Check in from Douluo

Chapter 538 The first battle against Sword Douluo! (5)

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This seems to be a very humble word, but when placed here, it appears extremely frivolous and aloof.

Because the two titled Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect were all well-known titled Douluos on the mainland, and their strength and status were so high that there were very few titled Douluos comparable to them in the Spirit Hall.

What even shocked Hu Liena was that the original plan of the Pope did not mean this?

Originally, I just planned to come to the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect to have a look, and go through the scene. At most, the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect will do something. It is difficult to embarrass the Pope, but it is impossible to mess around.

Unexpectedly, the Pope took the initiative directly.

At this moment, it was Hu Liena who looked at each other, feeling that the Pope was really a little bit arrogant and arrogant.

It is straightforward to find out!

The Bishop Thomas behind also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. As an entourage sent by the Pope’s Palace, he is generally responsible for reporting specific situations, but the Pope is really strong, and he is tough when he comes up... The style is sharp, and he is indeed the Pope. An exceptionally appointed pope!

Bishop Thomas, who has been in the Hall of Spirits for decades, felt like he had walked all the way in a panic.


Ning Fengzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "It's a good one to ask for advice. Now that the Pope has such a plan, then our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can't dispel your interest."

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi turned to look at Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo, "Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, what do you think?"

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were silent for a moment, then looked at each other and nodded slowly.

People come to ask for advice, if it is an ordinary titled Douluo, they will not bother to reason.

But the other party is the Pope in white, who has great influence and cannot refuse.

At the same time, the two of them were also quite unhappy. The white-clothed Pope obviously didn't care about them two Title Douluos.

Seeing this, Wang Feng smiled in his heart.

Seeing Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo at this time, Wang Feng also sighed.

Sword Douluo didn't say, the last time he fought against him was in the Star Dou Forest, and Bone Douluo was cleverly avoided by him.

Unexpectedly, now, I can try the trick with the two.

When Wang Feng came, he naturally left without intending to take a look. If he could fight Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, this would naturally be the best.

For Sword Douluo in particular, it was also an improvement to oneself.

"Which one of you will come first?"

Wang Feng slowly said, "If you click until you finish, it's just a trick, no matter what else."

When the words fell, Jian Douluo took the lead and said proudly:

"I came to see and see the strength of the Pope!"

He stepped out, his momentum was wild, and his white robe rose without wind!

on the square.

The two sides confronted each other with less than a hundred meters apart.

"Dad, this pope feels more arrogant and arrogant than Grandpa Jian..."

Ning Rongrong suffocated her face. If it hadn't been for the past four and a half years, she had calmed down a lot, and she just wanted to speak directly.

"He has that strength. Judging from the information I've inquired, this is his character... This pope in white may be the most in the history of the Wuhun Hall."

Ning Fengzhi whispered.


Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, "Let's watch Grandpa Jian beat him up!"

Having said that, Ning Rongrong still stared at the square closely.

on the square.

Wang Feng did not go to see Ning Rongrong, because he was wearing a mask and could only perceive it with mental power.

Subconsciously, he didn't want to perceive Ning Rongrong's existence.

At this moment, Wang Feng devoted himself to it.

Master Jian did not actually break through the 96th level, and was now at the peak of the 96th level, which was a bit close to the 97th level.

If it was the kind of Golden Crocodile Douluo, the 97th level peak, almost reaching the 98th level, Wang Feng would not have the thought of asking for advice.

Title Douluo, each level is very different.Biquge

The promotion to each subsequent level, except for spirit power and spirit ability, is very large.

It can be said that the current Sword Douluo is much better than the sword Douluo that Wang Feng met in the Star Dou Great Forest a few years ago.

The most important thing is that Sword Douluo uses swords. Wang Feng hopes to see some of the other side's unique tricks and see if he can learn something.

With his current physical fitness and wisdom, it is not difficult to learn.

Just to force Sword Douluo to use it, it was a little bit troublesome.

At this time, the breeze rose slightly.

Nine spirit rings on Sword Douluo suddenly bloomed, two yellow, two purple, and five black!

The most standard spirit ring configuration!

A bright silver sword that was four feet long and three inches wide slowly emerged beside Jian Douluo.

As soon as this sword came out, a special killing intent suddenly radiated and instantly enveloped the square.

This killing intent is not the same as the killing intent of Killing City.

It is an extremely pure killing intent!

Wuhun, Seven Kill Sword!

Wang Feng's heart shuddered. Sword Douluo obviously didn't mean to release water. It was natural. After all, he was the Pope in white now, and he still came to ask for advice.

Lost face.

Wang Feng also didn't have any reservations. The six bloodline powers were directly activated and entered a special combat state!

Xuan Ming Fei Jian, also standing beside him quietly!

The realm of original sin was released directly, and the surrounding space seemed to have entered a state of darkness.

"The talent field?"

Sword Douluo obviously felt that the white-clothed pope had suddenly soared in strength. Although the opponent did not reveal the martial arts and spirit ring, it was obviously a kind of concealment, but he didn't care.

He naturally has the field.

Moreover, extremely powerful!

"Seven Kills Realm!"

Sword Douluo let out a cold snort, and the Seven Killing Sword suddenly burst into violent light!

Under the ray of light, there was the implied aura of the sword weapon, instantly corresponding to Wang Feng's original sin domain.

Even directly overwhelmed!

With his powerful strength advantage, his seven kills domain completely surpassed Wang Feng's original sin domain.

But it hasn't overwhelmed too much.

More like a confrontation!

Seeing this, Jian Douluo was slightly surprised.

The strength of this white-clothed Pope didn't seem to be very strong, judging from his current aura, at most it was the strength of the ninety-five-level Title Douluo.

But the opponent's domain is not weaker than his own.

You know, his area of ​​seven kills is extremely difficult to cultivate!

next moment!

Sword Douluo had already attacked!

Although he is a weapon spirit, his body is extremely powerful!!

Moreover, he did not use a method similar to Wang Feng's imperial sword, but held the Seven Kill Sword in his hand!


Extremely fast!

As they attacked Wang Feng, the spirit rings on his body lit up in turn!

Obviously it was releasing spirit abilities, and it was an augmented spirit ability!

The attack power of the Seven Kills Sword is unparalleled in the entire continent. Almost all of the spirit rings of Master Sword have extremely powerful attack increases!

At the same time, Dao Dao Jian Qi formed a circulation around Jian Douluo.

Fortunately, Wang Feng's current mental power was far from what he could compare to at the beginning, and could slightly capture the speed of Sword Douluo.

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