Check in from Douluo

Chapter 502 The road to hell, check in rewards! (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng stood there, panting, and quickly recovered.

The energy of the surrounding riots was quickly inhaled by Wang Feng and transformed into pure soul power after being tempered by meteors and tears.

Tang San and Hu Liena did not speak either, and waited quietly.

After a while, Wang Feng walked towards the two again.

"How are you?"

Wang Feng walked over and asked, the rioting airflow just now caused the surrounding riots, splashing a lot of bloody magma, and it was easy to get injured.

Fortunately, Hu Liena was thrown away by Wang Feng.

Tang San's words had already avoided.

"Fortunately... Are you okay?"

Tang San shook his head and couldn't help asking, "Is there no physical injury?"

That's a real one!

Wang Feng sighed and said, "I still suffer some injuries."

Hearing this, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart, if he wasn't hurt, he really couldn't understand it.

"Is it an internal injury?"

Tang San quickly asked, "Is the injury serious?"

Just now he used a fist to break the nine and nine into one. Although he was very powerful and successful, he should have also been shocked by the power of the hammer, but it may have hurt the internal organs and the like. come out.

But then, he heard the white death god continue to say:

"The elbow is a bit dislocated. I tried too hard just now."

With that said, Wang Feng pressed the elbow and shoulder of his right hand with his left hand, and lifted it lightly, just hearing a click, and it was all right.

Then Wang Feng waved his right hand, nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I'm recovering."

Tang San:"……"

Is it just too hard to dislocate?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.

Tang San fixedly looked at the white death god for a few seconds without saying a word. He really couldn't feel any injuries. Of course, it was also possible that the other party was hiding well and was wary of them.This was all normal, and Tang San didn't plan to ask more.

Wang Feng walked to Hu Liena again and looked at her who was a little fuzzy.

"I'm okay…"

Hu Liena seemed to be steaming in a sauna, steaming all over her body. It was obvious that during the time she left Wang Feng, she had been confused by the environment here.

Wang Feng helped Hu Liena to absorb the murderous intent and fierceness in his body again, and put him on his back to the entrance of the high platform with Tang San.

This time because of his proficiency in his control, Wang Feng was able to make Tang San able to step on the sharp blade lightly and climb into the air, plus Tang San and the flying claws, he walked up easily.Tang San himself didn't even use Blue Silver Grass.

At the other end of the hole, put it on the top, slowly blowing a stream of fresh air, which is refreshing.

Tang San felt that he would never forget this section of hell.

It was too difficult.

Looking at the boiling blood pool below, Tang San recalled the scenes of the past two years, and immediately he seemed to think of something.

"What are you waiting for?"

Wang Feng looked at Tang San and asked in confusion.

"This sinful place should be redeemed..."

Tang San took a deep breath, his tone became a little cold, and immediately, he took out a special herb from his hundred treasure bag.

Seeing this, Wang Feng's heart moved.

This herb, called'Snow Color Swan Kiss', was a special kind of fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.Literature 520

From the herb itself, there is no toxin.But it can activate toxins thousands of times and expand the effect of toxins!

The snow-white fairy grass seemed a little out of place in this bloody purgatory.

Tang San held the snow-colored swan with Xuanyu's hand and kissed, all trembling.

'Any soul master's body contains toxins more or less. Humans in the previous life seem to be very healthy, but in fact they have hidden toxins...but they are not fatal.Breathe this snow-colored swan kiss a little bit, I'm afraid it will be poisoned and die!'

Wang Feng thought secretly,'Even the current soul master is no exception...Of course, except for me.'

His body is dust-free and extremely pure. Any subtle toxins entering his body will be instantly purified!

It’s the same even if you eat.

Although Wang Feng can stay away from food for a long time, as a food lover and an excellent descendant of Greater China, he still has to eat.

This blood pool is the domain energy source of the Slaughter City. If the Snowy Swan Kiss is thrown into it, everyone in the Slaughter City will be poisoned to death by then!

You must know that the toxins in the bodies of people in the Slaughter City are countless times more than that of ordinary spirit masters!

After all, those people who drink Bloody Mary all year round don't know how many toxins have accumulated in their bodies.

Wang Feng didn't stop him, he watched Tang San throw the snow-colored swan kiss in.

Then he and Wang Feng turned and crawled towards the entrance of the cave.

The opening of the hole was straight up, and the two climbed for a while, and they could vaguely see a white light.

Similar to an enchantment-like light.

When Wang Feng's body passed through the barrier, he finally remembered a familiar voice:

"Congratulations to the host for successfully punching in! Get one of the first half of the Ninth Secret! With a 90,000-year spirit ring, you will receive an additional reward: the 20,000-year spirit ring has been increased."

"The next check-in location, one year later in the center of the Star Dou Forest, there is no requirement for additional rewards."

Hearing this voice, Wang Feng's mind was slightly startled.

Nine secrets?

Does it cover the sky and nine secrets?

Thoughts flew in Wang Feng's mind. As a small house in his previous life, he read a lot of novels, and he also knew about the novel Zhetian.

The Nine Secrets were created by the nine heavenly deities in ancient times. They are the ultimate secret techniques most suitable for human practice. They are originally one, but because they are too against the sky, they are not tolerated by the great road, and then they are divided into nine.It seems that two kinds have been lost...Zhetian Wang Feng only saw most of them, and he also knew something about the Nine Secrets.

Not to mention the other eight secrets, the former word secret is just a secret technique for cultivating spiritual consciousness and condensing the soul.

Practicing to the extreme, claiming to be able to predict the future bad luck?

Wang Feng didn't care if he didn't foresee the future, but being able to cultivate spiritual consciousness and condense the soul, wasn't that exactly what he wanted?

Although the rules of the world are different, the divine consciousness itself is the spiritual power, and the primordial spirit is the soul, it's just a different statement.

This former word secret is quite suitable for him now.

Only half.

But it was enough, half of this relatively defying secret method was enough for Wang Feng to practice now.

Thinking about it, Wang Feng was a little curious.

So far, it seems that he hasn't practiced any secret techniques or the like.

Because Douluo World didn't have these things, Tang San did, but they wouldn't tell them.

Unless Wang Feng creates his own creations, it is impossible to create these secret techniques in a short period of time. He also needs to have various understandings of the forms of all things in the world, understand the world, have experienced the world, and experience different wonderful life, Wang Feng I feel that it is possible to create a XX exercise, after all, his current body is not an ordinary body.

But this is too time-consuming.

Now that he has this half-step secret, Wang Feng is a little curious. With his body and soul tempered by the red lotus karma fire, I don’t know if these secret techniques are like flying. feel?


PS: emmmm, it may not be there tonight...

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