Check in from Douluo

Chapter 500: The Power of Blood Veins! (3)

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Naturally, Wang Feng would not miss this opportunity, and directly kicked the mirror image Hu Liena into the blood pool into the distance.

As Wang Feng thought, although these mirror images were not subject to physical attacks, they would receive attacks from the blood pool.

This blood pool contains extremely terrifying toxins and high temperature, and there is also very violent energy in it. When an ordinary soul master goes down, he will have to take a break in a few seconds at most.After the mirror image Hu Liena was kicked down by Wang Feng, her whole body was melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Solving a mirror image made Wang Feng a little easier.

However, Wang Feng did not expect Hu Liena to reveal her own secrets.

This kind of shortcoming, if put in those martial arts novels, is equivalent to covering the lifeblood of the door, it is absolutely impossible to tell anyone.

The mirror image was solved by Hu Liena, but right now she was the most difficult to deal with.

With the second level of strength, even if he only used the Xuanming stab, he was also outrageously strong. In addition, the latter's combat thinking was somewhat similar to his own, making it even more difficult to deal with.

'Only rolling.'

Wang Feng knew that he had no shortcomings.

If you want to defeat yourself, there is no fancy way except for crushing by hard power.

But, without using the five forms of Qinglian, the Pangu Axe, and without the Dark Angel Martial Spirit possessing the body, what else can improve one's strength?

The second mirror image itself is not generally strong.

Although the opponent's body was not like his own body, it was quenched by the red lotus karma, it had no effect, it was just a ghost.But the strength is real, and the spirit bones for re-engraving are also there.

The 100,000-year torso bone and the external soul bone Xuan Ming armor bring not a little improvement.

With only the first level of physical strength, Wang Feng was enough to be close to the 80th-level soul master. Once the second level was opened, it was already close to the 90th-level soul master.

If you want to crush the second gear, if you use spirit abilities, it's very easy to do it.

Now he can't use spirit abilities.

At this moment, the mirror image of Wang Feng's chest glowed slightly, and a flash of icy black light suddenly shot from its head.

Seeing this, Wang Feng wrinkled his brows slightly, without thinking, his torso bones shone slightly, and an icy black light burst out from his lower abdomen.

It is the Lingfeng Soul Skill.

Contacting each other, as Wang Feng, who has a 100,000-year-old torso bone, naturally has the upper hand.

The icy mysterious light he emitted directly overwhelmed the Spirit Sealing Soul Skill performed by the mirror Wang Feng, and struck towards the mirror.

But this mirror image Wang Feng had already expected, and he drew away directly, and the icy black light directly bombarded the blood pool in the distance, and it directly shook an ice bridge!

The power and consumption of the spirit seal soul skills are directly proportional.

A normal 50-odd-level spirit master, if you let him use a spirit ability of this one hundred thousand year soul bone, he would probably have one or two shots without going wrong.

And the speed is extremely fast, with locking effect, it is difficult to dodge.

Obviously, this mirror image of Wang Feng did possess Wang Feng's own combat thinking. It was used to consume Wang Feng's soul power and delay the subsequent mirror image of Tang San's chaotic cloak hammer.

"Does it really mean I can't help it?"

Wang Feng was shocked.

It seems that he is still strong.

In that case, there is nothing to do.

Wang Feng stood in place, and the six blood lines hidden under his clothes slowly lit up.

This time, he did not release the domain.

This mirror image Wang Feng also owns the domain, which Wang Feng used to use in battle before.It is totally useless to release.

But the Dark Angel Martial Soul who has been cultivating for more than two years is not just an extra field of talent.Central Plains Book Bar

If there is only one more talent field, then this dark angel martial arts can't compare to any form of Qinglian.

At this time, with the six blood patterns flowing with strange energy, it slowly lit up in Wang Feng's body.

In an instant, different air currents suddenly gathered around Wang Feng's body, and huge auras rose from Wang Feng's body!

These six blood patterns were slowly activated during the two years of cultivation, but not only domains were created.

In each blood pattern, there is an extremely terrifying energy hidden, and it is still increasing, without saying that it has reached saturation.

This is also the reason why Wang Feng can always absorb the killing intent from the two of them, as well as the fierce aura, and various negative emotions.

Therefore, these six blood patterns contained extremely terrifying energy. Once used to unlock them, Wang Feng himself would enter an extremely strong state.

Each blood pattern has given a huge boosting effect!It's about 1.5 times.

However, using these bloodmarks, Wang Feng's spirit and soul would suffer from six different emotions all the time.

Under such an impact, it is easy to become a lunatic.

If an ordinary spirit master, even Tang San, would not be able to withstand this kind of shock, even Title Douluo would not do.

This has nothing to do with personal will, only with one's own spiritual soul.

If Wang Feng didn't use the Red Lotus Karma to quench his body, his soul would not be able to withstand such an impact.But if he didn't temper his brain and soul, Wang Feng would not even be able to cultivate the Dark Angel Martial Soul.

Now Wang Feng has consumed a lot of mental energy, and it won't last long to enter this state, it may only take more than ten seconds.

In this state, Wang Feng has not used it yet, because he is a little worried and has no chance.

After trying now, Wang Feng only felt that his spirit would explode.This is completely different from the impact in the field of original sin. I don't know how much stronger it is, and the field of original sin is incomplete.

But each of these six bloodmarks exists independently and is complete.

In other words, the current realm of original sin is just the breath of the power contained in these six blood patterns.

The power contained in the six bloodmarks is the most original power of the Dark Angel Martial Soul. It is also the result of Wang Feng's two years of cultivation in the City of Killing, absorbing countless negative emotions and various chaotic atmospheres.

Now Wang Feng is equivalent to releasing this force directly from his body!

It is conceivable that Wang Feng's spirit and soul need to suffer much impact.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Wang Feng has not used this trick of the Dark Angel Wuhun.

Now that there is a chance, Wang Feng must try it.

At this moment, I saw Wang Feng's breath surrounding him, like six giant dragons, soaring and spinning around Wang Feng.

The majestic power poured into the body from the six blood lines!

Hu Liena's eyes suddenly awake a bit, only to feel that the white-clothed Death God's originally warm and spacious, comfortable back suddenly became extremely cold, and Hu Liena's confused consciousness at this moment was sobered for a few minutes!

She was a little blank in her eyes and looked at Wang Feng with a little horror, wondering what was going on?

'It's cold...'

Hu Liena's teeth trembled slightly.

That is not physical cold, but spiritual cold.

But at the same time, that powerful breath also horrified Hu Liena!

She was lying on the back of the god of death in white clothes, and could clearly perceive that the strength and momentum of the god of death in white clothes had skyrocketed several times!

And it's still rising!

This is Wang Feng's huge energy in adapting to the six blood patterns.

Tang San in the distance was also extremely shocked...

The next moment, before the two of them had a chance to react, Wang Feng moved.

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