Check in from Douluo

Chapter 331 Wang Feng's Doubts (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Dai Mubai's words made everyone slightly surprised, but they were also reasonable.

"Boss Dai, even telling you about this kind of thing, just one afternoon, are you all right?"

Ma Hongjun smiled, and walked over, "Did you find any more useful information? Did you hear about the martial arts fusion skills the captain said?"

Shui Yueer invites Dai Mubai to eat. How long will it take to eat?

One afternoon!

It's definitely not just eating, 80% of them still go shopping or something, otherwise Dai Mubai wouldn't ask about it.

Dai Mubai shook his head and said, "How can I find out about this kind of thing? Will you tell others about our trump cards and secrets? We have to have professional ethics, okay? She can tell me about this, that's all Very good."

"I just asked casually." Ma Hongjun scratched his head, "Boss Dai, wouldn't you really hook up with her?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at Dai Mubai.

After all, after starting training a year ago, whether it was Dai Mubai or Ma Hongjun, they were completely different from those in Soto City.

Neither of them went to a place like that kind of hook-and-loop, especially after taking the fairy grass, they were more clean.

"What a hookup! It's so terrible!"

Dai Mubai glared at Ma Hongjun, "It was love at first sight! Fatty, I think the flesh on your body is a little loose recently, let me exercise for you!"

After speaking, he walked out towards Ma Hongjun.

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun ran away, and the two disappeared where they were.

Everyone can't help but laugh, but there is some emotion.

"Boss Dai looks serious this time." Xiao Wu smiled, "It's been a long time since I saw this smelly tiger look so serious."

Everyone also nodded.

"Shui Yue'er's talent is not low. Now she has a forty-one level, which is quite suitable for Mubai. Although she is worse than her sister, I suspect that her sister Shui Bing'er may be the same as us, and got some Some adventures."

Tang San thought for a while, "For example, Immortal Grass? Or got some special spirit ring? Otherwise, this kind of strength and age are not worse than ours at all."

Shui Bing'er was not very old, and was about the same as Dai Mubai.

Shui Yue'er is probably a little smaller than Dai Mubai.

If the Seven Devils hadn't taken Immortal Grass, at the age of Shui Yue'er, the spirit power level would not be too high.

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's heart moved slightly.

If the general martial arts are innately mutated, there is nothing to say.

But if it is an acquired mutation, there are too many factors.Like an immortal grass, a martial soul can mutate...

Shui Binger's strength is so strong, completely beyond Wang Feng's imagination, and even her spirit power level is far beyond. Although her age is about two years older than Tang San and the others, it is impossible to be so much higher.The same Dai Mubai, who was only at level 45, could only improve so quickly after taking Qirong Tongtianju.

Tang San's analysis was not wrong.

"There is another possibility that Shui Binger is too talented."

Tang San thought to himself, no matter how strong his talent is, he is innately full of soul power, he himself is also innately full of soul power, and Brother Feng is also innately full of soul power.Brother Feng didn't say that if he hadn't encountered the Two Eyes of Ice and Fire, he would still be in the 30th level now.

It's impossible to be talented alone.

"You don't need to analyze it, you'll know it at a glance tomorrow."

Oscar smiled and said, "The 9-year-old man went to Tianshui College and played a game, and he would naturally see something."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Wang Feng thought to himself, indeed, after he personally beat Shui Bing'er tomorrow, he should know.Feidu Novel

However, Wang Feng came to the next day with many doubts in his heart.

It is also the last day of the qualifiers.

According to the competition system, the qualifying teams at this time have been completely fixed.

Therefore, in today's game, many teams just went through a cutscene, played very quickly and ended very quickly.

The only one, but it was extremely eye-catching.

It seems that in order to draw a perfect end to this qualifier, the organizing committee also specially arranged this game on the last day.What is even more exciting to countless viewers is that Tianshui College did not admit defeat.

The Great Fighting Soul Arena in Tiandou City, the central arena.

"Dear spectators, today we will usher in the final match of the qualifier. Although the qualifying quota has been fixed, I think today's match is the most interesting match."

The host in mid-air cheered like a tsunami and explained with a loud voice: "As everyone knows, there are two big black horses in the qualifiers of my Sky Dou City, one is Purple Star Academy and the other is Shi Lake Academy. However, as a veteran team, Tianshui Academy seems to have a different brilliance in this qualifier! It is no weaker than these two dark horses!"

"Yesterday, the appearance of Captain Shui Binger of Tianshui College directly defeated Shrek Academy, one of the dark horses with great momentum!"

"And today, the Purple Star Academy, which is the first to qualify, will fight Tianshui Academy! I don't know if it successfully defended his undefeated throne on September 1st? Or Shui Binger from Tianshui Academy created a new myth?"

"Next, please enter the two teams!"

As the host's final voice fell.

The whole home court broke out with more loud cheers!

At this moment, because there are only two teams left, I am all curious about which two teams will win or lose!

Especially the official appearance of Shui Bing'er, the captain of Tianshui Academy, even the Shrek Academy, which had an amazing record, was defeated by his force!

On the other side, the Purple Star Academy, opened on September 1, is now famous as Heaven Dou City!

At this time, the result of the battle against Tianshui College was naturally very curious.

From the very beginning, this Zixing Academy, who only thought it was trying to attract people's attention with a gimmick, seemed to really want to start the entire competition with one person on September?

This has to be shocking!

No matter which team wins, it will create a legend!

The two teams slowly walked from the channel to the arena.

Tianshui Academy is all aqua-blue combat uniforms, and the Purple Star Academy on the other side is still a familiar style.

However, what is special is that the battle dress of the Purple Star Academy has also been completely changed and turned into black robe.

Thinking that Jiu Yi, wearing a mask, was the leader of the team, he stepped onto the ring.

After stepping into the ring, the entire home court quickly became quiet!

As if from a tsunami surging, it became calm in an instant.

The referee also seemed a little excited, watching the two teams and said solemnly:

"Line up, salute!"

Wang Feng slowly stepped forward, scanned the seven people in Tianshui College, and saw the Shui Binger.

Her appearance is somewhat similar to Shui Yue'er, but it seems that after some changes, it is only two or three points similar.

Shui Bing'er is not as beautiful as Zhu Zhuqing and Rong Rong in single-wheel appearance, but it is not much worse. Moreover, the facial features are soft and beautiful, the more they look, the better they look, and the eyes are slightly icy white. It's kind of special charm.

Above the ring, so close, Wang Feng's perception seemed to make Shui Bing'er aware of it, and the icy white color in his pupils slightly condensed.

'Strange, how can there be a familiar breath on this Shui Binger?'

Wang Feng was secretly surprised.

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