Check in from Douluo

Chapter 451 Ice Dragon Whale has a trick! (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Just like the previous two times, Wang Feng’s coat was broken, and countless blood patterns were cracked in his muscles. This was caused by the excessive power of Pan Gu Axe. Even the handsome face had countless blood patterns, flowing with a stream of essence. The energy, short hair fluttering wildly.

The momentum seems to be several points stronger than the gods and demons!

For a while, the four soul beasts of the house crocodile and Shen Bing were dumbfounded!It was the first time that they saw Wang Feng explode with such terrifying power!

That is a power that makes them all feel fear!

Natural fear!

Even if it is a counseling Kun, in fact, as a bloodline of two ancient alien beasts, it is not a real counseling, it is just not interested in fighting.

If it is really scared, no one is scared of it.Even if the ice dragon whale doesn't say anything, it makes it fearful.

But at this time, Wang Feng really made him fear!

At this moment, the same is true for the Ice Dragon Whale!

Even he can't believe it!He, who has been close to one hundred thousand years, has fear of a human being?

Are you kidding me?

The emotion of fear will directly affect the fighting performance!

The ice dragon whale screamed several times, seeming to want to ease the fear inside!

But Wang Feng didn't give it a chance. The moment Wang Feng held the solid Pangu axe, it could be said that the wind and the clouds changed color, and the sun and the moon were dull!

Wang Feng made a vertical leap, and an axe struck the ice dragon whale from mid-air!

His body does not know that an ice dragon whale is like an ant compared to a human being. Although it is extremely small, the light condensed by this axe has covered more than half of the ice dragon whale!

When he came, Wang Feng thought that he must not give this ice dragon whale a chance, otherwise even if he could dodge, the other four guys would be seriously injured.So simply use the Pangu axe directly to kill!

Of course, an axe would definitely not kill this ice dragon whale.

After all, this beast has been born for more than 90,000 years, and his strength is extremely powerful, but Wang Feng only needs to chop him to a dying state, and finally let the four guys solve it.

The four crocodile guys, the younger brothers who unite to fight the ice dragon whale, are almost abusive. After a while, the wind, thunder and ice water tornado will hang dozens of them, and they must have a lot of spirit power left.

Because of counseling Kun's special aura, Wang Feng was called the Beiming aura, capable of absorbing the soul power of the opponent and replenishing himself and his companions.

So the more you fight, the four guys will not consume much.

Under an axe, the ice dragon whale was in a panic, his whole body seemed to turn into ice lumps, becoming hard, and it was covered with ice at least three or four meters behind for defense.

From a distance, it looks like an oval ice coffin.

When the two touched, the ice layer broke every inch, and a violent light exploded from the landing point of Wang Feng's Pan Gu axe.

Instantly penetrate the ice dragon whale's defense!

No matter how strong your defense is, it’s useless.

Not only did it penetrate the ice defense of the ice dragon whale, but it also pulled out a several-meter-long hole directly on the ice dragon whale.

Ice blue blood spurted out directly.

But Wang Feng frowned slightly.

This beast is really strong.

If he went down with this axe, he couldn't cause serious injuries to the beast.

If it were replaced by the four crocodile guys, it would be a few breaths left.

'Is this the overlord of the Far North?'

Wang Feng secretly said,'It is indeed very strong, if I am in the fifth gear, I am afraid I can't beat it at all!Its strength is at least comparable to the 94th-level Title Douluo, and it is not much different from the 95th-level Super Douluo.'

Thinking of this, Wang Feng slashed again with two axes in his backhand.

In contrast, Tiandi Fenglei's moves that require energy accumulation, Wang Feng is much simpler, simple and straightforward, a single axe is the only power, instant, no energy accumulation.

As the light flickered, the two axe heads landed on the ice dragon whale, causing the animal to make a miserable cry.

Under the three axes, even if it had a cultivation base of 90,000 years, it was seriously injured at this time.

Wang Feng was secretly surprised.The only Chinese website

This beast is really a bit strong, and it was only seriously injured when the three axe went down.

Three terrifying scars were cracked on the body of Jian Ice Dragon Whale, and the blood could not stop flowing out, even with its huge body, it was difficult to bear such scars!

"I can have another four axes or so..."

Wang Feng did not hesitate.

The strength of this ice dragon whale, as long as it breathes a little, this battle is completely meaningless.

The four soul beasts of the crocodile, although the potential is endless, even if they are added together, they will not be the opponent of the ice dragon whale.

Boom boom boom!

In the clouds, it exploded three times in a row!

Every time, the Pangu axe representing Wang Feng fell!

There is no way, although Pangu axe is strong, but Wang Feng's strength level is not enough at this time. With a 50-level tough soul beast for more than 90,000 years, it is a pipe dream to kill two or three axe.

If this was an ordinary 90,000-year soul beast, it might really not be able to withstand a few axes.

But this is the ice dragon whale!

Wang Feng didn't have any extra energy left, his soul power was full, and now he could only swing seven axes, and his body reached its limit.

The last four axes barely stopped and landed directly on the ice dragon whale.

Almost split the ice dragon whale in half!

Wang Feng could even see the icy blue body of the Ice Dragon Whale!But it was also split by Pangu axe!

Going down with the seven axes, this ice dragon whale is almost truly dying!

Wang Feng could also be regarded as a sigh of relief. When he came, Wang Feng had calculated the strength of the ice dragon whale, and now it seemed that Wang Feng did not surprise him.

The ice dragon whale in this state hardly has much combat effectiveness.

When I let the four guys vent, I took its spirit ring again to make a breakthrough!

At this time, the four house crocodiles also solved the pair of spirit beasts directly.

Nearly sixty thousand-year soul beasts, almost dismembered, fell on the ground, forming a pair of Roshan.

Headed by Guikun, the other three stood on Guikun's back, looking at the ice dragon whale at this time with some suffocation.

Because it looks like the ice dragon whale at this time is really shocking, such a huge body, almost all cut into two sections!

But not dead, yes, even so, this ice dragon whale is still not dead.

While the four soul beasts were shocked by Wang Feng's strength, they were also shocked by the vitality of this ice dragon whale.

"Four of you, Shen Bing, Iron Fox, whatever you want to ravage it! Leave it to me to kill in the end."

Wang Feng coughed and retracted the Pangu axe. Although there were a lot of blood streaks all over his body, he still had a bit of energy. It should be a few days before he wanted to use the Pangu axe.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng used the golden lotus to cure himself and quickly recovered.

Hearing that, the four soul beasts, especially Shen Bing and Iron Fox, could hardly help but roar up to the sky.

But at this moment!

A blue sound rang loudly!

Wang Feng was startled slightly, it was Xiaoqing's tweet. When he came, Wang Feng felt Xiaoqing for the first time.

However, the strategy was to conduct a blitzkrieg and not give the ice dragon whale any chance to react, so Wang Feng did not go to see Xiaoqing first.

At this moment, when he heard the tweet, Wang Feng was stunned. Although he hadn't seen him for more than three years, he almost instantly understood what Xiaoqing wanted to convey:

"Be careful, master, the ice dragon whale has a trick!"

Wang Feng was stunned. Looking at the ice dragon whale at this time, he thought to himself, what else can it do?

But at the next moment...


PS: There are guests at home...emmm, there should be two or three chapters in the evening...

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