Check in from Douluo

Chapter 491 Ten waves of attacks! (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!With a step formed by a sharp blade, Wang Feng can jump several meters with a light touch of his toe.

In the case of the collapse of the trail behind, he could still jump tens of meters away, but the distance behind it, if Wang Feng had no other way, it was obviously impossible to control it.So I also thought of the alternative use of the'flying sword' from Yanbian.

Wang Feng remembered that Sword Douluo seemed to be able to fly with swords, but Sword Douluo did not use spiritual swords to fly, but with spirit power. The opponent was a titled Douluo, and his spirit power had reached a terrifying level, and he was completely able to control sword weapons. Bear the weight of the soul master.

In addition, Sword Douluo's martial spirit was the Seven Kill Sword, only then could it be done.

Xuan Ming thorn is not a martial soul, but a soul bone, but after refining, the soul bone has a connection with itself.

If Wang Feng wants to achieve true flying with the sword, his mental power is not strong enough, the sword that controls the formation of the Xuanming thorns will not be able to carry his weight and will be very unstable.

But Wang Feng could levitate the sharp blade in mid-air and jump with strength.

This is the second method that Wang Feng thought of.However, because Wang Feng has not experimented with this method, it is theoretically much more dangerous than just throwing it in.

Because the control of a sharp blade is related to his own spirit, with twenty sharp blades, as long as his spirit is slightly wrong, he may step on the air and then fall.

Therefore, Wang Feng did not let Tang San and Hu Liena try this method.Once there was an accident, he couldn't save it.

But when Wang Feng himself had an accident, he could also display the black wings of the Dark Angel Martial Soul in time, and flew up, just saying that he would reveal his identity.

Of course, there is another reason...pretend to be.

The distance between each blade is not far, Wang Feng did not expect to use this method for the first time, the effect is surprisingly good.

'If the mental power rises further...'

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly thought,'Can I grow lotus every step of the way?'

That is, every time you step down, Xuanming thorns automatically sprout under your feet.

Rather than wanting to jump like this, although it’s a bit chic, but if you walk slowly, every step you take, a lotus flower is born from the thorn of Xuanming, and it can be easily crossed. Isn't it... more pretentious?

Forget it, that should be beaten.

In such a dangerous place, are you still walking slowly here?

Wang Feng secretly shook his head in his heart, stepping on the sharp blade, and flying over the remaining dozens of meters in a few ups and downs.

Then easily fell on the small road, and said quietly:

"Don't waste time, hurry up and go."

Two people: "..."

This extremely novel way obviously shocked both Tang San and Hu Liena.

Probably the kind of unexpected and reasonable feeling.

Both of them had seen each other's imperial weapon kill, but they never thought that the imperial weapon could leap.

But the two of them also clearly felt that the spirit power of this white death god was probably not as powerful as usual, and the spirit power was also somewhat special.

A half-meter-long blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, is suspended in mid-air to catch a person's weight. It's not that simple.

They could see clearly that when the white death god fell, the sharp blade sank a little, that is, it could not carry a person for a long time.However, it is not easy to be able to achieve this kind of continuous pedaling without falling.

After Wang Feng came over, the three of them did not stop and continued walking.

This path is roughly circular downwards.

The speed of the three is not slow, and they have gone through three shock waves.

The farther down, the fierce blood in the blood pool grew stronger.Murderous aura can resist this fierce blood aura, and Tang San's Blue Silver Domain can also resist it.

But the realm has been opened all the time, which is extremely consuming soul and mental power.

But fortunately, the breath of Wang Feng's body can also weaken this fierce blood, and it is only after the three of them have been walking for so long, they have not received the erosion of this fierce blood.ok novel

After walking about more than 500 meters, the fourth wave of attacks also came.

This wave of attacks is stronger than the previous three waves!

It is a kind of Phoenix-tailed blood goose that can spray blood mist. They fly about a hundred meters away, and there are only about sixty. The average length of cultivation is about 10,000 years.

But no leader

And they didn't attack, they just kept spraying a thick blood mist, while screaming violently.

These beasts are getting more and more cunning.

The blood mist does not contain toxins, but as long as you breathe this blood mist, the body will be aroused with killing intent. The more you breathe, the harder it is to resist.

Even when Tang San opened the blue light domain, it was difficult to resist.

Even Wang Feng had no good way to attack these Phoenix-Tailed Blood Goose, because they were too far away to attack them at all.

Fortunately, this blood mist did not directly hurt, but only stimulated the killing intent in their bodies.

For Wang Feng, the fart has no effect.

But for Hu Liena and Tang San, it was very troublesome, which was more troublesome than directly attacking them.

The blood mist can not only stimulate the killing intent in their bodies, but also affect people's mind and paralyze the spirit.

But it is so thick that the mist also contains water, and it is extremely difficult to avoid it. It sprays from all directions and penetrates everywhere.

In the blood mist.

"Hold on for a while!"

Wang Feng said solemnly, "These Phoenix-tailed Snow Geese can't keep spraying the bleeding mist, they should automatically push away after spraying."

Just like what Wang Feng said, these blood mists spewed out at the expense of the Phoenix-tailed Snow Goose's own blood. After only a few minutes, these Phoenix-tailed Blood Goose were exhausted and quacked and retreated.

The three people who broke through the blood mist, Tang San and Hu Lina breathed the air one after another.

Both of them were stained with dense blood mist. Although they used spirit power to form a shield just now, the blood mist was extremely permeable, and even their spirit power shields could corrode and penetrate.

There was a faint blood in their eyes.

Tang San was still a little better, and Hu Liena's skin began to appear pale pink.

In their minds at the moment, not only was there a killing intent, but also the bloody evil spirit contained in this place, which was shocked.

Wang Feng grabbed the shoulders of the two of them, absorbing the killing intent and the blood evil spirit in the two of them.

After about a minute, the two men recovered.Otherwise, if we go on like this, the two of them will go crazy before long.

"How much spirit power do you have left?"

Wang Feng asked.

"40%." Hu Liena whispered.

After four consecutive waves of attacks, they were either using the power of their spirit bones, or they had been using their spirit power to resist the attack, and the cost was not small.

"About 50%." Tang San released the Blue Silver Domain again, covering the three of them, alleviating the pressure from that blood mist.

Wang Feng nodded slightly.

The killing intent and blood evil spirit on the two of them were too strong, and he could use the Dark Angel Martial Spirit to absorb them.

But the consumption of mental power, and the effect of soul power, there is no way to resist it.

"From my guess..."

At this time, Wang Feng whispered, "I'm afraid, there will be at least ten waves of attacks..."

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