Check in from Douluo

Chapter 371: As a strong person, how can you be a turtle (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The dark light seemed to be able to resist everything in the world.

The flat voice was extremely familiar to the seven people.

The seven people looked back, but saw a young man walking slowly with a black lotus conceived in the palm of the world-erasing light with an extremely calm expression.

It's Wang Feng!

When the team was resting just now, Wang Feng said that he would go outside for a stroll. He didn't want to change suddenly, and the seven of them ran straight ahead before they could find it.Ning Rongrong originally said that he wanted to find Wang Feng and leave, but Flanders and Liu Erlong asked to go straight ahead, and Wang Feng himself would follow.

The reason is simple: He is all seven of you, and if something goes wrong with him, you too will be finished.

So they did not escape from the carriage with Wang Feng.

Until now, Wang Feng appeared!

"It's Brother Feng's Black Lotus!"

Tang San suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

The slightly transparent black mask seems to be more defensive than when it appeared last time.

All seven remembered clearly that when they were in the Star Dou Great Forest, it was this pitch black mask that resisted the attack of the Forest King Titan Great Ape.

At that time, Wang Feng was only at level 30, and there was no third spirit ring.

But now, what they knew, Wang Feng was at level 45!

Seeing the two soul emperors flying upside down, the seven of them couldn't stop shocked.

It was not just the two soul emperors who were shot off.There are also black golden willows flying all over the sky, and several silver arrows.

Of course, the two soul emperors were the worst. The defensive power released by the black lotus, in addition to having the ability to rebound, had the same defensive weakening effect as Xuan Ming Jia.

"Wang Feng! You are finally here!"

Seeing Wang Feng walking into the mask, Ning Rongrong trot over and said, "I thought I was going to die just now."

It's not just him, the other people just felt this way.

"The heart almost jumped out just now."

Ma Hongjun patted his chest, sweating profusely, "Fortunately blocked... Captain, your black lotus defense has become stronger again, even so many attacks can be blocked!"

It wasn't just the spirit abilities of the four soul emperors who were shaken up just now.

There are two more Contras!

It's just that compared to the two unihorn rhinoceros and the unicorn horse fighting spirit emperor, the Golden Eagle Contra and the Loess Centipede Contra, the damage from the counter-shock was much smaller, after all, it was Contra.

Especially the Golden Eagle Soul Douluo, who swooped just now, even though he was shaken away, but at this time he still stabilized his figure, looking at Wang Feng who appeared in the midair with a gloomy light.

Another loess centipede sprayed a poisonous mist, which was directly isolated by a black mask.

"Brother Feng, how long can you block it?"

Tang San asked in a deep voice.

The crisis is temporarily lifted.

After all, there are two Contras who are bombarding wildly, and they won't last long by then, they must come up with a countermeasure!

This issue is also related to everyone.

At first, this black lotus was able to block the Titan Great Ape for two seconds, but now it should be able to block it longer, right?


Wang Feng was surprised, "When did I say I was going to block it?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

"As a strong person, how can you be a turtle?"

Wang Feng smiled and said, "Since these people want to kill us, if you don't keep them, how can this work?"

When he rushed over, Wang Feng didn't plan to shrink in the protective cover of Black Lotus.

It just meant to relieve the crisis for Tang San and the others.

"Do you want to kill them?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Everyone's backs numb, and their brains are a little confused.90dy look at

"What about it?" Wang Feng nodded, "I already have a countermeasure. They can't break Black Lotus's defensive power for a while, and the more they fight, the more exhausted they become. Even if there are two Contras, a conservative estimate can At least ten minutes or so."

If the opponent were Titled Douluo, he could resist for a minute or two with the current Black Lotus ability.

"Can resist for so long?"

Everyone was startled, and Oscar immediately suggested, "Why don't you wait for someone to come to rescue? It's impossible to kill them!"

Ten minutes is already very long.

At this time, the opponent quickly issued another round of attack.

Several black spirit rings lighted up from the six people, and the two Contras seemed to feel the power of this mysterious mask. Without leaving the slightest effort, the ten thousand year spirit rings on their bodies lighted up directly, launching a powerful attack!

The spirit ability of the Golden Eagle Contra is a physical attack. The eagle's claws after being possessed become several times larger and carry a dark green light. There are a pair of wings behind it, like a meteor driving the moon, turning into a light and falling directly down. , Intending to break through the mask with all his strength, don't want to waste any time.

"Eighth Soul Ability: Eagle strikes the earth!"

The Golden Eagle Contra made a low roar!

And the Loess Centipede Martial Spirit also activated the extremely powerful eighth spirit ability.

I saw him dig directly into the soil, and the ground began to tremble, and countless cracks came from all directions towards the eight people in the black lotus mask.

"Eighth Soul Ability: Earth Surge Shock!"

In contrast, the spirit abilities of the remaining four soul emperors are much inferior.

But they just added an attack to supplement the attacks of the two Contras.

The terrifying momentum made the people in the mask a little uneasy.

It is the first time to truly see the power of Contra, that kind of high-level ten thousand years spirit ability, just power can give people a great shock!

This is not something that any technique can resist.

As Wang Feng thought, the battle of a high-level soul master was so gorgeous and boring.

It's far less interesting than the battle of middle and low-level soul masters.

"Don't worry."

Wang Feng slowly said, "Although this kind of spirit ability is powerful, there will be a short gap after they attack. I will show you the third spirit ability of Black Lotus, the lotus of thorns, with additional status. You stay in formation and retreat quickly. ."

"What about you," Ning Rongrong asked subconsciously.

"I will stay here for the time being to help you delay time and see if I can kill them by the way."

"No, I...we want to be with you." Ning Rongrong shook his head.

The others also shook their heads.

"I will release the big move later, and you will also get hurt here."

Wang Feng frowned.

Zhu Zhuqing came over, pulled Wang Feng's sleeve, pursed his mouth, and shook his head.

"Brother Feng, do you see that we are like the kind of people who leave our teammates behind?" Xiao Wu pouted, "Brother, what do you think?"

Tang San also nodded.

"Even the captain, we are also very strong, can we at least hold the four soul emperors?" Ma Hongjun said.

Dai Mubai and Oscar also nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Feng couldn't say anything. He stayed as long as he stayed.

At this time, the attacks of the two Soul Douluos and the four Soul Emperors blasted again, as if the six light groups exploded in the sky above the black lotus again.

However, it cannot be broken!

It just made the black lotus color lighter.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures flew out again!

"Little San, cover the blue silver grass under our feet and use the spider web to surround us!"

Wang Feng frowned and said solemnly.

The attack of the Loess Centipede Soul Douluo is the most troublesome, similar to the effect of the ground crack, it is a large-scale group attack, even if the mask can avoid the damage caused by the vibration, but if the ground cracks, let them fall into the crack , It is more troublesome.

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