Check in from Douluo

Chapter 465 A stronger Xuan Ming thorn! (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Wang Feng jumped out of the cave, he walked a long way down the tunnel.

As he walked, Wang Feng secretly said in his heart that it was so mysterious, nothing more than to make the people who came to fear this city of killing.

Otherwise there is no need to arrange such a long dark corridor.

Because in this kind of tunnel, normal spirit masters will have a little bit of fear towards the dark and lonely environment when they walk, and the longer they walk, the greater the fear.

After walking for about ten minutes, Wang Feng saw a door.

Pushing open the door, the light slowly condenses.

What caught your eye was a row of black armored warriors, the most central one, riding a black war horse, and his whole body wrapped in armor.

Behind these black armored warriors is a completely black city.

Above the city, there is still a purple moon.

Not surprisingly, this city is the capital of killing.

The moon is very magical, it looks like it was made by man, only a few hundred meters high.

'The capital of killing.'

Wang Feng looked at the black city in the distance.

In fact, apart from the color, this city is not much different from the human cities that Wang Feng has seen before.

Walking in from the door, Wang Feng felt as if he had entered a special field.

Especially under the light of that purple moon.

The spirit ability seems to be sealed.

It also means that he has entered the realm of the killing capital.

Although Wang Feng was completely tempered by Red Lotus, he remembered a lot of knowledge from his previous life clearly.

But Wang Feng didn't see the second half of the plot of the original, so he didn't know much about this city of killing, and he was even a little strange.

Wang Feng has basically never seen the plot behind the original book.

The black armored soldiers in front of them should be to welcome outsiders who want to enter the killing capital.

"Defeat us, you have the qualification to enter the killing capital."

The black-armored knight headed in a low and cold voice slowly sounded.

"you guys?"

Wang Feng frowned slightly, "Who made it?"

"I just prescribed it."

In the cold voice of the black armored knight, like a robot, he seemed to know everything about the tavern above.

Wang Feng smiled and said.

This city of killing is really a place of indulgence, there are really no rules.

Even these black armored fighters, who represent law enforcement, are the same.

At this time, the black-armored knight took a hundred black-armored warriors and quickly wrapped Wang Feng.

The armor on these black-armored warriors didn't know what the material was. They looked extremely hard. Under the purple moonlight, they glowed with a dark luster, and the whole body was covered with armor.

Like eight hundred Spartan warriors, while howling, they gathered around Wang Feng.

In this place, although spirit abilities cannot be used, spirit power can be used, and the original form of martial spirit can also be used.

To be reasonable, the constraints on Wang Feng are not great.

Although he couldn't use his soul skills, Wang Feng couldn't unlock his strengths above level three.

But the second gear is already sufficient.

Especially... his current physical strength has reached a very terrifying point!

'Within thirty meters...All spirit masters below level sixty can't get close to me.'

Wang Feng did not panic at all.

After Wang Feng's 53rd level, the Xuanming thorn has more than 50,000 roots after obtaining the fifth spirit ring, and it has been growing and evolving!

The weight of Xuan Ming Jia also reached more than 20,000 catties!

And when the red lotus industry fired the body, the Xuanming thorn was also tempered, and the lethality was terrifying!

Because Xuan Ming Jia itself is an external soul bone, usually attached to Wang Feng's upper body.As an external spirit bone, it has no effect on the trunk bone that blends into the body.

According to Wang Feng's estimation, the toxin of the Xuanming thorn may have been tempered, but the damage is double damage, which can cause damage not only to the enemy's physical body, but also to the enemy's spirit.

However, Xuan Ming Jia's ability has not changed, it has only been

Seeing the orderly attack of the black armored soldiers, Wang Feng shook his head.

I saw him lightly stomped!

In an instant, countless black lights condensed from behind Wang Feng, instantly condensing into five sharp blades!

The five-handed sharp blade is the limit of Wang Feng's current mental power.

In fact, simply using Xuanming thorns to change forms, Wang Feng can form more than ten kinds, but using mental power to attack imperial objects is a lot more troublesome, and can only temporarily control five different sharp blades to attack.


The black armored knight said solemnly.

More than a hundred black-armored warriors, as if they were forbidden by orders, were back to back in pairs, erected their shields, and wrapped themselves into a zongzi.

'Can you prevent it?'

Wang Feng smiled.

The current Xuanming thorn is not his own forty-level Xuanming thorn, even if the armor of these black armored fighters is very hard, it is impossible to resist it.

Five pitch-black sharp blades pierced through countless shields in the air, like five meteors, shuttled among a hundred people.

Huh huh!

But more than ten seconds, all shields were cut and penetrated!


Wang Feng who stayed in place continued to give orders.

I saw five sharp blades in mid-air like a mechanical column, forming a ring, the sharp blades outwards, like a hot wheel, in a continuous circle, directly cut through the armor of all black armored warriors!Showing bright red flesh and blood!

Explosive blood!Blooming all around Wang Feng!


At this moment, a figure rushed directly from a distance, it was the black knight!

His momentum was shocking. The black armored horse on his lower body was like a sports car, rushing towards Wang Feng, apparently trying to directly attack Wang Feng himself.

He had never seen the strange attack method of the other party.

Obviously he didn't use any spirit abilities, but he was able to release such a powerful long-range attack. He hadn't seen a black-armored knight in the killing capital for so many years.

Perhaps it is the soul bone.

After all, Slaughter can use spirit bones.

But as long as he attacks him, there should be no problems, right?

Seeing the faceless man in white in front of him, the black armor actually roared, adding a few more points to the speed!

At this moment, Wang Feng leaped slightly, and then raised it directly!


The power of this foot directly shook a crackling sound in the air!

The black-clad knight leads a horse, and this sports car seemed to be directly hit by a high-speed rail, and it was kicked out with a bang!

His head was blank at this moment.

What a tyrannical physical power!

With his momentum, he could be kicked directly by the opponent with a foot and a horse?

He felt very clearly just now, the other party didn't even use his spirit power!

In other words, just use the purest physical fitness!

The black-clad knight looked at the broken armor of his body and the war horse that had already died, and his body felt colic as if to tell him how terrifying the power of this foot was.

At this moment, Wang Feng came over and said:

"Am I eligible to enter the killing capital?"

The black-armored knight glanced at the faceless man in white clothes, and looked at the other person who was still slender and dusty, and his white clothes were like snow. He seemed out of step with this dark world. He was a little suffocated in his heart. He hoarsely said:


After speaking, the black armored knight gave Wang Feng a token, "Everyone who passes the test will get a token certificate. With this, someone at the city gate will come to pick you up."

Wang Feng took the token and took a fixed glance, but found that several numbers appeared on it:

"Nine, five, two, seven!"


PS: There are four or five more at night

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