Check in from Douluo

Chapter 551 The seventh blood pattern! (10)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Yao Xun pointed to the plant of seven emotions and six desires and said, “No one can grow around it. As long as it is a little closer, it will die directly. It is rumored that after taking this plant, you will experience the seven emotions and six desires of the world and feel various It's hard to taste. Even a person with tough will, after swallowing it, will be stimulated by this taste to reveal all kinds of ugliness."

"Its negative effect is far greater than its positive effect."

Yao Xun sighed softly, "Back then, when our ancestor found out that he had swallowed it, he set this rule for our Yao Lingzong. As long as someone can swallow the Seven Emotions and Six Desires without being affected, it means that this person Possessing is already transcendence, it is the appearance of heaven and man! My Medicine Spirit Sect surrenders to such heaven and man, and the future is naturally bright!"

After listening to Wang Feng, he secretly laughed.

Reason is this principle.

This Patriarch is obviously also very smart.

This grass of seven emotions and six desires is really not something a normal soul master can swallow.

According to Wang Feng's perception, this herb contains extremely terrifying negative emotions. Once swallowed, the spiritual power will be instantly destroyed!

The richer the experience and the more complex the emotions of a soul master, the harder it is to swallow!

Only a person with a pure heart and a clean soul can swallow it-doesn't this mean me?Wang Feng secretly said in his heart.

Of course, there is another reason why Wang Feng wants to swallow the grass of seven emotions and six desires.

"Several years ago, your majesty the Pope from the Spirit Hall came and swallowed a plant of this grass."

Yao Xun continued, "Your Pope, your majesty, is really powerful. He just survived the six passions and was not affected in any way, but in the end, he shed tears... and then left."

Wang Feng thought for a while, Bibi Dong estimated that the herb should have evoked the insult he suffered.


Did not hold back, so it was still affected.

Not enough than Bibi Dong can with strong mental power, hard resistance is not easy.

"Are you sure you want to swallow?" Yaoxun looked at Wang Feng.

After so many years, the only person who can cure Wannian Haixinhua, if something goes wrong, it would be bad.


Wang Feng walked over, lifted the mask slightly, and without a word, he took off the grass, and swallowed it in one go.

Immediately, the bloodline power is directly activated!

Almost as soon as it was swallowed, the medicinal power of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires turned into countless different emotions, impacting Wang Feng's spirit.

Wang Feng snorted softly.

Seven emotions and six desires.

The so-called seven emotions, joy, anger, worry, sorrow, fear and terror, six desires are related to seven emotions.

No emotions, different desires, impact Wang Feng's heart.

Wang Feng said that his soul is pure, which is true.

The red face karma quenches his body, his soul is truly pure, and it is impossible for this desire and emotion to overwhelm his spirit.

But Wang Feng did see a lot of sights that he had never seen...

He saw several girls, dressed very attractively, jumping around to seduce him, and said that they would serve him together.

Of course, Wang Feng knew that it was fake, it was too fake, and it was not true at all, so he was so angry that he kicked and kicked all of them...

Wang Feng also saw that he became a god, went to different worlds, and saw the Douluo world ten thousand years later...

Wang Feng also saw a lot of sights...

But Wang Feng's soul tempered by the Red Lotus Karma Fire was not affected in any way, looking like a bystander...

After reading it.

Wang Feng only felt the six blood lines on his body suddenly light up, obviously absorbing these countless chaotic emotions.

At the same time, the seventh blood mark also lights up and grows rapidly!

Seeing this, Wang Feng smiled in his heart.

as expected!

Swallowing the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Grass is able to strengthen one's bloodmark power and cultivate the dark angel martial soul.

What surprised Wang Feng most was the seventh blood pattern, which actually began to slowly increase.16 reading

The seventh blood pattern is very special, because it has absorbed the Killing God Realm, the cultivation has been very slow, and Wang Feng didn't know what was going on.

Unexpectedly, after swallowing this seven emotions and six desires grass, after experiencing various emotional shocks, it started to grow wildly!

The seventh blood pattern is extremely important.

It's about the original sin domain, whether it's taking shape or not, and it's also about the full explosion of the bloodline power, and it will definitely produce a more powerful increase!

You must know that Wang Feng's use of bloodmark power is extremely expensive, and both mental power and soul power will be greatly consumed!

Otherwise, Wang Feng would use his bloodmark power to fight Sword Douluo without spending so much.

If the seventh bloodmark is fully awakened and the seven bloodmark powers are activated, Wang Feng has a foreboding, that side effect should disappear!

And there will be a stronger increase!

So now looking at the seventh blood pattern, it is growing rapidly, Wang Feng is naturally quite surprised.

This is why Wang Feng has to swallow the Seven Emotions and Six Desires!

However, it is a pity that the seventh blood pattern was cultivated to the position of the heart.

On the contrary, the remaining six blood lines were thicker and stronger.

'At first, after two years of training, the six blood patterns were opened up... Now, in an instant, the seventh blood pattern can be close to the completion of the cultivation, which is not bad, and the power of the remaining six blood patterns has also been enhanced and satisfied.'

Wang Feng was not greedy either.The enhancement of the six bloodmarks means that the increase in his power to activate the bloodmark will be stronger.

The gain can be described as great.

After absorbing it, Wang Feng nodded in satisfaction, thought for a while, walked to the medicine consultation who was still in a daze and asked:

"Is there still a lot of emotions and desires?"

Drug inquiry: "..."

What do you mean?

Do you want to swallow another plant?

Yao Xun first swallowed, and almost tremblingly said, ", it's extremely difficult to cultivate this seven emotions and six desires. We have cultivated one plant in the past few years."

Wang Feng was silent.

This seven emotions and six desires may not be cultivated by golden lotus, and it needs some special nourishment.

This kind of nourishment has nothing to do with the energy of heaven and earth.

Just like the lovesick heartbroken red, it needs a special opening method.

Golden lotus can't ripen this herb that requires special nutrients.


Wang Feng shook his head.

Yao Xun suddenly knelt down and said in a low voice, "From now on, my Yao Lingzong will surrender to you! There is nothing more to say!"

Wang Feng waved his hand and said, "You don't have to do such a big gift. It is the Wuhun Hall you want to surrender, not me. Don't just say such ambiguous words in the future."

Yao Xun was taken aback, a few light flashes in his eyes, and he nodded slightly.


Outside the medicine field, Hu Liena and Thomas waited anxiously.

It wasn't until she saw Yaoxun respectfully bringing the Pope out that she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, from now on, my Medicine Spirit Sect will completely surrender to Wuhun Hall!"

The medicine inquiries loudly, and the mood is very happy. "Under the crown of your pope, it is really magical. Not only can he heal the ten thousand year sea heart flower of our sect, but also swallowed the seven emotions and six desires without any influence. The posture of heaven and humanity! My Medicine Lingzong is convinced!"

The appearance of heaven and man?

Wang Feng said in his heart, I, Wang Feng, has the appearance of a great emperor. What is your appearance as a man?

Upon hearing this, Thomas and Hu Liena were taken aback for a moment, then took a breath of air-conditioning, and looked at Wang Feng in shock...


PS: Ten more is complete, good night readers, don’t forget to vote~!

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