Check in from Douluo

Chapter 448 Qinghuanger (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although the extreme north is dangerous, the inner circle will naturally have many blessed places.

Similar to the two eyes of ice and fire, even if it is not comparable, it will not be too far behind. Otherwise, if you want to breed those powerful overlord-level spirit beasts, without resources, just practice, how difficult is that?

Speaking of this, Lei Ling Fox swept the frost dew on his cheeks with fox tail.

The air in the clouds is too cold.

"We are not afraid of the rest."

Lei Linghu continued, "Qing Huang'er is the smartest soul beast I have ever seen. Although her cultivation level is not high, her strength is very strong. It stands to reason that she should be difficult to catch. She is now caught by an ice dragon whale. , I think there must be some special circumstances. Although I am not clear about the reason, Qinghuanger should be locked in the cold ice cave in the Valley of the Four Ice Gods. The ice dragon whale has been pursuing Qinghuanger, I am afraid he will announce All the spirit beasts under its banner came to participate in the feast of its Ice God Valley."

"Ice Dragon Whale is a soul beast, very cunning and cunning, and very lustful! Wants to take all beautiful things as his own. Most of its soul beasts are also like this, greedy and violent. But its power is Really true."

"It's injury caused by a strong human at the beginning, it should be almost healed in the past half a year. You must be careful when the boss is Feng."

"I even suspect that this news was deliberately released..."

Wang Feng's arrangement for them is very simple.

In the past six months, Wang Feng has given special training to the four spirit beasts, so that these guys can learn the combination of the spirit beasts to play more powerful moves.

They also learn quickly.

Wang Feng looked at the white ice and snow forest in the distance, with strange lights flashing in his eyes.

Unconsciously, it's been two years!

On this trip, Wang Feng not only wanted to defeat the ice dragon whale and rescue Qingqing, but also to occupy the four absolute ice valleys.

According to what Lei Linghu said, the Shijue Vientiane Valley is one of the five rare treasures in the Far North, with many treasures of heaven and earth.

Moreover, it occupies a huge area, and the area is divided into four dangerous places: Hanjue Ice Cave, Youjue Lingdong, Leijue Purple Forest, and Fengjueqing Terrace.

It belongs to a dangerous place that is truly formed naturally by heaven and earth.

At the same time as dangerous, it is also a treasure!

The ice dragon whale only occupies the Hanjue Ice Cave, the other three dangerous places in the Vientiane Valley, it dare not wait any longer.

The rest of the soul beasts are even more so, even if they have the same attributes, they can hardly stay for a long time, and there are all kinds of treasures with different attributes.

Lei Linghu endured the humiliation under the hand of the Ice Dragon Whale, and had been the little brother for more than half a year, and he knew clearly about these things.

"Boss Feng, you can promise me that after defeating the Ice Dragon Whale, you have to find a wife for me."

Blizzard Alligator smiled slyly.

Wang Feng: "..."

Are you crocodile thinking about this?

"Boss Maple, after defeating the Ice Dragon Whale, you also have to teach me that new song... That's it... Draw a rainbow on the left and the inner part of the dragon on the right~" Emperor Demon Kun laughed, "and Kun is too beautiful …I also want to learn."

Wang Feng: "..."

This guy just likes that.

"Boss Feng, after you kill the Ice Dragon Whale, I will thwart it!"

Bingjila showed a fierce light.

From the perspective of hatred and emotion, Bingjira and Lei Linghu are on the same level.Read the book

"I want to eat its meat and drink its blood..."

A trace of pain flashed in Lei Linghu's eyes.

Wang Feng glanced at the four soul beasts and nodded slightly.


The Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley.

The topography of this place is very special. There are layers of ice walls and icicles at least hundreds of meters high around it, making the place tight.

There is only a small opening on the back.

Relying on these ice walls and icicles, the Four Extreme Ice God Valley can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, except for the flying spirit beasts, it is too difficult to get in.

If you look from the clouds, there are a total of four colors in the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley, and the branches are located in the four directions of the valley. With these four air currents, the aura of air flow gathers, forming a stream of pure and incomparable energy!It is conceivable that if you cultivate in this kind of precious land, you don't know how much the speed will increase, but the level of danger in this place is not something that an ordinary ten thousand-year spirit beast can stay. If the cultivation base does not reach home, you will die!

The Hanjue Ice Cave is located on the upper left side of the Vientiane Valley.

The temperature here is at least about 120 degrees below zero!

The more central, the lower!

At this moment, in the cave, there are many ice crystals hanging upside down, exuding a wave of cold. The ice crystals like stalactites have been formed after many years, and the surrounding ice is covered with all kinds of strange things. Each of the special plants exudes the ultimate cold breath.

In the center, some ice grass was used to paved a avenue extending into the cold ice spring in front of the spiritual cave.

The ice dragon whale lives in this cold ice spring.

In the upper wind of the ice spring, countless ice crystals formed an ice crystal cage.

The cold ice crystals in this spiritual cave have at least tens of thousands of years of history and are extremely hard!A normal soul beast of six to seven thousand years can't cause much damage to this ice crystal!Once locked in the seal, the cold air formed by the ice crystals alone would be unbearable for ordinary Title Douluo.

Inside, there was an unusually beautiful blue bird locked in a cage.

This blue bird is relatively small, only about five meters tall.But the whole body is brilliance like an immortal, every feather seems to have been carefully crafted by the heavens, and even the lines on the feathers are neat and mysterious, and the eyes are even more exquisite, pale golden. The pupils looked flatly at the ice spring below.

She seemed to have been given a special forbidden spirit ability, and she couldn't move the slightest at this time.

The pure golden claws stepped on the ice crystal cage, and the golden feathers on the small head draped gently behind him, swaying slightly with the cold wind, setting her off like a fairy bird.

Her wings were not spread out, but her body was closed. The cyan wings could only spread out slightly, but they exuded a stream of soft energy, resisting the terrifying temperature in this freezing ice cave.

Even if you don't appreciate it from the perspective of a soul beast, normal creatures will think this blue bird is absolutely beautiful!

However, in the eyes of many soul beasts gathered below, they looked at this blue bird both greedy and fearful.

This ice-type spirit beast started with a spirit beast that was more than ten thousand years old, and many of them were thirty or forty thousand years old.

Various shapes and strong breath.

They are all under the ice dragon whale, the five soul beasts in the front, like a general, stand at the forefront.

At the center, there is a giant ice-blue wolf seven or eight meters high.

The four people next to him were all cultivated between 60,000 and 70,000 years old, all of the same size, each of them incredibly hideous and powerful.

Today is their grand occasion in the Four Wonders of Vientiane Valley!

Their boss, Shanhai Ice Dragon Whale, is about to become a partner with this Qinghuanger.

Of course, it is forced.

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