Check in from Douluo

493 Difficult Moving Forward (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!But at this time, the red light in Hu Liena’s eyes was directly set in its two snake eyes, making its evasive figure pause. At the same time, the purple divine light in Tang San’s skull shot at the right moment. Come, hit its head.

The three Chiyan Teng snakes were wiped out in this way.

With the help of the sharp blade, Wang Feng fell lightly, quite a bit cool.

"How is your situation?"

Wang Feng glanced at the two of them.

This is already the fifth wave of attacks.

Tang San and Hu Liena sweated profusely, and their faces were a bit pale, obviously their spirit power dropped by 20%.


Tang San gasped for a few breaths, a scarlet color flashed in his eyes, "Fortunately, you just killed the Chiyan Snake first, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no road ahead."

Having said that, Tang San couldn't help looking at the white-clothed death god.

He didn't seem to be sweating, he was still fluttering in white, and he didn't seem to know each other for a while.

The attack method just now opened Tang San's vision!

His own mental power is astonishing, and hidden weapons require extremely high skills. Knowing how powerful and precise control is needed in that way, he will fall into the blood pool below if he is not careful.

Only those who are extremely confident in themselves dare to do that!

"I have only 30% of my spirit power left."

Tang San looked ahead, still unable to see the end.

Is this the way to hell?

Endless attacks, no end in sight, an increasingly hot and fierce environment...

Rao Yi Tang San's will was also slightly shaken, but immediately became firm again.

"I still have 30% left..."

Hu Liena took a few breaths, her consumption was relatively small, and she only needed to use it at critical times.

The close combat is handed over to the White Reaper and Tang Yin.

"The surrounding environment is very poor."

Wang Feng looked around, "If we restore our spirit power here, it is easy to draw the fierce aura in the blood pool below into our body, causing severe damage to our own spirit. It means... we will find it difficult to replenish our spirit power."

The more the next week, the more violent and fierce the energy of heaven and earth.

Wang Feng can absorb it, because he can compress and purify meteor tears, and also has a tempering effect.

But if Tang San and Hu Liena absorb the energy of heaven and earth here, there may be a big problem.

This is also the reason why the more difficult it is to get to the back, because the soul power cannot be supplemented.

Every moment, will be under tremendous pressure!

And now, they don't even have a chance to return, because most of the trail behind has collapsed.

Only move forward.

Both Tang San and Hu Liena were silent because they felt it too.

The three rested for a while.

Keep going.

Almost every 100 meters you walk, you will be attacked again!

When suffering the seventh wave of attacks, even a 40,000-year-old soul beast appeared!

By the seventh wave, Hu Liena's spirit power was only about 10%, and his face was also red, and his whole body exuded a wave of evil energy.

Obviously exhausted.

Tang San is okay, still able to hold it, his spirit power is still more than 20%, he has the blue silver domain and can purify the energy around him a little bit, but it takes more soul power to use the blue silver domain, and Maybe let him be supplemented.

And even if Wang Feng absorbed the killing intent and fierce energy in their bodies, the damage caused to their spirits could not be recovered.

So after the seventh wave, Hu Liena could no longer hold it.

At this moment, there was still about two hundred meters away from the blood pool below.Android novel

The temperature in the air is already very terrifying. According to Wang Feng's estimation, it is at least 60 or 70 degrees. It is estimated that if you beat an egg in your hand, it will be cooked.

Tang San's Blue Silver Domain was very practical, able to slightly lower the temperature around him and regain his consciousness, but he couldn't hold it even if he opened it like this.

"I can not make it."

Hu Liena's whole body seemed to have a high fever and murmured, "You two go ahead and leave me alone."

Fortunately, this was the sixth wave of attacks, which was only killed by Wang Feng alone.

Because the sixth wave is a flying tiger-headed flame sculpture, relying on Wang Feng to use a sharp blade, he reluctantly circulates in mid-air for a long time to kill it.

Neither of them made any effort, and only started in the seventh wave.

Tang San was startled, looking at Hu Liena.

He has the particularity of the Blue Silver Domain plus Xuan Tian Gong, as well as huge spiritual power. He also relies on the white death god's side, and has been absorbed by the opponent's boiling killing intent and blood evil air, so that their spiritual consciousness can be intact.

He did not fall into a runaway state, nor passed out into a coma.

But the body is exhausted, and the spirit is beginning to weaken.

Tang San also felt that every step he took seemed to be filled with lead. It was very heavy, and it was slightly better than Hu Liena.

At most, Tang San felt that he could only support another wave at most!

Looking at Hu Liena, Tang San fell into silence, is he really going to leave her behind?

In all fairness, Hu Liena played a big role along the way. After so many battles, just abandon it?

"Wang Wu, how much soul power do you have?"

At this moment, Tang San looked at the white death god.

For eight waves of attacks, if the snake had the greatest effect, then there was only this white death god.

Tang San was very suspicious. Without him, he would rely on himself, or add another Hu Liena, let alone eight waves, the third wave would not survive.

Moreover, his eight waves are almost all the main output, but as it is, the white death god seems to be unable to see how much it consumes.

"Sixty percent."

Wang Feng said casually.

His soul power does not consume much, most of it is consumed by the field of original sin.

Mental power consumes a lot, after all, using a sharp blade attack consumes too much mental power, plus various precise calculations are required.

"Sixty percent..."

Tang San swallowed.

Is he really only over fifty?

Hu Liena is at level fifty-nine, and it is no longer good!

He exerted the most effort, but there is so much left?

Tang San couldn't imagine, how did this happen?But at this time, Tang San didn't have time to think about it.


Tang San glanced at Hu Liena and said solemnly, "We can't leave her behind."

After eight battles and fighting side by side, he couldn't persuade himself to just leave the opponent like this.

"Let me carry her."

Wang Feng frowned and said, "You and me, keep going."

With that said, Wang Feng walked to Hu Liena, she was already slumped on the path.

"Okay!" Tang San didn't hesitate. The opponent was stronger than himself, had more soul power than himself, and had enough ability to carry Hu Liena on his back.

"You can't get out even if you carry me."

Hu Liena looked at Wang Feng with a weak and weak tone, "Kill me, take my head and soul bones off. I will tell you a secret, I hope you will keep it for me..."

She obviously wanted to tell the secret about the soul bones and stars of the head, hoping that the white death god could treat the stars kindly.

Wang Feng shook his head, Hu Liena was really too simple.

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