also has to be beaten.

Regardless of other things, in terms of level alone, Contra is at least equivalent to an ordinary spirit beast over 60,000 years old.

Thirty thousand years is equivalent to the appearance of a seventy-one level soul sage, and ten thousand years is equivalent to a sixty-one level soul emperor.

At the beginning, Wang Feng didn't kill the powerful Thorns Xuanming Turtle with a Pan Gu axe, but now it should be possible.

Naturally, with a soul sage of more than seventy levels, Wang Feng might barely beat a dozen when he opened the Pangu Axe, but it was also self-defeating 800 water quality.

And below level seventy-one, when Pangu axe is opened, it can basically fall in seconds.

If it is around level 61, Wang Feng's fifth-level strength can be shot in seconds, not defeated.

However, there are so many hole cards in the fifth gear, and Wang Feng is unlikely to use it.

At the beginning, Qin Ming still had a part of his strength. Wang Feng's physical strength in the second gear surpassed him, so he was able to press him and blast him with a punch, causing him to fall into the soul fighting platform and fail. In fact, he did not suffer too much. Injury.

But if it is true, Qin Ming will not lose so easily.

As for levels below 61, sorry, the third gear or the fourth gear will sweep directly.

And below fifty-one, directly use Xuanming to stab without explaining.

Just like the God Killing Team, if it is a defensive spirit master, it can still resist.It's a pity that the seven people are all of the agile attack type, and they are as crisp as paper!

So now seeing Contra, Wang Feng is still a little cautious.

Can't beat it after all.

At this time, looking at the three old men so formal.

Naturally, Flanders didn't dare to neglect, they walked over, put their hands on their shoulders, and said respectfully:

"I'm the dean of Shrek Academy, Flander, the seventy-eighth-level seven-ring battle spirit saint of the agile attack system. I have met three seniors!"

At the back of Zao Wou-ki, several teachers also stepped forward and reported their names.

These three elders are all older than them and stronger than them, rightfully so.

Seeing this, the three elders smiled. One of them was a little slender, and the elder man with a bit of fairy style helped Flender a few times:

"You are polite, I can teach a disciple like Qin Ming, I have long admired your name for Shrek Academy! My name is Mengshen Ji, Wuhun Black Demon, and the control department 86-level Battle Spirit Douluo. As for these two , Let me introduce to you!"

The old man who claimed to be Dreaming Machine pointed to the other two and introduced them.

One of them is a fatter body, called Bai Baoshan, his martial spirit is a star furnace, and his defense system is 85th level and 8th ring fighting spirit Douluo.

The other is called Zhilin, the Wuhun Tianqingteng, and the eighty-ringed weapon of the 83rd level control system.

Zhilin looks ordinary and has an ordinary build. Compared with the first two, he doesn't have many characteristics.

The three invited everyone into the internal office room.

This room is like the kind of living room that Wang Feng imagined. It is simple and simple, without much luxury. It can also be seen from here that these are three Contra teachers, who belong to the practical school.

After a few people sat down in turn.

Mengshenji smiled and said:

"To make a long story short, let’s be honest, we thought that our Emperor Fighting Team would lose to you. It is indeed the Monster Academy. I can agree to the requirements you asked Qin Ming to convey. All seven of you can be coached by you. The honor you earn in the future belongs to heaven. You can use the College of Fighting and the facilities inside the academy! At that time, if you want to leave, we will not block it! In addition, if you have other requirements, they can be within the rights of the three of us. Promise it."

The three of them are corporal courtesy.

"So, thank you senior." Flender sighed in his heart, but said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Qin Ming said that among the seven Shrek monsters in your hospital, there is a particularly outstanding control system soul master genius soul master, and a powerful auxiliary system soul master? I don't know which two?"

The Dream Machine scanned the people behind Flanders.

"Don't dare to be a genius soul master... Tang San, Xiao Feng?" The master said lightly.

When Wang Feng saw this, he didn't go out first. In his impression, this was the chance for Xiao San.

He happened to take a look first, and then stand out later...

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