Check in from Douluo

Chapter 467: Meeting Tang San Again (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The killing fields of hell!

This is the main theme of the killing capital.

Ten save one, it's that simple.

The opponents in each battle will become stronger, playing a hundred games in a row!

"If any one of them fails, you will die!" Wuming finally said.

From the perspective of probability, the probability of survival is about one-tenth to the 100th power.

"Okay, take me to the killing fields of hell."

Wang Feng said.

The atmosphere and energy of the Slaughter City can be said to be the most suitable for dark angel martial arts cultivation.

At this moment, the Dark Angel Martial Soul was faintly throbbing, but Wang Feng didn't show it up, and he didn't need it.

The killing fields of hell are probably more suitable.

"I advise you to stay in the outer city for a few days, or to know a little bit about the killing fields of hell."

Wuming frowned, saying that he pointed to the many skinny soul masters in the outer city, "All the soul masters in the killing capital need to compete in the hell killing field every year in order to survive in the killing capital. The right to come down. Besides, contribute two cups of Bloody Mary every month, which is the kind of wine you drank when you came in!"

"But after learning about the hell killing fields, many people would rather contribute their blood for a long time than entering the hell killing fields."

The killing capital is also divided into inner and outer cities.

The inner city is where the real strong stay.

It is also the most chaotic place in the Slaughter City, in contrast, the outer city is much worse.Most of the soul masters in the outer city have no strength, and are unwilling to go to the killing fields of hell, so they can only stay here to survive.

"Okay, I know, please take me to the killing fields of hell?"

Wuming took Wang Feng around the outer city, seeming to want the miserable situation in the outer city to make Wang Feng realize the reality.

But now that Wang Feng is so fixed, Wuming didn't persuade him too much.

Soon, Wuming took Wang Feng into the inner city.

"Fuck... really hot eyes.'

As soon as he entered, Wang Feng felt a depraved smell in the air!

Erotica scene after show, comparable to island-country blockbusters, staged in every corner of the inner city.

There is also an extremely strong smell of blood!Screaming miserably, groaning with pleasure, groaning with pleasure, and indulging in laughter, forming a human music full of depravity.

It was Wang Feng who came in and saw this extremely chaotic picture, but also felt the soul is being impacted!

Vaguely, Wang Feng felt the dark angel martial soul still in his consciousness, slightly touched, and the seven blood lines hidden in his body appeared gently.

It seems to be absorbing the various breaths and emotions of these fallen ones.

Especially the first shining blood pattern, faintly glowing brighter.

This made Wang Feng quite pleased. It seemed that he was right in thinking. This place is really suitable for dark angel martial arts awakening!

"What kind of dark's almost the same as the fallen angel.'

Wang Feng couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

The nameless next to Wang Feng looked at Wang Feng in a daze, and said to his heart, this newcomer is probably scared, right?

The inner city can be said to be a world completely dehumanized!Any soul master who enters the city of killing and steps into the inner city will almost always be tumbling in the belly of this beast-like world when he sees the scene of the inner city for the first time, and even worse is mentally weak.

Wuming walked with Wang Feng in a hurry, as if he wanted Wang Feng to see the world of the inner city clearly so that he could recognize reality.

To be reasonable, these many indescribable scenes, accompanied by the strong smell of blood in the air, can indeed stimulate the spirit master's spirit to a great extent!

Those with weaker mental power may die on the spot.

Because this kind of scene will cause various negative emotions in the soul master's body, such as hostility, killing intent, bathing in hope... these emotions will make the soul master lose himself, and the better end is nothing more than becoming these fallen ones.

After all, if you can't resist, you can only join them.Starting Point Novel Network

After walking around, Wuming took Wang Feng to a special building.

At this moment, Wang Feng, who had been silent, finally spoke:

"What a great place!"

Wang Feng looked at this place with admiration.

It's a pity that his face is completely covered by the mask, and he can't see it without a name.

But when I heard Wang Feng's words, I was really stunned!

Good place?

Wuming looked at the faceless man in white blankly.

He has received so many newcomers, and he is really the first one to say this after seeing the inner city!


This faceless man in white is really weird!

"Good place?"

At this moment, there was a chuckle from the side.

Wang Feng turned around, but happened to see a black gauze girl who was also bringing a handsome young man to this place.

'Hey...this young man, isn't it Tang San?'

Wang Feng looked at the handsome young man with blue hair.

From his perception, he could clearly feel that the breath of this young man was similar to that of a small thirty.

But the changes are indeed great.

Because the appearance of the former Xiaosan could only be said to be so-so, it seemed that after awakening the Blue Silver Emperor's Martial Spirit, he became so handsome.

The laughter came from the black gauze girl next to the youth, and she was naturally a new recruiter who happened to be responsible for picking up the junior.

'Unexpectedly, this happened.'

Wang Feng muttered,'It looks like it has become a lot stronger.The spirit power level has also reached level fifty-three, close to fifty-four?Taller than me, not bad, not bad!'

With the perception of soul skills in his skull at this time, plus the perception of his body at this time, let alone Tang San, even if Tang Hao was in front of him.

Wang Feng could also perceive it clearly.

On the other side, Tang San was stunned.

'This man, the mask on his face didn't even show his eyes. Why did I feel as if I was completely seen through by him?'

This feeling made Tang San frown slightly.

After Lan Yincao became the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit, he had never felt this way before!

"Do you see it…"

The black gauze girl pointed to Wang Feng and said to Tang San, "Nine-Five-Twenty-eight, this person is very likely to be a lesson for you, but since you insist on coming here, I can only say that what you think is too naive. The Killing Fields of Hell are not so easy to win, and this inner city is not so easy to stay! With what he said just now, once the novice protection period has passed many people, many people will assassinate him!"

Tang San's eyes were slightly cold.

Along the way, the black yarn girl told him about the situation in the inner city.

Because there are no rules in this inner city, even if you are killed on the spot, you can only blame yourself for being weak.

As the messenger of the King of Slaughter, the Black Veil Girl is the new recruit, able to protect the newcomer for one day.

Wang Feng: "..."

Although he knew that in the killing capital, Wang Feng knew that he would meet Xiaosan, but he didn't expect that he would meet him under such a situation.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that in our inner city, two more chicks came! They even said that this is a good place..."

Sure enough, several eyes fell directly on Wang Feng's body, making all kinds of laughter.

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