Check in from Douluo

Chapter 329 Variables! The defeat of Shrek Academy! (9)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the second day, the organizing committee of the competition announced that the captain of Huangquan College had died of an old disease, not of September 1st.

The announcement made many viewers breathe a sigh of relief. Although many people guessed that there was a problem, it was because someone was deliberately opening a set of September 1st, and wanted to open the powerful September 1st to the expulsion contest.Many of the viewers were extremely angry, thinking that this was operating in a dark box, and Ben was making a lot of noise.Fortunately, as soon as today's announcement came out, the competition was immediately back on track.

They were also a little surprised.

Although this is an obvious offense, it actually killed people. Many people were angry, but a little helpless. They all believed that even if they were not disqualified from the game, the next game would be delayed.Then you can't get out of the line.

Unexpectedly, the next day, it would be such an announcement!

Many teams even faintly feel a little strange.

"September is open, the background may not be simple."

This kind of speculation caused many forces that were still about to move quietly, and they did not dare to rectify any moths.

Soon, the qualifiers came to an end.

Wang Feng didn't even participate in the subsequent games. After Huangquan Academy, no team dared to face him.

However, interesting.

Until the penultimate day of the qualifiers.

Shrek Academy vs. Tianshui Academy.

Wang Feng thought there was no accident in this battle, but the result was far beyond Wang Feng's expectations!

Shrek Academy lost.

To be precise, the loss was a bit miserable.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu, who only played three main players, plus four substitutes.


Wang Feng didn't watch the game all the way, because he thought there would be no suspense in this game.

Although the five element academies are much better than those in the original work, Tang San and the others now are much better than the original!

It is impossible to lose.

However, Wang Feng didn't expect Tang San and the others to lose.

The reason is simple, the captain of Tianshui Academy, Shui Binger, is surprisingly powerful.

She has played fewer games than Wang Feng so far, and has played once.

That is to say, he played this game against Shrek, and the previous captain... is not Shui Bing'er at all!

In other words, Shui Bing'er was observing from the bench for more than 20 games!All her own substitutes are on the field!

Just a forty-three-level control soul master.

And she herself... is a forty-seventh-level control spirit master!

This level was revealed when he was playing against Shrek!

After Wang Feng heard this, he was really surprised.

"This is a little bit deep!"

Wang Feng felt a little headache, "The Five Element Schools, and the Five Element Schools in the original book, have changed to varying degrees! The mutant Martial Spirit of the Elephant Sect, the special cloud formation of the Kamikaze Team, and the flame hell of the Blazing Academy This day, Water Academy has also undergone such a big change."

Wang Feng remembered that in the original description, this Shui Leng was a very intelligent woman and the youngest girl in the Tianshui team.

Unexpectedly, he would use a similar method to hide his identity and strength, and it would only show up in the end!

However, the substitute used by the other party to hide his own strength, he used his own Martial Spirit's particularity to disguise his dual identity!Le Book Bar

One is to use substitutes to hide strength, and the other to disguise identity, both can achieve similar effects.

"...We didn't lose unjustly."

Tang San shook his head lightly, "I didn't expect this Shui Bing'er to be so powerful, she has super control ability, and even... also has a group control spirit ability no less than my blue silver cage. Her first spirit ability is frozen, The ability to lock me in the first time, or to cast the skill instantly, has troubled me a lot."

The instant spirit ability meant that Tang San even had no possibility of using ghost shadows to hide.

"The most important thing is... she also has the ability to fly."

Dai Mubai said solemnly, "It is also the only CCP in Tianshui College who has the ability to fly! Her martial arts spirit is a variant of the Ice Phoenix. The Ice Blue Divine Phoenix is ​​even better than the Fatty Fire Phoenix."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng was slightly startled.

The fat evil fire phoenix, after eating the fairy grass, has become a real fire phoenix. If you find a girlfriend in the future, the spirit of martial arts will become stronger if they practice together. Although they have not found a partner yet, so is the spirit of martial arts. The top beast spirit.

Compared to Dai Mubai's White Tiger, it was not inferior to much.

"Ice Blue Divine Phoenix?"

Wang Feng frowned and said, "Does it have two types of attacks from Ice Wind?"

"Yes." Xiao Wu nodded, "This Shui Bing'er is too strong. She has a very strong flying ability, which is not inferior to the flying spirit masters of the Kamikaze team. At the beginning of the game, she directly Lifting forty meters into the air, aiming at the brother directly cast the freezing spirit ability. Then cast a wide range of ice and snow spirit skills to the whole to change the terrain."

"After the terrain changed, the temperature of the ring dropped rapidly, and the ground became very slippery! Do you remember Zhuqing after the martial arts fusion skills that day? It was like that!"

"Boss Dai and I can still move in this type of terrain, but the agility is also greatly reduced."

Xiao Wu tilted her head and thought for a while, "But the opponent's agile attack type spirit master is able to move more agile in this type of terrain, as if she was born to move in this environment."

Change the terrain!

Another team that can change the terrain!

Wang Feng's heart was stunned. Blazing Academy was able to defeat Thunder Academy. In addition to Yutian's absence, changing the terrain was the key.

Because of different elements, it is difficult to exert effects in different environments.

This is why Kamikaze team has clouds and fog, this is also the terrain, but it is in the sky.

When they use this kind of terrain, the only attacking spirit ability on the ground that threatens them will be completely lost!

This is the power of the terrain of Element Academy!

Although Xiao San's body was immune to water, it was not immune to the control of freezing, only the cold brought by freezing.

Once Xiao San was pinpointed and controlled by Shui Bing'er in the sky, he would never have any chance to escape.

"Obviously, you have been studied."

Wang Feng shook his head and said, "You didn't lose injustice. With only three main players, it is impossible to defeat each other. The most important thing is that you don't know anything about Shui Bing'er."

Wang Feng really did not expect that there would be so many variables in this competition.

Ever since the Elephant Sect, it has been changing!

Perhaps it was the reason why September 1st joined, which disturbed the original game trajectory.

The terrain control of the five element academies, their mysterious mutant martial souls, and familiar methods of researching hidden identities...too many variables.

Wang Feng couldn't help thinking, wondering how much the Star Luo Empire and Wuhun Palace teams would have changed after entering the finals?

"I feel that Tianshui Academy should be the strongest among the five element academies, provided that Shui Bing'er plays."

Tang San thought for a while, "I wanted to use the Eight Spider Lances in the end, but I think about it and forget it, because there is no chance of winning... it's better to keep this secret so as not to be noticed."

Hearing this, Wang Feng suddenly asked: "Then their martial arts fusion skills, have you seen the ice and snow falling?"

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