Check in from Douluo

Chapter 506 The first one hundred thousand year spirit ring, the second spirit ability (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Wang Feng left the two of them, he directly found a quiet and empty place, and then took off his mask.

Showing a peerless face like stars, those eyes seemed to hide the mystery of the universe's nature, if someone were here, it would be very difficult to extricate themselves.

"With the increase of the life of the spirit ring of 20,000 years, I can increase the two spirit rings to one hundred thousand years..."

Wang Feng whispered, "The additional rewards of the system are the improvement of the life of the soul ring. Is this to make me become a god? This kind of reward is not too much compared to the top god test? But 20,000 years is not too much. ."

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng planned to upgrade the 90,000-year spirit ring of Qiankun Ding to 110,000 years.

Because Wang Feng felt that Qiankun Ding had a greater effect.

The scarlet spirit ring quietly rose from Wang Feng. At this point, Wang Feng finally had his first one hundred thousand year spirit ring.

Although it was only the first one hundred thousand years, for Wang Feng, the improvement was great.

Even for Title Douluo, the improvement of the one hundred thousand year spirit ring is not that big.

The pressure that a 100,000-year spirit ring brings to a spirit master is not comparable to that of an ordinary spirit ring.

The second is to have two spirit abilities.

After the ice dragon whale spirit ring was upgraded to one hundred thousand years, Wang Feng also obtained the second spirit ability in this spirit ring.

A relatively special spirit ability.

To be precise, it is a passive spirit ability: all enemies that attack you will be spiritually sealed for five seconds!

As long as the Qiankun Ding form is changed, this ability will automatically take effect.

"This spirit ability seems to be quite strong..."

Wang Feng looked at his skin like ice jade, and a soul beast in the distance that had just turned into an ice sculpture because of an attack on him, he couldn't help but was stunned.

This spirit ability may be effective in Hell Road, because this spirit ability does not require spirit power to urge it.

The running universe tripod will appear automatically.

If he had this spirit ability before, the road to hell would have passed quickly for him.

Even the last mirror image, he can easily solve it.

Lingfeng, a one-hundred-thousand-year soul bone spirit ability, is a very powerful spirit ability. Even if some spirit abilities can be immune to the control type spirit ability, it is difficult to be immune to the spirit ability.

Although five seconds is fixed, for Wang Feng, five seconds can already determine the outcome.

If Xuan Ming Jia is added later.

Any Title Douluo dared to attack him, and was directly affected by the spirit seal + defense weakened + counter-shock, he could kill the opponent just like cutting melons and vegetables.

All enemies who attack themselves have to hang up!

"Just call Bingfan."

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng chose a name.

In addition to an additional spirit ability, the 20,000-year spirit ring also increased Wang Feng by one level, reaching the fifty-eighth level.

"After more than four years, I only got to the tenth grade..."

Wang Feng was a little helpless, "It's a bit slow... Fortunately, my current cultivation speed has not yet dropped."

This is Wang Feng's only guarantee.

Wang Feng has been thinking about naming his current body.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Feng didn't think of any nice names until Wang Feng thought of it just now.

'Dust-free glass body.'

Wang Feng pondered and said, simple and unpretentious, and there is no suffix such as Holy Body, Dao, Body, and Divine Body.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng took out a piece of ancient wood from the soul guide.

"On top of this ancient wood, you should have the former word secret, right?"

Wang Feng looked at this ancient wood, the wooden body sunk dark brown, with an ancient and remote aura.

But there is nothing on it?

"???" Wang Feng looked at it for a long time.

After watching Gu Mu for a long time, I didn't see anything.Fresh Novels

Where is the former word secret?Do you have to realize it on your own?

"The material of this ancient wood is probably very high... it is not comparable to the material of the Douluo World. It should be some kind of high-level material that covers the world?"

Wang Feng couldn't help but think secretly.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Feng didn't even see half a word from the ancient wood, and his head was still a little confused.

"Could it be that only half of the reason?"

Wang Feng thought for a while, this ancient tree is only half, maybe the system has to give the next half and put it together before it can be used?

It may also be that you need to perceive it yourself to comprehend the secret of the first half of this part. It is possible.

At this moment, Wang Feng's heart suddenly moved, he put Gu Mu away, put on the mask again, a sneer flashed across his face:

"Interesting, there is even a Title Douluo chasing?"

Wang Feng was surprised.

After he left, he never relaxed, because he considered that after Hu Liena walked out of the road of hell, there might be a strong titled Douluo next to him, so he never relaxed, and he left quickly.

But I didn't expect it to be there.

However, Wang Feng was not afraid of Title Douluo now.

Of course, if Bibi Dong Qiandaoliu's level is strong, Wang Feng would naturally be unable to beat it.

Can only escape.

But if it is the 92nd and 3rd level, once the whole state is turned on, it is possible to kill directly?

But this will also expose your identity!

And if it was a level ninety five super Douluo, it would be more troublesome.

After all, each level is very different.

When Wang Feng sensed this Title Douluo, a hoarse laughter suddenly sounded:

"Jiejie, what a god of death in white clothes. Can he spot me in advance? It seems that your level is at least Contra?"

Hearing this voice, Wang Feng knew who it was.

It is Ghost Douluo!

'Ghost Douluo is here, it seems that Chrysanthemum Douluo is also here... just, why are you killing me?'

Wang Feng was surprised.He was sure that he had not revealed his identity, and that the other party's name was also White Death God, not September One.

This shows that the other party did not see his identity, so...

'Isn't it an order from Bibi Dong?She seems to be the two killing gods of the Slaughter City...and also the patron behind Hu Liena.Bibi Dong should have been to the killing capital, saw my identity as the god of death in white, and found that I was too strong, so he started to kill?'

Wang Feng couldn't help laughing.

Without seeing the identity, just want to kill the killer?

Anyway, I just solicit first, I refused, can't you make another move?

Give me a little face for the white death god, okay?

And it happened to be the time when I walked out of hell, just because my soul power and spirit were all empty, enough Yin?

But even if you think about it this way, Bibi Dong is a bit of a hero.

Obviously, from the Slaughter City, I guessed that the character of my white death god is not the kind of strong person who can surrender and join the other forces at will.

In the City of Slaughter, the god of death in white even refused to recruit the King of Slaughter. No stranger should enter. This kind of character is basically impossible to join the rest of the forces.

In addition, the strength is too strong, and the loyalty that is cultivated is not high, so just take advantage of the road to hell and kill directly, isn't it right?Bibi Dong guessed that's what he thought.

Tang San probably had Tang Hao's protection, and Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo didn't dare to go.

With his thoughts flashing through these thoughts like lightning, Wang Feng thought about the reason why Ghost Douluo appeared here at this moment.

Wait, Wuhun Hall...

At this time, Wang Feng's brain was shocked, something flashed through.

But the next moment, a ghost suddenly appeared from a distance!

It is exactly the ghost image of Ghost Douluo!

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