Check in from Douluo

Chapter 485: The Feeling of Being Taken Flying? (8)

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Hu Liena glanced at Wang Feng with beautiful eyes, "It will be more dangerous behind."

Feeling the god of death in white clothes, with King Nicholas behind him, Hu Liena felt a special sense of security in her heart.

Maybe it's because the opponent's strength is very strong!

After discussing, the three began to set foot on the path.

The path is very narrow, similar to the road teeth in the previous life, but for the three of them, they can move easily.

And with enough distance, they can maintain a good forward rhythm.

Although Tang San was wary of both of them, as a guide, he could see far away with the purple magic pupil.As long as the other party does not mess around, he will maintain a cooperative relationship.

After all, this road to hell, Tang San also felt extremely dangerous.

Wang Feng walked at the back, looking at Hu Liena who hadn't looked at the front.

In fact, when you look at Hu Liena from behind, you can even feel the perfect figure of the saint of the Spirit Hall. The moving curve is extremely tempting to commit crimes, and it is easy to be distracted by just looking at it.

As for Wang Feng, sorry, I didn't feel it.Because of his mental perception, it has been placed around.

From entering this hell road, Wang Feng had an ominous premonition.

The three of them kept moving forward slowly. At this moment, Hu Liena in front of him suddenly turned her head, glanced at Wang Feng, and suddenly asked:

"Wang Wu, your mask covers all your eyes. How can you be able to attack so precisely? As if you can see everything clearly?"

Hu Liena can also use her mental power to perceive her surroundings, but she can do so.

"Why should I tell you?"

"..." Hu Liena.

She choked, she just didn't know what to say.The other party answered nothing wrong, so why tell yourself?

"Then you have a special reason to put on the mask?" Hu Liena asked the question like the first time I saw each other.

"So handsome."


Hu Liena choked again.

Tang San in front was also staggered, cold sweat flowing long.

To be reasonable, he would not make such a mistake.

The main reason is that the contrast between the words of this white death god is too strong.

This has been the case since I first saw it two years ago.

This Nicholas King Fifth was obviously terribly strong, like a cold-faced death god, and rarely spoke.

But every sentence seems to point to the heart.

It gives people a strong sense of contrast, and there will be a feeling in the heart: shouldn't he say this?

It feels...a bit familiar.

"It's kind Feng Ge's style.'

Tang San was shocked.

But after thinking about it, Tang San shook his head, how could this white-clothed death god be Brother Feng?

But Hu Liena became more interesting as she asked.

She was the closest to the latter, and it was the first time she kept this distance for such a long time.

The kind of breath on the other party makes people feel very calm and comfortable.

And the closer you get, the stronger you feel, and you can't help but want to get closer, but Hu Liena didn't make such a move, still keeping the distance and rhythm.

Wang Feng had thought long ago that after his body was quenched by the Red Lotus Industry, his body could really be comparable to the Tang Seng meat in Journey to the West.

There is no dust, no karma, pure soul, mind... of course it is also very pure.

Heaven and earth want to live in.

It's a monster who wants to take a bite.

All have great attraction to creatures!

This can be seen in the cultivation of the Slaughter City.

Hu Liena actually didn't quite believe it. To say handsome, Tang Yin's appearance was one of the most handsome she had ever seen.

But the attractiveness of appearance to Hu Liena is not very strong.

She values ​​personal charm and strength more.

After walking for a while, suddenly Wang Feng said, "Have you noticed it?"

The two of them were startled slightly, and shook their heads.

Seeing this, Wang Feng did not speak, but continued to walk.

After a while, Tang San suddenly said:

"I want to feel it..."

Hearing this, Hu Liena was slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, after walking for a while, Hu Liena also solemnly said: Novel 117

"I can feel it too... Our position has been declining. The blood pool below has a high temperature. Every time we drop a certain distance, the temperature will rise. And if we walk around, danger will come!"

After speaking, Hu Liena couldn't help but glance at the two of them.

The first thing I felt was the Grim Reaper in white.

Next is Tang Yin.Finally it was her.

Although Wang Wu's mask covered his sight and he was standing behind, he was the first to perceive it.

This is enough to demonstrate his spiritual power!

Next is Tang Yin, his mental strength is higher than his own, but the gap will not be very big.

Tang San wasn't surprised, because the mysterious imperial weapon of the White Death God required extremely abnormal mental power to kill people. The opponent could sense it first, which was normal.

at this time.


A series of sharp blades suddenly shot out from Wang Wu's body!

Those sharp blades!

For the first time, Hu Liena felt the sharp blade attack used by the white death god at such close range, and suddenly shot out like this!

There are twenty!

As two people who have been paying attention to the White Death God for a long time, they naturally know that the strength of the White Death King Fifth has been improving.

Twenty pitch-black sharp blades revolved tens of meters around the three of them!

Seeing these two people were shocked, Wang Wu did this with only one possibility.

It's dangerous!

And the next moment!

A sharp chirp sounded.

In the sight of the two of them, hundreds of meters away, a scarlet spot of light quickly hit the three of them.

"It seems to be a bat, only one?"

Hu Liena managed to see clearly.

It was a scarlet bat, and it was somewhat similar to the bat pattern on the ground before the bloody glow of the killing field was lit up.

"No! Not one!"

Tang San said solemnly, "They are many!"

As soon as his voice fell, after the sharp scream sounded, a wave of sharp screams sounded like a wave and fell into the ears of the three of them.

A cloud of blood suddenly appeared in front of him.

At least thousands of scarlet bats in the blood cloud attacked them.

Seeing this, Tang San and Hu Liena stopped in an instant, their bodies tightened slightly!

Those bats can't see a red dot from a distance, but if they fly in a little bit, you can see that they are not small in size, and their blood-colored wings are more than a meter long!

And there are so many!

If it's one or two, it's okay to deal with... But now, with such a large number, it will be very troublesome.

"What to do?" Hu Liena whispered.

"Defensive first!" Tang San said solemnly.

But at this moment, the voice of the white death god suddenly came:

"These are all cannon fodder, not a formal attack. Keep going, save your strength."

The voice fell.

I saw twenty sharp blades in midair surrounding the three of them, spinning frantically from all angles.

Every sharp blade is drawing a circle from three hundred and sixty degrees around the three people, because the speed is too fast, looking at the three people is like a black ball of light!

next moment!

Huh huh!

Countless bats tried to enter this black ball and attack the three.

But almost instantly, it was like entering a meat grinder, all being crushed to pieces!

The scene is terrifying!

Each sharp blade rotates dozens of times in almost one second, and it also rotates.

In this kind of formation, no bat can get close to three people within 80 meters!

In mid-air, they were twisted into piles of fleshy blood!

Tang San and Hu Liena stared blankly...

A feeling suddenly appeared in Hu Lina's heart:

A feeling of being taken away?


PS: After the eighth update, ask for monthly pass

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