Check in from Douluo

Chapter 561 Five Years' Agreement! (10)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!No wonder Feng Ge is so strong!

Can you practice against Erming at such an early age?

Xiao Wu couldn't be more clear about Er Ming's strength.

"Xiao Wu, when will Wang Feng come here again?"

Daming's figure emerged from the lake, "After so many years, I still miss him..."

Xiao Wu: "..."

She sighed, not knowing what to say.

She didn't know the life or death of Brother Feng, but what kind of strong premonition he should have not died.

"Yeah, I'm the same, I miss him so much... that durable body."

At this time, Er Ming finished playing for a while, did it, and smirked.

He laughed loudly, and the trees around him were shaking.

Ming dynasty:"……"

Xiao Wu: "..."

"I want to go out..."

Xiao Wu sighed lightly, "I have a five-year appointment with Xiao San and Brother Feng. I should be able to see them by then..."

"No! Xiao Wu, it's too dangerous outside. A few days ago, I saw many spirit masters wearing weird clothes, seeming to be inquiring about the situation around us, and I had a vague premonition in my heart."

Daming immediately vetoed, "You absolutely can't go out now!"

Er Ming nodded.

"But in this way, I won't see the third brother..."

Xiao Wu murmured.

"Don't worry, didn't you tell me, which of your Tang Sans is okay? He becomes stronger, and he will naturally come to you.

Daming whispered, "If you go out, then some people from the Spirit Hall are probably searching you! It's too dangerous!"

Xiao Wu hummed, staring at the distant sky, startled.

The five-year appointment is here, partners, are you okay?


Heaven Dou City.

Shrek Academy.

Today's Shrek Academy is already a well-known college in mainland China.

Whether it is the Shrek Seven Monsters or the legendary nine-one, they all come from this academy.

One can imagine how popular Shrek Academy is today!

However, Shrek Academy today seems to be quite special.

Outside the door, a man and two women came slowly.

The man was handsome and handsome, tall, with blond hair, and beside him was a woman with a delicate face and sky blue hair.

Beside this woman, there was another hot figure, extremely cold expression, exuding a breath that no one else should enter, like an iceberg.

But because this woman is so attractive, many students passing by can't help but want to see her.

She is too big and beautiful.

Temperament, appearance, and figure are all top-notch!

Compared to the woman with azure hair, she is even better!

"Sister Zhuqing, your Shrek Academy is really popular, much higher than our Tianshui Academy."

The woman with blue hair that day nestled next to the blond man, and said with a light smile, "Today is the day you are the seven Shrek monsters. I wonder if the seven of you will be together?"

"Of course!" The blond man exuded a kingly air, and between his gestures, there was an uplifting momentum.

These three people are really Dai Mubai, Shui Yue'er, and...Zhu Zhuqing.

Soon, they walked to the original square.

The current Shrek Academy has already been expanded several times.

The square is so big that there are many students who are fighting on the square.

The three of them did not reveal their identities, but the two women attracted the attention of many students.04 Novel

At this time, a noise suddenly awakened them.

"Look at my Phoenix FireWire!"

In the distance, I saw a fat man, using his soul skills to burn flames everywhere in the square.

His opponent was instantly defeated to the ground.

"Wow, the senior is so strong!"

"The senior is amazing, are you really the Shrek Seven Monsters?"

"Senior, do you have an appointment tonight?"


A group of students surrounded the fat man one after another.

The fat man with his head full of flames was drowned in an instant...

A young man with a beard was standing beside him, who was laughing.

"This fat man, in the past five years, he still can't get rid of his tendency to show off."

Dai Mubai couldn't help looking at it, "The last time I saw them, it was three years ago. These two guys wandered to the Star Luo Empire and they also found me to sleep in the Star Luo Palace."

In the past five years, Ma Hongjun and Oscar have traveled to many places in the mainland. Naturally, they have also been to the Star Luo Empire and met Dai Mubai a few times.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, apparently he had seen it.

"Oscar, this beard, still pretends to be an uncle here..."

Dai Mubai seemed to think of something interesting, "When this guy came to my palace, he was also spotted by an aristocratic beautiful woman... He traveled to the mainland for these years, but it made his temperament more vicissitudes. His looks and beard are extremely attractive to women of a certain age..."

"However, I heard that he found a girlfriend in our Star Luo Royal Academy, who is also a soul master in the food department. He is so talented that he can match him. Wuhun is white beer. White beer with grilled sausages is a natural match. "

Dai Mubai couldn't help but shook his head.

At this time, a clear and moving voice sounded:

"What about the fat guy? Did he not find a suitable one?"

The three of them turned around and saw that it was a beautiful girl in a pale white dress walking slowly.

There is not much decoration on her body, but the hairstyle is quite delicate, with a smile on her face and glazed light on her body, giving people a sense of noble and elegant, but the breath on her body is very soft, like a spring breeze.

It was Ning Rongrong.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment,'This is Rong Rong's first dress at Shrek Academy...'

"Rongrong, long time no see, more than five years, you feel completely different."

Dai Mubai looked up and down at Ning Rongrong, and couldn't help but smile.

"Sister Rongrong, hello!"

Shui Yue'er said with a polite smile.

Ning Rongrong walked in front of Zhu Zhuqing. The two seemed extremely close. She took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and chuckled softly and said, "Boss Dai, what do you think is someone taking care of you?"

Dai Mubai coughed and said with a serious face: "It's so beautiful. It's the first time I found someone taking care of me. It's so wonderful. I've fallen in love with this feeling."

Shui Yue'er blushed and pinched Dai Mubai.

Ning Rongrong smiled suddenly.

At this time, Oscar and Ma Hongjun in the distance also walked out of the crowd.

"Hahaha, Boss Dai, I heard your voice from far away!"

Although Ma Hongjun is still fat, he is taller and a lot bigger, giving people a somewhat burly feeling.

The temperament is also more calm.

Oscar on the side is even more so, his eyes exuded superb light, shining with wisdom.

"Everyone, it's been five years, long time no see."

Oscar said with a smile.

The four of them looked at each other and smiled.

"It seems that you are all here?"

In the distance, a figure came from a distance.


Ps: After the tenth update, I vote for a monthly pass, now it’s only 14th place~~

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