Check in from Douluo

Chapter 399: Hu Liena (9)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!There were countless questions in Wang Feng's mind. The people of Wuhundian chased Qingqing three of them. Yaya was willing to become Shui Bing'er's spirit ring, and she could still understand that she had nothing to do with Wuhundian, just a passerby. , And the bottom of my heart is not bad, Yaya is very intelligent and can feel it.

But this girl is obviously from Wuhun Palace.

This kind of doubt made Wang Feng couldn't help but want to rush to the ring to ask clearly.

But Wang Feng held back.

Now that he felt the breath, he could ask clearly sooner or later.

This girl, if Wang Feng's memory is correct, she should be the saint of the Wuhun Palace, Hu Liena, Wuhun is a fox.

It shouldn't be an ordinary fox.

And the other two, one is Hu Liena's brother, Xie Yue.

Xie Yue’s face was ordinary and her figure was tall, but she didn’t give people an exaggerated feeling. On the contrary, she was very well-proportioned. Her dark hair stood up like steel pins, reminding Wang Feng of the second-tier hall in the King of Fighters. pill.

In Wang Feng's impression, he vaguely remembered that Xie Yue's martial spirit was a weapon spirit. As for what it was, Wang Feng couldn't remember clearly.

There is also a man on the right of Xie Yue, who should be one of the three golden generations of Yan, his face is equally ordinary, not tall compared to Xie Yue, his hair is flame red, giving a fiery breath, obviously it should be As for the flame type martial soul, Wang Feng couldn't remember exactly what it was.

But the spirit power of these three people is very high, very high!

Xie Yue is the highest, close to the fifty-sixth rank, and is the one with the highest spirit power level that Wang Feng has seen in this competition.

Hu Liena at the back has only fifty-fourth, and Yan has fifty-five.

There was a strong breath in all three of them, which seemed terrifying.

"The spirit power level is too high..."

Wang Feng frowned slightly, Xie Yue was at least eight levels higher than Yu Tianheng!

This huge gap in spirit power can't be made up by ordinary spirit abilities.

Even with the resources of the Martial Spirit Palace, it should not be able to hit this high, 80% of these three people must have encountered a special opportunity.

Moreover, Wang Feng also sensed a soul bone on Hu Liena.

In the head, it is obvious that the soul bone of the star is also the location where the consciousness of the star remains.

For the other two, Wang Feng didn't feel the soul bone.

After the three of them took the stage, the Xie Yue didn't look at Yu Tianheng, but took a look at the position of Jiu Yi Kai, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, they were clear about their performance on stage on September 1st.

Wang Feng did not respond, just watched quietly.

Soon, the battle began.

Almost immediately, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan came together.

The two merged quickly without any hesitation, while the other two Xuanwu Soul Masters stood directly in front of them.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill? It seems that Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan have grown a lot in the past two years."

Wang Feng sighed slightly.

In fact, although the martial arts fusion skill may seem mysterious, if the two people get along for a long time, the degree of compatibility between martial arts will increase.

Once you get along for several years, ten years, and decades, even if the martial spirit is repellent at first, as long as you try for a long time, you can form martial spirit fusion skills.

This is the most difficult part of the martial arts fusion skills.

The peculiarity of Wang Fengqinglian lies in its innate affinity with all creatures.

So being able to merge with the Seven Monsters is not just the Seven Monsters. Anyone can form a martial soul fusion skill with Wang Feng as long as he thinks about it. It just takes a certain amount of time to adapt and adapt the form.

Obviously, Yu Tianheng is very cautious, knowing that the two teams are very different, and wanting to win, only by relying on martial soul fusion skills, this kind of skill beyond combat power, can have a chance to defeat the other side.Tianhe Novel Network

The tactics have been prepared before the game.

However, the Golden Generation did not stay.

Hu Liena walked out gently, and a snow-white fox emerged from her.

Seeing this fox, Wang Feng's eyes shrank slightly.

There is a star mark on the fox's eyebrows.

"It's the mark of Xingyue Fox, and it's Wuhun mutation!"

Wang Feng whispered, "Hu Liena's martial arts soul should be just a fox with a strong charm ability. Now it looks a bit similar to the shape of a star... It seems that the star really voluntarily becomes her soul ring. Why is that?"

If the star is threatened, or for other reasons, even if Hu Liena can absorb the spirit ring, this kind of martial spirit mutation is impossible, let alone the spirit bone.

At this time, after Hu Liena's martial spirit guarding body, five spirit rings suddenly lit up on her body.

Yellow, purple, black!

Hu Liena's charm has greatly increased after Wuhun possessed her body, and her whole body seemed to be beautiful, but beautiful and not gorgeous.A fluffy tail grows behind.

Immediately afterwards, the first four spirit rings on Hu Liena's body directly lit up and flickered slightly, but the last black spirit ring did not light up.

The light red light suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

The two mysterious turtle spirit masters who were blocking the battle team in front, subconsciously looked at her in the eyes, were stunned, and even the defensive spirit skills were dissipated.

The same is true for the other two soul masters!

Only Ye Lingling at the end was slightly better, and was not so severely charmed.


At this moment, a dragon chant sounded from behind the two mysterious turtle guards!

The crowd was awakened instantly.

But at this moment, Hu Liena let out a soft laugh:

"You are sleepy, go to sleep~"

This sluggish voice almost instantly caused the four spirit masters who had just awakened to fall directly to the ground.

Wang Feng shook his head remotely, the difference in spirit power was too large, and Hu Liena's martial spirit had been mutated, and they were no opponents at all.

But fortunately at this time Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan's martial soul fusion skills also appeared.

It became a thunder dragon with a length of more than ten meters and a green energy form!

The dragon's body is surrounded by lightning, but its body is green!

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Blue Lightning Bilinlong!"

One dragon and one snake, the martial soul fusion skill formed by fusion!

However, Wang Feng felt that this martial arts fusion skill was equivalent to the strength of the soul king of more than fifty ranks, not strong, at best it could only be as strong as Xie Yue.But it is also quite good, the soul power level that can raise seven or eight ranks is poor.

Generally, against the other teams, it is a spike effect.

But now, I can only say that I am not seduced by Hu Liena.Whether it is against Xieyue or Yan, the odds of winning are not great, but the Emperor Dou team can do this step, it is already very good.


Seeing this, Xie Yue took a step forward, a pair of moon blades appeared directly in his hands, and the five spirit rings on her body suddenly lit up.

"It seems...Xieyue and Hu Liena have martial arts fusion skills?"

Seeing this, Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, "However, at this time, you, a soul king of more than 50 levels, need to use martial and soul fusion skills to deal with others, which is a bit silly."

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