Check in from Douluo

Chapter 307 Seems to have no weaknesses (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!No matter what auxiliary system, control system, sensitive attack system, or strong attack system you are.Can't hold up the attack on September 1st!

The agile attack system is not as fast as him, the strong attack system is not as powerful as him, the control system cannot bring him any obstacles, and the auxiliary system is as crisp as thin paper in front of him.

He never comes and will not defend, any attack can be easily resolved by him!

Some teams do not believe in evil. In the fourth round of the qualifiers, the Purple Star team met the Elephant Sect.

Seven big guys wanted to encircle September 1st.

However, he was hit by a high-speed collision with Jiu Yi, and even the formation and lead people were scattered!

Then, Jiu Yikai directly implemented the decapitation plan, and directed Hu Yanli with a violent beating, even the head spirit bone was beaten out.

It seems that Jiuyikai's body is not sturdy, but every time he hits, several people can be dizzy and can't maintain the formation at all.

It was the only soul master who broke through their elephant armour formation from the front!

That battle was a shocking eyeball!Because the shortcomings and advantages of Elephant Sect are obvious to all!

In the face of Jiazong's formation, most colleges will choose to avoid its edge!

Only ninety one opened, one person, head-on against the Elephant Sect!It was broken!

The advantage of this is that the elephant sect is in chaos, and even Hu Yanli is confused.

Wang Feng's Xuan Ming armor was as high as tens of thousands of catties, which was exactly 12,000 catties. He rushed past at a very fast speed, and at the moment of impact, all the weight of the Xuan Ming armor was blessed on his body.

Twelve thousand catties are equivalent to six tons. What is the concept of six tons?Those coaches from previous lives are probably this heavy.

At his speed, I don't know how much faster than those buses... Directly hitting it... If it is to assist or control the spirit master, people can directly hit the whole body to bones.Only the spirit master of the force attack system could barely resist.

Although these seven people are all diamond mammoth martial arts spirits, they are large in size and powerful, and they have a defensive bonus in a row, and they can't fly.

But wanting to break up their formation is too simple!

As long as the formation disperses, the seven-man combat power of the Elephant Sect will be greatly reduced!Wang Feng directly stared at Hu Yanli and beat him.

Compared to the previous Shrek fight, it was a violent aesthetic!

Nothing else, just be tough with you!

After six games, many colleges were a little horrified to discover the fact: September 1 is open... as if there is no weakness?

The only weakness is...Have you never used Wuhun yet?

This is really a weakness!

Most importantly, is there any other means to open September?

In the next few games, standing on the court as soon as September 1 opened, the opposing team was completely unable to start!

A week later, the seventh round of the qualifiers.

As usual, Shrek and his party came to the Great Fighting Arena.

Because of the winning streak, compared with the first day, Shrek Academy at this time is completely in the sky and underground.

"Just got the news...Biao Academy, who was playing against Purple Star Academy today, has already given up and abstained in advance."

Flander pushed his eyes, "I also won a new advertisement for you... ahem."

The group was speechless for a while.

They have already posted several advertising badges and slogans behind them.

"Give up again?"

Ma Hongjun shook his head, "This is already the third team to admit defeat... This nine-one open, I don't know if it has brought a psychological shadow to the opposing team. If we hadn't had Zhuqing in our team, I'm afraid the reputation of the academy might not be comparable. Open on September 1."

Yes, this is the third team to admit defeat.

Before the Purple Star Academy met the Elephant Sect, many teams still wanted to give it a try.

It wasn't until the nine-one opening and the Elephant Sect played... the next two rounds of qualifiers, the team against which they confessed to their defeat.Passion Novel

No fight at all!

Because there are no shortcomings, no shortcomings, no way to address them.

If there is a soul master above the forty level, you can still give it a try, if you don't even have an academy of soul sect, it will automatically admit defeat.

"The good news is that the opponent you met today has also conceded and abstained." The master walked over and said to everyone, "You can take a break today, and by the way, you can see how other teams are not playing. Watch more Watch the game about the remaining elemental academies."

Hearing this, everyone cheered.

Finally met a team that surrendered automatically.

In fact, sometimes automatically admitting defeat is a way of saving strength.

Because you don't need to win every game, you just need to win more qualifiers than others.

Automatic surrender can keep the players in good condition and prepare for the next game.

If you fight, you won’t be able to win, and if you lose, your energy will be wasted.So in the face of opponents with almost no winning percentage, if you can admit defeat, you won't fight hard.

"We seem to be lucky."

Xiao Wu said, "I haven't met the Elementary Academy yet, but I have met two in Jiu Yi Kai. But..."

Having said that, Xiao Wu suddenly stopped talking.

Their academy was very lucky, they didn't meet the remaining Elemental Academy, which made them smooth sailing this week, most of them only dispatched three of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Did not expose too much.

However, the nine one opened, like a big mountain, pressing on everyone.

In particular, they watched the game between 91 and Elephant Sect.

That kind of pure force collision made a few people's scalp numb.

No one thought that Jiuyikai would choose to use this method to break through the attack of the Elephant Sect!

It can be said that it is the most direct, the most difficult, and the most effective way!

"Don't be discouraged, look, is that the Tianshui Academy game? Are you lucky today?"

At this time, Wang Feng smiled and pointed to the ring.

I saw seven girls with different styles, like water elves, on the ring...attracting people's attention in an instant.

As one of the five element academies, Tianshui College has always maintained a winning streak, and it is easier to win.

In the face of seven charming and attractive girls, how many bones did most teams lose when they played?

What else are you fighting?

Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Dai Mubai, and Tang San all cast their eyes on the ring.

At this time, it is estimated that only Tang San was still analyzing the spirit abilities of a few girls from Tianshui College.

Like Ma Hongjun, his eyes are full of caution.

And Tianshui Academy can be regarded as one of the most popular and strongest among more than 20 teams, second only to Purple Star Academy.

"What are you looking at! Don't look at it! Me, Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, don't you look good?"

Ning Rongrong walked to Wang Feng, trying to stand on his toes and block Wang Feng.

However, even if she stood on tiptoe, she could only reach Wang Feng's mouth, and could not stop Wang Feng's eyes.

"You guys look good too..."

Ma Hongjun smiled and whispered, "It's just that although the flowers are beautiful, they can't bear the fragrance of wild flowers. We can't pick the wild flowers. Why don't we smell it?"


Xiao Wu hit a chestnut on the back of Ma Hongjun's head.

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