Check in from Douluo

Chapter 301 And today, it will be your end (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng knew about the Five Elements Academy.

Among the more than 20 teams in Tiandou City, these five element academies are all top teams.

Wang Feng did not expect that he would meet Blazing Academy in the second round!

This made Wang Feng a little doubtful whether it was a black box operation.

But think about it, it feels a little impossible. September 1st opened only once. Although one person defeated Canghui Academy, he still wouldn't be targeted in this way.

It can only be said to be luck.

"I wanted to fish for a few rounds, do I have to get something out?"

Wang Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In fact, Wang Feng is not afraid of these four element academies.

Except for his head, his current body has been tempered by the red lotus karma fire, and he is not afraid of fire.

The sternum and brain Wang Feng has not been tempered by the red lotus karma fire, because the sternum has the soul bone Xuan Ming armor attached, and the brain tempering is too dangerous.

After all, if something happens to the brain, even if the meteor tears are protected in time, and if you accidentally fail to temper, what if you become an idiot?

So Wang Feng was a little jealous.

But apart from these two parts, Wang Feng is not afraid of fire in other parts of his body.

"The Blazing Academy..."

The eyebrows under Wang Feng's mask wrinkled slightly.

In fact, among the four element academies, the Elephant Sect is not the strongest, because they follow the limit current.

It was the same as the seven martial spirits, the same types, and even the same attack methods.This genre often pays attention to either you or me, the style is fixed, and it is well targeted.

Just like when Zhu Zhuqing changed the terrain with a claw of ice crystals, the seven were caught off guard, almost without the slightest fighting ability.

The shortcomings of extreme flow can be said to be very obvious. If you can find a way to deal with it, you can easily win.

The same applies to the other elemental schools.

A single attribute is a soul master with a fixed attribute.

But the difference is that the remaining elemental academies use a balanced flow to show the limit flow.Although they are all martial spirits with fire attributes, the types of soul masters are also divided into auxiliary systems, defense systems, assault systems, and so on.

Only the Elephant Sect was a single diamond mammoth, and apart from a mutant martial soul, there were not many tactics that could be studied.

"It is estimated that in the future, once a college has worked out the way to deal with the shortcomings of this elephant sect, it will target it."

Wang Feng thought in his heart.

After Wang Feng thought about it for a while in the rest area, Wang Feng led six players into the arena of the main fighting arena from the passage.

at the same time.

With the battle between Shrek and Elephant Sect, the curtain came to an end.

From silence to eruption, the entire venue was completely ignited!

Such a wonderful matchup is naturally exciting, and the next two teams are another hot spot in the second round of today's qualifiers!

The mysterious Purple Star Academy is about to face Blazing Academy!

To be precise, the Purple Star Academy is not mysterious, but the mysterious character is Kai Kai!

Many viewers have noticed it, and Purple Star Academy seems to be planning to let this nine one open and keep fighting?

Just like the slogan of the opening ceremony, one person beats the contest!

Although this is a gimmick, it has to be said that it is very eye-catching.No matter who hears this slogan, even if he thinks that he is arrogant and arrogant, he will want to see, or is faintly expecting that this kind of thing can happen?

Because for many viewers, they want to see different battles more to stimulate them.

"Second round! Center ring! Purple Star Academy vs. Blazing Academy!"

Among the flying host population in mid-air, the two teams finally boarded the ring!Lewen Novel

Countless pairs of eyes looked at the two teams slowly coming up from the channel.

Headed by Zixing Academy, it was opened on September 1st.

The situation of the next six people is much better today, even smiling.

Wang Feng probably understood their mood at this time.

How should I put it, life is like a strong security, if you can't resist, then just enjoy it.

The six people are probably in this kind of psychology now. Since they can't resist, then enjoy it!

On the other side, it was the Blazing Academy wearing a gold and red uniform.The seven appeared in a triangle formation and stepped onto the ring. Their faces also had smiles, a kind of relaxed smile.

However, Wang Feng could see that in the eyes of the seven, it was not easy.

On the contrary, very solemn.

In other words, they are strategically despising Zixing Academy and despising September 1st.

But when it comes to fighting, it will be tactically important, and there will be no slack.

At the forefront, in the center of the triangle formation, was a man of medium stature, and although his appearance was ordinary, he was very heroic.

Wang Feng used his skull to perceive this person's information for the first time.

I guessed that this person was the captain of Blazing Academy, Huo Wushuang.

The forty-third level assault war spirit master, Wuhun is a one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, this kind of martial arts possesses extremely powerful attack ability, and is not inferior to Liu Erlong fire dragon.The frontal offense is even stronger!

Following closely behind was also an assault-type war spirit master, at level thirty-nine, his spirit was a blazing fire leopard.

Behind them are a pair of twin men. The martial spirit is a flamingo, a sensitive attack type war spirit master, or a flying type, very powerful, and the soul power level is also 39th.

The last one was two men and one woman. The two men were tall and looked like defensive spirit masters, but they were actually auxiliary spirit masters.

Wuhun is Mars.

Wang Feng can probably guess that the role of this auxiliary system spirit should be to increase the power of fire attribute attacks for the seven?

And the last one is the only girl among the seven, and the tallest one.

Her figure is very well-proportioned. The so-called well-proportioned means that the big one is big, the small one is small, the thin one is thin, and the plump is abundant.

The appearance is also extremely beautiful, he should be the control spirit master of this person, Huo Wu.

Wuhun is Hokage, that is, her own shadow.

Very peculiar Wuhun.

But her level is the highest of the four, forty-four!A very unlucky number!But it is extremely powerful!

And the popularity is obviously the highest, no way, beautiful, strong, and temperament, always the most attractive in battle.

Just like Zhu Zhuqing.

Huo Wu is the only control of the Blazing Academy, and must also be a commander.

However, after the perception, Wang Feng was also relieved.

It seems...this Blazing Academy has no mutant spirits?There is nothing special.

It was not much different from the original, but the spirit power level was slightly higher.

The two teams entered the ring.

"Both sides line up!"

The referee glanced at the two teams, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes, as if he wanted to know what would happen when the two teams collided.

"September is on."

Huo Wushuang looked at Wang Feng, who was completely covered in black robe, with a smile on his face, "It's really an interesting person. If you want to play through the tournament alone, the first day is the beginning, and today will be your end. "

The tone is arrogant.

But as the Elemental Academy, he has arrogant capital.

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