Check in from Douluo

Chapter 726 Wuhun real body, huge changes! (6)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Posey saw a chaotic light.

The center of the light was a man who couldn't be described in words, because no words could describe even a corner of his body.

If you talk about the whole, you can't use such low-grade words as handsome and handsome.

In the past hundred years, although Posey has seen many handsome men, none of them can compare with the man in front of him in the slightest!

Bo Saixi was a little surprised at how this world gave birth to such a peerless life.

She felt the vastness of life that she had never had before, and she also carried a trace of mystery and chaos that resembled the heavens and the earth.

Before seeing Wang Wu, Bo Saixi felt the life of the other party.

Pure and flawless, it gives people a breath of harmony with the heavens and the earth.

It was a breath of higher beings, which seemed to be more vast than the sea.

When looking up at the statue of Poseidon, Bo Saixi had this feeling.

So I quickly noticed the other party. Although the other party seemed to conceal something, in Bo Saixi's view, this Wang Wu could not be an evil person anyway.Because of this, when the Seagod Second Test appeared on the opponent, Bo Saixi had a faint understanding in his heart.

But now, it is even more exaggerated than before.

Posessi vaguely felt a hazy breath. He couldn't say it clearly, and he didn't feel like the other person was alone.

More like...a world of heaven and earth.

This weird feeling made Po Saixi a little frightened.

The breath, if it has surpassed that pure life and reached a higher level, makes people unconsciously attracted.

Wang Wu stood calmly on the eighth-hundredth floor, still wearing a black suit just before the beam of light disappeared, his face remained unchanged.

But the body has undergone tremendous changes.

After the Chaos Qinglian martial soul had absorbed the martial soul, it turned into a true true form. Unless it fed back a burst of energy, it also emitted a special light that washed Wang Feng's body and washed it several times.

Some subtle changes have taken place in the original dust-free glass body.

Wang Feng also didn't know this change, but some changes had taken place in his spirit power and spiritual power.

The spiritual power has changed from the original big river to a broader big river, as if entering a new level.

In consciousness, at a glance, the silver mental power seemed to have no end.

It seems that a bottleneck has been reached.

But the spirit power has changed, Wang Feng is not clear about the specifics.

Vaguely felt that the attributes of soul power seemed to have changed a little...

Also, after the body has been washed by the light emitted by the chaotic green lotus, even the bones have a slightly blue light, and the blood contains more majestic energy, like a drop of blood, it is a space that hides the universe .

Wang Feng knew that his physique had changed, and he was not very clear about the specific effects.

But close your eyes and feel the world.

Suddenly found that everything in the world seemed a little dirty.

I seem to be isolated and independent, and I feel detached from the world.

Even when Wang Feng looked at Bo Saixi, he felt a little dirty... weird.

'It should be a life that has evolved to a higher level.'

Wang Feng had to comment on this body like this.But this feeling is not strong, or that the body that has been washed by Chaos Qinglian is not complete.

But at this level, Wang Feng Mingming seemed to have some understanding of this world, but this understanding seemed to be fleeting and difficult to grasp.

The scratching Wang Feng felt a little itchy.Pythagorean Library

'Perhaps, it shouldn't be called Wuchen Glazed Body...Chaotic Glazed Body?Qinglian glazed body?'

Wang Feng thought in his heart,'But, it doesn't seem to be very complete, it's better to call Wuchen Liuli.'

I have to say that Chaos Qinglian is really powerful, not inferior to Pangu Axe.

It's just that the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit is too powerful and needs to be developed slowly. I don't want the Pangu Axe, because it is in a complete form.

Until the appearance of the Wuhun real form, Wang Feng could not realize the power of this chaotic green lotus.

Among other things, just after Wuhun's true body appeared, the beam of light rising from the sky could be seen, and it was not inferior to Pan Gu Axe.

In other words, the current Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit is a bit complete.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Feng thinks of the real body of Pan Gu Axe, should it also change?

As for the effect of the real body of Chaos Qinglian...Wang Feng thought.

It seems a bit strong.

The effect is actually very simple. In the real body of Wuhun, Wang Feng can use the two forms of Chaos Qinglian Wuhun at will, without restriction of use.

But it consumes a lot.

In addition, all spirit abilities have increased by 100%.

'Should be able to beat the Level 99 Peerless Douluo, the outcome is hard to say.'

Wang Feng guessed in his heart,'Bo Saixi, an old level 99 peerless Douluo, would definitely not be able to beat him on Seagod Island, but it wouldn't necessarily be the case after going out of Seagod Island.'

Chaos Qinglian's body can use two forms, which is terrifying.

Regardless of the two forms, it is a qualitative improvement for Wang Feng.

Any two combinations, Wang Feng can be invincible!

And the seventieth level did not awaken the rest of the forms, only the real body of the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit.

But Wang Feng felt that Chaos Qinglian had more of its own function...that is, the mysterious light, which can wash itself, make its body stronger, and its soul and mental powers stronger.

This kind of power, Wang Feng couldn't tell.

It felt like soul power had become more than just soul power.

It is a higher level of energy.

The simplest change is that the energy absorbed by the body needs to be compressed and purified many times before it can be transformed into the current soul power.

There are good and bad, and the benefits are naturally great. The most basic is that the consumption of various spirit abilities will be reduced, the endurance will become stronger again, and the power of the spirit abilities will increase. Wang Feng is not clear, but the abilities of the six forms themselves, It will definitely improve.

The six major forms have their own abilities, such as the various recovery of golden lotus, the burning and absorbing flame of red lotus karma, the defensive mask of black lotus itself, the powerful attack power and incurable power of the soul-killing spear, the countermeasures of the heaven In the refining of everything in the world, each of the five flags has its own ability.

The improvement of the quality of soul power means the improvement of these own abilities.

Wang Feng also thought of using the Pan Gu Axe, and the power would definitely become more abnormal.

Because Pan Gu axe is activated with spirit power.

Naturally, his combat effectiveness has greatly improved.

These are benefits.

The downside is... the soul power level increase is slower.

Because the energy of this world can be absorbed more quickly and more quickly, Wang Feng needs to go through several more refined processes in addition to compression and purification before it can become the current soul power, and only a small trace will be formed. .

In addition, the most important function of this light to wash itself is:

Make yourself more handsome, so handsome...

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