Check in from Douluo

Chapter 337 News and Consciousness of the Bingya Emperor Lizard! (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Little San is the protagonist of the original... I have gold fingers... Why can you have a ten thousand years spirit ring?"

The corner of Wang Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "Is it possible that you also have gold fingers?"

Of course, this is just a complaint in Wang Feng's heart. In fact, the fourth spirit ability is the ten thousand year spirit ring, even if someone actually obtains it, it is not impossible.Wang Feng naturally knew.

The black soul ring, shining fiercely, shocked everyone once again!

Shui Binger's fourth spirit ring turned out to be ten thousand years!

In this competition, the third ten thousand years spirit ring!It still appeared on a girl!It's incredible!

The final game of the qualifiers was shocking!

On the VIP seat, even though he had seen the ten thousand year spirit ring twice, but now he saw it again, he still stood up together, his eyes rounded.

As the Wannian spirit ring lit up, I saw that the wings behind Shui Bing'er were suddenly covered with countless icy edges, the color was still golden, and a ghost slowly emerged from Shui Bing'er!

The phantom is very light, if you don't look closely, you may not be able to see it, just like fog.

A special light and shadow appeared in Shui Bing'er's eyes, which didn't look like a human being.

More like a soul beast.

"Fourth Soul Ability: Bingya Blue Phoenix Strike!"

Shui Bing'er murmured, surrounded by countless Bing Ling, directly attacking Jiu Yi below.

At this moment, she seemed to have really turned into an ice blue god phoenix, but another special phantom was lingering around her body, and she suddenly leaped towards the lower part.

The huge energy fluctuation does not feel like the fourth spirit ability.

But Wang Feng was a little dumbfounded.

"That wings... isn't it Yaya's wings?"

Wang Feng was stunned for a while, "and that phantom..."

Yaya was... the cub of the Ice Emperor Lizard who voluntarily dedicated himself to become a ten thousand year spirit ring.

The name is Yaya.

For the past six years, he has been raised in the soul beast forest with Xingyue Fox.When I was still in Notting City, I kept going to see the two little guys, and then finally brought them out, brought them back to the grove of Holy Soul Village, and gave them to the blue bird as company.

The three guys became partners. In Notting City for a few years, Wang Feng also developed feelings.

It also grew bigger and bigger, until three years ago, the three guys were completely gone.Wang Feng thought these three guys were lonely, so they flew out and went to other spirit beast forests.

But at strange times, even if they go out, they will occasionally come back, leaving a mark in the grove to indicate peace.

But three years ago, he never came back and left no marks.

For this reason, Wang Feng also looked for them in the Star Dou Forest, and when he and Er Ming were exercising before, he also looked for them in the Star Dou Forest.

I even asked if there was any information about them, but there was no news.

The Star Dou Forest is too big.

There are also several other soul beast forests in the Douluo World, so Wang Feng didn't think much about it. With the strength of those three little guys, there would be no danger.

Because every one, whether it’s the little blue bird, the star-moon fox, or the cubs of the ice king lizard, Wang Feng used the golden lotus to treat them, because after that little blue bird received two of these two little brothers I often took it out to fight, and every time I came back, I was scarred.

Naturally, Wang Feng used golden lotus to treat them, and I don't know how many times they were hollowed out.They all seem to have evolved differently, and they also have extremely high intelligence.

It should also be the most beautiful cub among the spirit beasts of the same age.

So the three guys should be very strong, and their progress is also fast.

Now three years later, in theory, it should be stronger.

All three guys are named Wang Feng, and Qingqing is the little blue bird.The stars are the Xingyue Fox.Yaya is the Bingya Emperor Lizard.

Simple and easy to remember, catchy, the three guys also like it.

but now…

Wang Feng actually saw the Bingya Emperor Lizard become someone else's spirit ring?

Is it any wonder there is that familiar feeling?

Almost instantly, Wang Feng had a murderous intent in his heart, but then he thought: No, Shui Bing'er's strength is not enough to absorb ten thousand years of spirit ring, her physical fitness is not strong, like Tang San because of cultivation. Tang Sect martial arts, and Xuan Tian Gong, physical quality far surpasses the spirit master of the same level, can barely absorb.Classic Novel Network

How could Shui Binger absorb this ten thousand year spirit ring?


"Unless... Yaya volunteered?"

Wang Feng's heart sank.

As long as the spirit beast is automatically willing to become a human spirit ring, let alone ten thousand years, even if the age is several years higher, it can absorb it.

Yaya has been with him for a few years, her spiritual intelligence is very high, but how could she be willing to become a human spirit ring?

"In the end what happened?"

Wang Feng looked at the incoming Shui Bing'er, with icy rays gleaming in his eyes.

"No, it's not just the spirit ring as simple as...this spirit ability seems to have Yaya consciousness?"

Wang Feng's pupils shrank, "Could it be a spirit? Impossible, it is absolutely impossible to form a spirit... Is it a spirit bone? The consciousness left by Yaya remains in Shui Bing'er's spirit bone?"

Xiao San had previously said that Shui Bing'er was not affected by the mental impact of his purple magic pupil, which meant that Shui Bing'er's mental power was different from ordinary people. It should have a special head soul bone to withstand this mental impact.

At this time.

In the eyes of everyone, the nine on the top of the ring seemed to be stupid, standing still, motionless.

In mid-air, the golden ice wings whizzed and screamed and the falling water ice, carrying terrifying energy, was like a nine-day god phoenix, surrounded by a huge phantom, as if formed by energy, with a low whistle, it was faint Kind of thunderous breath for nine days.


On the VIP table.

Several voices burst out loud!

Obviously, the powerful energy fluctuations of Shui Bing'er's move are a little beyond imagination.

Don't think about it, Shui Binger's ten thousand year spirit ring is definitely not simple!

If you insist on this trick, I’m sure... it’s hard to survive!

Even, it is possible that Shui Bing'er herself did not expect that her fourth spirit ability would be so strong.Wang Feng saw this point.

He could see it in the opponent's eyes!

It seems that the power of this fourth spirit ability is somewhat beyond her own imagination.In other words, she has not used it many times.

Quickly leave the ring!

Wang Feng understood this from Shui Binger's eyes.

This spirit ability, it seems, is not completely controlled by her.

Everyone held their breath and watched this scene as if they stopped breathing.

at this time.

I saw that Jiuyikai did not make any defense!

But September 1 started, and there was no dodge!

He just gently placed his index finger and thumb in his mouth under the mask and blew it!


A clear, loud and special whistle sounded from Wang Feng's mouth!

Everyone was a little at a loss, puzzled.

I don't know what Jiu Yi whistled at this time.

However, just when the whistle sounded!


The ice-green god and phoenix transformed by Shuibinger stopped!

Stuck in mid-air like a sudden brake!

Her golden ice-rimmed wings swayed and stopped in mid-air, and the terrifying energy instantly stagnated, and then scattered in mid-air! Turned into countless torrents of energy! The huge energy waves poured out, forming an icy blue energy halo, extending around!

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