Check in from Douluo

Chapter 364 September 1st Opening VS Tang San (4)

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A smug light flashed in Ma Hongjun's eyes. He was prepared to dodge these nine arrows. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not impossible!

However, at this moment!

I saw the nine high-speed arrows, suddenly changed!

It turns into one, forming a big net directly in the air!

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun was stunned, "Fuck, this time the arrow didn't turn, it was deformed directly in the air?"

Fortunately, Ma Hongjun dodged in time, the big net did not cover the wings behind him, but tied his legs.

Arrow steering involves changing the trajectory, which requires Wang Feng to concentrate on it.

But if it is to change the shape of the arrow, you only need to control the spirit power.

This was also another plan prepared by Wang Feng when he was playing Kamikaze. It was just that there was no arrow turning, and the sudden hit ended quickly.

After all, even if the arrow transforms its shape in mid-air, it can still be seen to evade.The direction of the arrow is undetectable.

Ma Hongjun's feet were tied, and his feet felt heavy as if they were tied to hundreds of catties of iron.

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but sink.

This nine one is too cunning.

Even if the big net didn't completely tie him up, but then he was in trouble.


The second wave of nine arrows struck, once again forming a big net in mid-air, this time only tied Ma Hongjun's waist.

Next...until the fourth wave, Ma Hongjun's whole body is covered with a net formed by Xuanming thorns.

He is like a big bird that has been carrying thousands of catties of boulders all the time, and can only fall on the ground with hatred!

The Kamikaze team on the side looked cold and sweaty.

Fortunately, they didn't have the choice to face up to 9 Yi, otherwise, this fat guy would be their end.

Although they were prepared for the arrows, they suddenly changed shape in mid-air, forming a large net, expanding the range, and it was difficult to avoid them.

However, Ma Hongjun persisted for eleven seconds, which was the one that allowed Wang Feng to use the Xuanming thorn the most.

In Wang Feng's view, it's not bad.

But for Tang San and the others, it was far from the expected time.

I thought that with the fat man's flying ability, coupled with the defense against September 1st, he could last at least 20 seconds or more.

But still quickly defeated by the opponent.

Four waves of arrows directly turned Fatty into a netted phoenix.

When it fell, the whole body was covered by dense black nets formed by Xuanming thorns... It looked a little funny.

After Wang Feng took back Xuan Ming's thorn, Ma Hongjun walked down cursingly.

"It seems... it was a little bit different from our expectations."

Oscar looked at the silent people and encouraged, "Don't be discouraged, there are three more."

But at this time everyone was able to feel the huge pressure on September 1st in person!

Really, you really don't know how he will move!

The sixth comes on.

Dai Mubai.

After the match started, Dai Mubai's martial spirit possessed his body, and then he directly transformed into King Kong and White Tiger.

However, he did not release the long-range spirit ability of Baihulie Guangbo, and the Baihu meteor shower.

The former has a too low hit rate for 91 open, a waste of time.

The latter needs to accumulate energy. Although it has a large coverage area and can hit September 1st, they will definitely be hit by then.

In fact, in terms of strength alone, Dai Mubai was the one with the most balanced strength among the seven.

There is defense, meat, output, group attack and full, and it can kite remotely.Strong strength, high defense, and although the speed is slower than the sensitive offense system, it is also sufficient.12 Novel Network

The spirit power level is also the highest.

But... is also the best.

He couldn't dodge because of Wang Feng's attack.

Like Xiaowu Jingling, he is very flexible and wants to attack directly. It is a bit difficult and it is easy to waste time.

Dai Mubai was different.

"White Tiger Guard!"

Seeing Wang Feng attacking, Dai Mubai didn't rush and used his first spirit ability to directly stand up the shield.

This time, he didn't only defend one part, because Jiu Yi Kai's attack was too weird. I didn't know where he would hit, and Dai Mubai couldn't predict it, so he just covered the whole body without saving soul power.

Therefore, Wang Feng said nothing, a spear appeared directly.

A stab impact, a simple and straightforward shot, directly pierced Dai Mubai's white tiger body shield.

In addition to external defenses, his white tiger shield also gave him a certain increase in his own strength.

Seeing that the shield was pierced, Dai Mubai was shocked, but fortunately, he was rich in combat experience and quickly deleted it sideways, shocked in cold sweat.

The opponent's spirit bone was far stronger than they thought, and even his own white tiger body cover could not stop it.

It seems that he has the ability to break through the spirit shield!

"The other party's spirit bone, is it mixed with special equipment?"

What Tang San saw was also shocked, "The penetrating power is so strong, Mubai's white tiger body cover is not even the slightest obstruction. It is stronger than all the hidden weapons in my body at this stage! Even the dragon's beard needle is not comparable."

What spirit bone can have such a terrifying penetrating power.

The shield was broken, and the spear in Wang Feng's hand turned into a hammer, and Dai Mubai was sent flying with a few hammers.

However, Dai Mubai also held on for fifteen seconds, which was considered to be up to the standard, and was the only one among several people who completed the task on time.

The seventh to appear was Tang San.

Among several people, Tang San was the most difficult to deal with.

Wang Feng looked at Tang San quietly.

Although the two had fought many times, Wang Feng had not only used Xuan Ming thorns to fight each other.Especially at this level, there is almost no.

At this time, Tang San was not a kid at all.

Even if he can't use hidden weapons, his various Tang Sect weapons, mysterious jade hands, controlling cranes and catching dragons, ghosts and shadows have been practiced to a very high level.

Wuhun Lan Yincao also has four spirit rings, as well as ten thousand years spirit ring.

In heads-up, is the strongest.

His previous matches were always wins, and no one was Tang San's opponent.

The game started again.

This is already the eighth game, and the rest of the teams are also dizzying!

There is no team that can make Shrek Academy play seven people in a row!

And all the seven were defeated at an extremely fast speed, it was incredible!

The style of the September 1st opening is also very similar to this promotion match, just two words, refreshing!

Playing well, seeing well!

After the start, Tang San didn't hesitate, the blue silver grass in his hand was shining, and his feet were fascinated by ghosts, but he didn't attack towards Jiu Yi, but circled the ring.

The ghost trail made him faster than the normal power attack type war spirit master, but it was much worse than Xiao Wu Zhuqing's sensitive attack type.

The victory lies in the subtlety, which can dodge enemy attacks.

But even Xiao Wu's speed can't be compared to 9-One, and he doesn't have any advantage!

Moreover, the opponent reacts too quickly, no matter if it is entanglement or cobweb bondage, it is impossible to control the opponent in the first time!

The instantaneous blue silver cage lacked toughness and wasted soul power.

However, Tang San quickly moved towards the ring, and quickly covered a layer of blue silver grass on the ground.

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