Check in from Douluo

Chapter 341 Wang Feng's Thinking (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Wang Feng walked out of the Great Fighting Arena, he looked at the sunny sky.

The last day of the game was played very fast, and it was over at noon. At this time, the sun was shining, but the sun falling on the body did not appear to be hot, but warm and comfortable like a hot spring.But Wang Feng did not feel the warmth.

Shui Bing'er's words, Wang Feng did not dare to determine the truth, but the truth should be high.Moreover, the token that Yaya was biting on, she also showed to Wang Feng on her body, it was indeed a token of the Spirit Hall.

Wang Feng couldn't do anything with Shui Bing'er now, and he couldn't even tell Shui Bing'er about his relationship with Yaya.It's even more unlikely that she killed something.

Not to mention that it has nothing to do with Shui Bing'er.

If she really died, the spirit ring would be gone, even if the spirit bone would fall, the soul consciousness remaining in it would definitely dissipate.

Because Wang Feng felt that after Shui Bing'er absorbed the skull, even his martial soul would mutate, indicating that Shui Bing'er's martial soul and Yaya's soul consciousness had a certain degree of fusion.

It is also very difficult to resurrect.

Because Yaya's body was gone, only the head soul bone and a remnant of soul consciousness remained.

Wang Feng didn't know that Douluo World had a way to resurrect this situation.But Wang Feng knew that Jinlian might be able to, but it just needed to reach a very high level!

Therefore, Wang Feng still needs to let Shui Binger protect her head soul bone.

"After the promotion game, come to Purple Star Academy to find me, I will help you manage your head soul bone and the fourth soul ability."

Wang Feng said in a deep voice to this Shui Binger.

Hearing this, Shui Bing'er's eyes widened. She came just to thank this Jiuyikai. If she knew why she was able to break her fourth spirit ability, she might be able to heal her. With regard to the four spirit abilities, I didn't expect the other party to say such things.

"Really?" Shui Binger said in a daze.

After absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone, the spirit became stronger after being mutated, but Shui Bing'er had been troubled by this problem and couldn't solve it, and couldn't even tell others casually.It was also during the match today that the spirit ability was broken by the nine one, and she was still in this state, she said this thing.

Didn't expect the other party to help her solve this problem?

Wang Feng did not answer, and walked out of the lounge directly.

Shui Bing'er's problem was caused by Yaya's remaining unstable soul consciousness. It is good for Shui Bing'er to cure this problem, but it is more to calm Yaya's soul consciousness.Otherwise, if Shui Bing'er frequently used the fourth spirit ability in the future, he would always be noticed.

The method is also very simple for him. It only needs to use Jinlian's ability to let Yaya's remaining soul consciousness feel familiar and warm before it calms down.It can even protect Yaya's soul consciousness.

In this way, Wang Feng left the battlefield.

"Martial Spirit Hall. The injuries and killings caused by Title Douluo mean that it must be in the Martial Spirit Hall, because only that place has the title Douluo strong."

Wang Feng looked at the sun in the sky and muttered, "I hope the other two guys are not in the same situation as Yaya...otherwise..."

At this time, a dark cloud drifted across the sky, covering the sun, making people feel a trace of coolness.


After removing his costume, when he returned to the academy, Wang Feng found that the atmosphere of the crowd was a little low.

"Let Xiaosan be quiet. The qualifiers are over. Although your results are very good now, you can see how many strong people are in this competition? Don't think you are monster geniuses, just relax! "

The master sighed and said, "Although you have only lost three games in this qualifier. Many teams have their hole cards yet to come out! In the next month, you need to train harder! Don't let the slightest slack! Line up for promotion. Get ready for the tournament. There are ten teams in the promotion tournament, with many strong players and extremely high demands on personal strength!"

"Hong Jun, Mu Bai, Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, the four of you will definitely play in the promotion match! There should be Tailong, Jingling, and Huang Yuan! So next, I will arrange for Teacher Erlong to train you! In addition, Rong Rong and Oscar, and Jiang Zhu’s training, cannot relax either."

Ten people stood in a row, head down slightly.

The opponents in this qualifier are unexpectedly strong.I love Chinese website

None of the five element academies is good, especially Tianshui Academy, which directly crushed them in the penultimate game.

It's a big blow to them who are in the qualifiers.

There is also one of the most powerful opponents: Purple Star Academy.

September 1 opened, like a big mountain, weighing on all the students in the qualifiers, making people breathless.

Although in the qualifiers, in order to preserve their strength, they did not choose to fight on September 1st, the same situation was the Kamikaze team.

But in the promotion match, already the finals, you will definitely meet.

"Master... Except for Teacher Erlong, can't you let any of your friends, Senior Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, also train for us?"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong looked at Wang Feng's return, and suddenly blinked and said.

Wang Feng: "..."

Upon hearing this, the group's eyes lit up.

The Six Ring Soul Emperor had an extremely profound influence on them.

"My friend has something temporarily, he may come back to check on you."

The master shook his head and said, "Teacher Erlong is enough for this month's training, and Xiaofeng is on the side as a supervisor."

At this moment, Liu Erlong on the side came over, creaking with his hands folded, "Why, do you look down on your teacher Erlong?"

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong was so frightened that he took a step back, and the others were also silent.

"Okay, today we will give the opportunity to gather for training in the square! The promotion competition will start in one month. Anyone can rest, but you cannot rest!"

Liu Erlong's charming smile seemed to be a devil's smile in everyone's eyes, causing everyone to cry.

After everyone left.

"Xiaofeng, this elemental academy is unexpectedly strong. I think Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire will definitely be stronger."

The master looked at Wang Feng, did not ask about the game, but said in a deep voice, "You must be very careful when you participate in the game as September 1st."

The master also has a foreboding that this year seems to be different.

There are reasons to worry.


Wang Feng nodded.

In this qualifier, I accidentally learned about the three guys.Then when the time comes to go to the Wuhun Main Hall, Wang Feng can't predict what will happen by then.

Can only try to enhance their own strength.

But in one month, Wang Feng couldn't reach level fifty.

You can only work on other areas. Now the Xuanming Thorn King Feng on the Xuanming Armor has been in control of most of it, and it is best to be able to control it completely for a month.

'With my current strength, it is not realistic to defeat Title Douluo.But Title Douluo wants to kill me, it's impossible, but if it just runs away, what's the point?'

Wang Feng thought in his heart.

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