Check in from Douluo

Chapter 343 Golden Generation Level (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"..." Wang Feng.

Your vigorous look is very different from what I imagined.

Wang Feng was stunned. He didn't expect Xiao San to be like this.

"Brother Feng, don't feel weird." Tang San said with a smile, "All the time, since a few years ago, Xiao Wu and I have been fighting against you, and we have hardly won, even after joining Shrek Academy. Seven people have never defeated you. We have failed many times."

"In the past two days, whenever I was hesitating in pain. I thought, we have failed so many times. What is the pain? As usual, after being defeated by you, just cheer up, won't it be over? "

"I also believe that no matter how weak the Blue Silver Grass is, it will become extremely powerful sooner or later!"

"..." Wang Feng.

It seems to make sense.

Wang Feng looked at Tang San who was full of vitality, and sighed deeply in his heart.

For a time, Wang Feng was speechless.

"Hahahaha, the little monster said well!"

At this time, a familiar laugh sounded, "I haven't seen you in a few months, I didn't expect you to become more and more vigorous little monster."

There was a laugh.

The two laughed and knew who it was.

Dugu Bo.

The last time was a few months ago, after Dugu Bo took Dugu Goose to let Tang San detoxify, he left the college, not knowing what to do.

A green light flashed, and Dugu Bo's figure slowly emerged in the distance.

After a few months, Dugu Bo's complexion improved a lot, and the green hair that was full of toxins in his body became black and beautiful.

His face was ruddy, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Old poison?"

Tang San was surprised, "Why are you back? Where have you been during this time?"

Dugubo smiled without saying a word, walked in front of the two of them, held the shoulders of the two of them, and used his soul power to perceive it slightly before he was surprised:

"Good guys, improve so fast? It seems that you have not slackened in the past six months!"

More than half a year ago, he remembered that the two of them walked out of the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and they had not reached the 40th level!

After speaking, Dugu Bo pointed to the room and said with a smile: "Come on, let's not talk about the others, let's fight the landlord first. These days, I'm boring by myself."

Wang Feng: "..."

Are you still addicted?

The three of them walked into the house, and Dugubo took out his cards.

The cards are already a little wrinkled, and it is obvious that Dugu Bo is not playing less these days.

The three of them chatted while playing.

During the period when Dugu Bo was out, he actually went to a fight with an old opponent, but seeing his ruddy face and good looks, he must have won the fight.

Wang Feng smiled secretly in his heart, Dugu won Tang San's son-in-law chasing after their lives, and even took the fairy grass.

If you can't win again, you won't survive.

"That guy, I have been pressing him this time. The fairy grass that the little lunatic gave me has a great effect. The bigger the better, the more powerful it will make my poison power even higher. My body is now better than It was poisonous before, but I didn't have any influence at all. It might have become the kind of poison the little madman said."

Dugu Bohaha laughed and said, "There is also that mother-in-law chasing the soul, I used it, and the old thing was beaten as a dog and ran away... It gave me a sigh of relief these years, wait, Wang exploded! "Niu Bar Literature Network

Dugu Bo slapped the card in his hand on the table.

"What are you doing with me again?" Wang Feng glanced at him, "I am not a landlord."

Dugu Bo was taken aback, and said with a smile, "I'm used to bombing, and the two kings want to bomb...cough cough, can you take it back?"

Wang Feng was speechless. This old poison has not changed at all.

It's really a bad hand.

"The soul-chasing power of the son and mother is emitted from the spirit power of the old monster, and Title Douluo will naturally suffer."

Tang San smiled, as if thinking of something, "Unfortunately, hidden weapons cannot be used in the competition."

Speaking of this, Tang San was quite sorry.

"You can't use hidden weapons, you can combine with your blue silver grass."

Wang Feng said casually, "On top of your blue silver grass, others will only think that this is your martial arts ability, and they can't find any handle."


Tang San was stunned, and then he slapped his hands in excitement, "I said that I have been practicing in the past two days, I really want to forget something, right! I can combine the blue silver grass with hidden weapons!"

Wang Feng shook his head, he could combine the Xuanming Sting and the Red Lotus Karma Fire.Concealed weapons, which are banned by the competition, can naturally be combined with Blue Silver Grass.

Regarding the ability of Blue Silver Grass itself, or the ability added by the spirit ring, there is nothing to say.

Even if he didn't mention it, with the cleverness of his junior, he would soon think of it.

"By the way, when it comes to the competition, you have to be careful this year."

At this moment, Dugu Bo suddenly put down his cards, his face became serious.

Wang Feng's heart moved, and after Tang San was excited, he directly asked, "Old poison, do you know something?"

Dugu Bo nodded solemnly:

"Do you know what the rewards of this session of the Spirit Hall are? Four soul bones! Presumably you all know what soul bones mean. Two of the rewards offered by the Spirit Hall this time are due to an elder. After passing away, the other two pieces were reserved by the Spirit Hall."

Hearing this, Tang San couldn't help taking a breath.

Four soul bones?

To know how precious a piece of soul bone is, you can make all the major forces rush for it!Let alone four!

"The reward is so good...Old Poison, you mean our opponent is very powerful?" Tang San seemed to understand something.

"Not bad."

Dugu Bo nodded, "Your opponent is indeed very powerful. As far as I know, the seed team sent by Wuhun Palace this time is the strongest in history. Even the Pope considers them to be the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. , There are three people, only about 22 years old, but everyone has a level of 55. The quality of Wuhun is the top!"

At level fifty-five, Wang Feng was also slightly stunned when he heard this level.

Above level 50, the level of the soul master will be much slower.

At around twenty-two years old, he could reach level fifty-five, and his talent was stronger than Qin Mingken's ability, and he would definitely be a titled Douluo-level figure in the future.

"This is not the most important thing, right?"

Wang Feng said, "Four soul bones, the Spirit Hall dares to come up with such a generous reward, how can outsiders get it? If we did not stand by the side of the Spirit Hall, I am afraid that it is very possible to get these four soul bones. If it is low, it will be targeted by the Spirit Hall."

In the original work, Wang Feng remembered that for this reason, when Tang San and his party went to the Wuhun Main Hall to participate in the finals, they were also assassinated by the Wuhun Hall.

There was such a big noise this time, the spirit master hall was probably now discussing how to get rid of them.

Not to mention Tang San, Wang Feng, who has only played twice, will be the target.

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