Check in from Douluo

Chapter 333 The Power of Tianshui Academy! Turn from bad to good! (4)

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On the spectator stage, Dai Mubai sighed, "The opponent's agility is even stronger! I used my two claws to attack the ice crystal ground. It was difficult to destroy it. I could only leave traces. In the end, I remember that my feet gave birth Tiger finger barely managed to stand up on it."

After Dai Mubai's martial spirit possessed his body, his whole body changed. Normally, he would not move the soles of his feet, and just form his hands with tiger palms.

In yesterday's game, he changed temporarily, with tiger fingers under his feet and barely standing on it, but the fight was too difficult and his strength was virtually weakened.

"On this ice crystal terrain, the faster the speed, the harder it is to control." Xiao Wu also nodded.

They have eaten this kind of loss.

"No matter how high the speed of September 1st is, the sensitivity will be greatly reduced on this kind of terrain, and it will also be easy to be attacked. It is difficult to dodge... Aquatica grows in this environment."

Tang San frowned, "Furthermore, a drop in temperature will affect all of the limbs, unless spirit power is transported to resist the cold! If this is the case, then every time we act, the consumption of spirit power will increase a little. After a long battle, the consumption of soul power will be terrifying!"

That's right, the human body is difficult to adapt to the cold environment.

It's the same as hot heat.

This kind of ice and snow environment is not like the kind of fire hell, an extremely aggressive environment, more like an environment that can make you chronic death!

Tang San is okay, immune to fire and water, and to high temperature and cold.

A powerful orangutan spirit like Tyrone, in such an environment, can't even move, let alone the opponent has frozen skills.

Those snowflakes falling on the body, once they accumulate, they can freeze the soul master.

"Hey, look, the agility of September 1st has not been affected in any way? On the does it seem to be stronger?"

At this time, Ma Hongjun's surprised voice came.

Everyone was taken aback, and immediately looked at...

On the ring.

The extremely tacit cooperation of Tianshui College first used Yulong's diamond water shell martial soul to arrange defenses.Then use the six-pointed starfish martial spirit to contain the long-range lock-in attack on the September 1st development.

At the same time, Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er used their soul skills to create this special ice and snow environment and ice crystal terrain.

In this kind of terrain and environment, the abilities of the seven of them will be improved!

It means that they can all issue the horn of offense!

Shui Yue'er, Han Yan'er, two melee combat spirit masters, directly possessed the martial spirit, and rushed out of the mask.

On the ice crystal ground, countless water coral grasses, with thorny water coral grasses, exuding the light of the cold, attacked towards Jiu Yi Kai.

Shui Yue’er’s martial spirit is a cold capybara. After the martial spirit is possessed, she has special fins under her feet and also on her back. These fins enable her to move freely and at speed in this environment. Will double!

In the same way, Han Yan'er's martial arts spirit is an ice shark, a water-based martial arts spirit with super attack power, and all limbs have special fins!

The speed of the two has been greatly improved!

And after the spirits possessed, there will be a faint film on the skin of the two of them, which can protect their bodies from the cold!

This is the huge advantage brought by the terrain!

With this advantage!

Their own attributes are improved, while the enemy's physical attributes will decrease!

Adding the two together, the result is that their strength will increase by at least a few grades relative to each other!

It was Shui Yue'er at the beginning, and one person could contain Dai Mubai, who was at level 45.

The two were four levels apart, and there was still a huge gap in the martial arts, but it could allow Shui Yue'er to directly contain Dai Mubai, which shows the impact of such terrain and environment.

at this time.Odd Book Network

Jiu Yikai suddenly shook his body, standing on the ground on the ice crystal, he seemed to rise a few centimeters suddenly!

Soon after, he moved again!

He moved faster this time!

Shui Yue'er and Han Yan'er, who had just attacked, were startled. If they had this speed, it would be difficult for them to maintain their figure under the ice crystal terrain. By then...maybe they would just rush out of the ring?

Looking at Jiu Yi Kai, it was like a phantom, attacking towards him.


The two quickly separated, until Jiu Yi opened and rushed past them.

But at this moment!

I saw Jiu Yi Kai's feet change, a quick reverse, weird turning around and punching the cold smoke on one side directly!

This rapid reversal looked at everyone, because this kind of speed impulse, on the ice crystal ground, it is impossible to reverse it so exaggeratedly.

Even Shui Yue'er and Han Yan'er couldn't do it.

"Look! There seems to be something under Jiu Yi Kai's feet! He is not standing on the terrain!

Inside the water curtain formed by the diamond water shell, Yulong, Mo Ling, and Xuewu Haishasha pointed to Jiu Yikai and exclaimed.

Jiu Yi Kai did not stand on the ice crystal ground.

To be precise, there is a sharp blade under his feet, which is now embedded in the ice crystal ground.

A trace was also drawn across the ice crystal ground just now, and then quickly repaired by the falling snowflakes. It can be seen that the ice crystal ground still has the ability to automatically repair, although it is not happy.

And Jiu Yi stood firmly on the ice crystal ground, watching the cold smoke that was blown away by himself.

"this is…"

Shui Yue was stunned, looking at the blade under his feet, "His speed and agility did not decrease at all, but his speed has increased a bit! Is it this thing? Could it be that he formed it with spirit bones? Such a flexible action on the ice crystal ground?"


Wang Feng wanted to use only his feet to maintain high speed on this extremely slippery ice crystal ground, while his body was also sensitive and superb. It was impossible.

But he can do it with Xuan Ming thorn.

Use Xuanming thorn to form a thick blade on one side and a thin blade on the other to cover both feet, forming a special speed skating skate!

A simple Xuanming thorn shape change can instantly change his disadvantage!

With the control of his body at this time, the ice blade formed by the Xuanming thorn under his feet, on the contrary, will be faster on the ice crystal!

When turning, you can use the Xuanming thorn to quickly change its shape, instantly brake and reverse, just a punch, directly caught Han Yan'er off guard, and directly sent him flying.

'Is it skating? With my current physical fitness, I might be able to skate much better than you guys.'

Wang Feng secretly smiled.

And the speed skating blade under his feet can change shape in time, making him more sensitive.

Even when he was in action, Wang Feng didn't use his soul power to control the ice skates formed by the Xuanming thorns under his feet.

For him, this ice crystal terrain has no disadvantages!

It can be said that the ability of Xuan Ming stabbing has been fully developed by Wang Feng!

Moreover, this degree of coldness didn't feel too much for Wang Feng. He felt a little bit cold in his head, but it was impossible to be affected at all. The limbs were not affected by any coldness.

Han Yan'er was beaten out of the ring.

At this time, the other people also reacted instantly.

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