Check in from Douluo

Chapter 402 I am too ugly...(2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Bibi Dong walked out with the four of them, all the people in the Wuhun Hall present knelt on one knee to show respect.

But Tang San and the others did not kneel down.

Of course, Wang Feng did not kneel down. In such a place, it is actually a kind of disrespect in theory, but there is no rule that kneeling must be done.

Just like people from the Star Luo Empire, seeing the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, they are not under the control of the Heaven Dou Empire, and naturally they don't need to kneel down.

Seeing this, the cardinal behind was angry, about to get angry.

But Bibi Dong waved his hand to stop it.

Her eyes first swept across the seven Shrek, and then quickly fell on Tang San.

Tang San was a master's disciple, and Bibi Dong knew exactly what Tang San was.

Although it was just a scrutiny, there was a special majesty in her eyes. Seven people didn't dare to look at her, so the purple light in Tang San's eyes revolved, and they barely dared to look at Bibi Dong.

Wang Feng watched all this quietly, Bibi Dong was almost fifty in age, with rich experience, having been in charge of the Spirit Hall for so many years, the kind of power and power that did not let go, plus the strength of her own hidden Title Douluo, don’t Speaking of the soul sect of more than 40 levels, even the soul emperor of more than 60 levels would not dare to look at her.

Wang Feng sometimes thinks that the identity of a master and Bibi Dong are simply different. How did they fall in love back then?

But thinking about Bibi Dong's vision back then, he should not value a person's strength, but rather his abilities in all aspects.

But even though the master was garbage, the upper limit was very low.But ingenuity is one-to-one, and in contrast, it is natural to attract others.

Bibi Dong is like this, Liu Erlong is like this.

Moreover, in the original work, if there is no master's teaching, Tang San's early path, I am afraid I don't know how many times it would be difficult to walk.The Shrek Seven Devils would not exist either.

Bibi Dong looked at Tang San for a while, without seeing any changes in his eyes, just nodding slightly, no trace of the years could be heard in his calm voice, only the round pearls and majesty:

"Blue and blue, yes, compared with your teacher, you are not inferior to him."

Hearing this, many people were surprised, even the people of Wuhun Palace, the same was true.

After all, there were few people who knew Bibi Dong's relationship with the master.

Except Wang Feng.

Tang San just replied neither humble nor arrogant: "His Majesty the Pope is absurd. There is still a big gap between me and the teacher."

Although it is self-humble, many people obviously don't think so.

Bibi Dong didn't say any more, she patrolled among Shrek and seemed to be looking for another person, but she didn't find it.

I don't watch it anymore.

Tang San secretly said in his heart, it seems that the Pope is very clear about their information, he should have been looking for Brother Feng, but unfortunately, Brother Feng did not come today.Thinking of this, Tang San felt quite regretful.

Although the master said, Feng Ge could not play in the finals, only by themselves.

But it's always good to watch the game.

Only last night, Wang Feng came over to discuss tactics with them and the master.And told them that the Golden Generation might have powerful martial arts fusion skills, make yourself careful, and must pay attention to that Hu Liena.

The rest did not say much.

At this moment, Bibi Dong looked at a figure in another location.

Wearing a black robe and a white mask, he looked like a lonely guest walking in the shadows, looking mysterious and cold.

"Bold, see His Majesty the Pope, why don't you take off your mask?"

A cardinal scolded, "How sacred this place is, how can you allow you to look so sneaky?"

Suddenly, all eyes for a while, all focused on this figure.

On September 1!Yuyu Novel

The master on the periphery of the square frowned slightly and did not speak.

The few members of the Wuhun Palace team, or the three of the Golden Generation, were all staring at the nine-one.

In the hearts of the three of them, based on the analysis of the many powerful teachers in the Wuhun Palace in the previous four days, nine one has been opened as their three biggest enemy.It is conceivable that the three of them were curious and valued this nine-one.

Bibi Dong also watched September 1st open.

The mask only covers the face, but there is nothing wrong with his eyes. Compared with the flashing purple light in Tang San's eyes before, this Jiu Yi opened his eyes very calmly, like a secluded pool, looking at her without any fluctuations.

Bibi Dong was a little surprised.

At this time, I heard Wang Feng's hoarse voice slowly and said:

"I'm so ugly, I'm afraid that I lifted the mask to scare His Majesty the Pope. Although His Majesty's eyes are like a torch, he doesn't care about the beauty of a person, but you let me open it suddenly. Didn’t you commit a heinous crime?"

Upon hearing this, the audience was silent for a moment.

The cardinal was so refuted that he couldn't say a word, his face flushed and he pointed to the nine one.


Hu Liena, who was in the golden generation, chuckled and blinked.

"This September 1 is open, so courageous."

Xie Yue and Yan did not speak, but looked at Wang Feng seriously.

"Get out."

Bibi Dong glanced at the cardinal and slowly said, "This is his personal privacy. The competition does not stipulate that you can't wear a mask. Nor does my Spirit Hall have any regulations that force everyone to show their people in front. "

Ghost Douluo is a good example, although the two are not comparable in identity and strength.

After all, Bibi Dong stopped watching, but walked to the high platform of the square and gave a simple speech.

Wang Feng nodded slightly. Although Bibi Dong is a villain in the original work, as the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, his words really make people feel like spring breeze, without any pressure.However, in full view, in order to maintain the prestige of the pope, she naturally won't mess around.

After the speech, Bibi Dong waved the scepter in his hand.

Four spirit bones directly appeared in midair.

Wang Feng glanced, and the tallest soul bones were only about 50,000 years old, not bad.

But Wang Feng really didn't like it.

The fifty-thousand-year old is a skull. In addition, there is a left hand and a leg bone.

All are spirit bones over ten thousand years old.

"Among these four soul bones, the skull is the wisdom skull that condenses the spirit, the right arm that bursts and burns, the left arm that moves the mountain with gravel, and the left leg that is only chasing the wind. They are all soul bones over ten thousand years old. Among them, the wisdom skull is more than 50,000 years old."

It was Chrysanthemum Douluo who was talking and introduced in a low voice.

Although his voice made everyone get goose bumps, it was extremely shocking.

Soul bones over fifty thousand years old!

Still a skull!

Among the soul bones, in addition to the external soul bone, the most precious thing is the torso and the head!

As you can imagine!

"There is only one champion in the competition, and the rewards only belong to the champion team."

Bibi Dong glanced at the fifteen people, "This morning, you will have an individual match. The last team will directly get the place for the finals. The remaining two teams will compete in a team battle in the afternoon to compete for another place in the final. "

"Now, you can send your players to the court to get started."

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