Check in from Douluo

Chapter 600: Calculate! (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You have extraordinary potential."

Bibi Dong said indifferently, "I think even a god will choose you as an excellent heir."

The meaning of Bibi Dong dialect is actually very obvious. I have the qualification to inherit this kind of power. I am optimistic about you. If you mess with me, I can lead you to inherit the power of the gods.

"Why do we have to inherit other people's things?" Wang Feng suddenly said.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong was taken aback, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

"If we are mortals, we can only inherit the power of the gods and transcend the limits of the world's power."

Wang Feng continued, "So, how did the first generation of gods come from? Did they come directly from the beginning of heaven and earth? Or did they come directly from cultivation?"

"If it is also through cultivation, does that mean that we can also practice... to become gods?"

When the words fell, Bibi Dong's whole body suddenly solidified.

Because she doesn't know how to answer?

Wang Wu's question clearly surpassed Bibi Dong's own cognition.

Yes, how did the first gods come from?

Automatic generated?Or does it come from practice?

Even if it is automatically generated, can't you cultivate yourself into a god?

Seeing that Bibi Dong was stunned, Wang Feng was also stunned, suddenly feeling a cold sweat in his heart.

He just said that casually.

Look at Bibi Dong's appearance... Is it possible that she really wants to cultivate to become a god?Create your own god position?

Who is Bibi Dong?

Wang Feng thought about the original, if there was no Tang San.It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the number one genius in the original mainland.

If she really wants to create her own god position, it's really not impossible.

The premise is that someone has to open this window for her.

"I really want to... What was the point?'

Wang Feng murmured in his heart.

Bibi Dong might not know the cognition of becoming a god.

In her memory, there is only the only possibility of inheriting the inheritance of the gods and becoming a god.

'Do I want to kill her?'

Wang Feng thought,'But it should, I seem to be unable to kill... Now Bibi Dong already has the breath of a god... I really want to beat her, open the Pan Gu Axe, there is such a possibility of losing it.But I must die...'

However, at this moment, Bibi Dong suddenly laughed.

The smile was crisp and nice, and it felt like an alluring smile.

But Wang Feng felt that the hair was terrifying.

"Wang Wu, you are really a peerless genius."

Bibi Dong exclaimed, "Cultivating to become a god, maybe only if you don’t know anything, you have this kind of thought. Do you know? The first feeling I heard about this idea just now was ridiculous, naive, and ignorant. . But when I think about it again, I feel ridiculous, ignorant and naive."

Wang Feng: "..." Fanshu Novel Network

"I have never heard that I can become a god by myself, and I have never felt that it is possible."

Bibi Dong looked up to the top, "But your words have opened up another world. Maybe... Is this really possible?"

Wang Feng: "..."

"Wang Wu, next, you go to Heaven Dou Empire. Help me observe someone in secret, Xue Qinghe."

Bibi Dong looked at Wang Feng suddenly, "You may not know what happened later that day, when you absorbed the five dragons. I also secretly sent another person to capture the humanoid soul beast. But you know it happened. What?"

"Failed?" Wang Feng's heart moved. He didn't expect Bibi Donglian to tell himself about this.


Bibi Dong nodded faintly, "This person I sent is a confidant of mine. It is also a Titled Douluo, level 96. But he has the ability to kill a Titled Douluo at level 97. In the soul hunting operation, I haven't used it, but in this hunting operation, I secretly dispatched him to follow you all the time to prevent mistakes."

"I'm worried about that Wang Feng." Wang Feng said.

"Yes, this is Wang Feng." Bibi Dong said solemnly, "But I didn't expect this son to be so exaggerated in strength. The ghost caught up with Tang San and the others who were running away. It was almost as you expected. Some of them are indeed dying. , It was Tang San. But the humanoid soul beast wanted to sacrifice and save Tang San!"

"Originally, with the power of the ghost, it was definitely enough to bring back the humanoid soul beast. But Wang Feng killed it and almost killed the ghost! Five years ago, this son could barely draw with two Title Douluos. But as soon as it appears, even a rank 96 Title Douluo can be killed. It is still a special title Douluo like Ghost Douluo!"

"Then he is really very powerful." Wang Feng nodded and said in agreement.

"The appearance of this child is likely to affect my subsequent plans."

Bibi Dong said in a deep voice, "I have special circumstances, so I can't take action for the time being. I need you to do something for me. Go to the Heaven Dou Empire and observe Xue Qinghe and Tang San secretly. It is best to help Xue Qinghe ascend to Tian Dou. The throne of emperor!"

"Regardless of success, after three months, you return to the Papal Palace, and I will take you to a place. A place where you can inherit the position of the gods, and let you feel the power of the gods!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Bibi Dong's face, "If you want to directly become a god, then at least you have to understand the power of gods."

Wang Feng: "..."

"Also, I will declare to the public that you are dead." Bibi Dong's eyes flashed, "After all, you resisted the realm of the four hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts at that time, and then exploded and died. It was normal. At that time, the Titan Great Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python were all chasing the humanoid soul beast. Naturally, it is impossible to know your situation."

"So, your name as the Pope in white has temporarily disappeared. I went to the Heaven Dou Empire and don't let anyone discover it. It's better not even I can find it. Then the enemy will be even more unlikely to find you."

Bibi Dong said, "But the necessary contact is still necessary. If you succeed in helping Xue Qinghe ascend the Heaven Dou Emperor, I can also promise you an additional condition, as long as Bibi Dong can do it."

Wang Feng is fully aware of Bibi Dong's plan.

This is to make him disappear from the eyes of the world, and secretly help Qian Renxue, open up the Heaven Dou Empire.

Wang Feng couldn't help but admire Bibi Dong's wisdom.

Especially the news of his death...

This completely allowed Tang San and the others to relax their vigilance!He even thought that Wuhun Palace had lost his wife and broke down!

Paralyze the enemy!

Then he sent himself the Pope to help secretly...

'Bibi Dong is too clever, if it weren't for it, just give it a shot and kill it.'

Wang Feng thought,'Otherwise, it feels like Xiao San can't fight at all...'

But just thinking about it this way, Wang Feng was not sure about it.

"Also, Tang San will also be a threat and disaster in the future!" Bibi Dong looked a little cold, "The humanoid soul beast must have been sacrificed to him, he is only more than sixty levels, and has a hundred thousand year soul. Ring, or sacrifice! This potential is definitely a big enemy in the future."

"But don't worry, let him grow up for a while. Compared to Wang Feng, this Tang San is nothing, I keep it for later."

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