Check in from Douluo

Chapter 765 Seven Sacred Pillars (6)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Actually, Wang Feng could not let Hu Liena leave.

Because Hu Liena's departure must be to report on what happened in the past two years, Wang Feng is not afraid of it, but it will expose a lot of Seagod Island.Make Wuhundian ready.

But if Hu Liena is not allowed to leave, Bibi Dong will definitely be suspicious.

Maybe there will be a sudden attack, then it will also be very troublesome.

In fact, no matter what, it was impossible to change the result that Bibi Dong was about to come to Sea God Island, so Wang Feng did not stop it.

A few days later, Wang Feng came to the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar.

The battle with the Seven Sacred Pillars is naturally still on the side of the Sacred Pillars.

In the past few days, Wang Feng also learned a little bit about these seven sacred pillars.

Seahorse sacred pillar, sea magic sacred pillar, sea spear sacred pillar, starfish sacred pillar, sea ghost sacred pillar, sea monster sacred pillar, sea dragon sacred pillar.

Among them, the Sea Dragon Douluo's spirit skill level is as high as 96, and the martial spirit is the Sea God dragon, and the martial spirit and strength are the strongest.

The rest are below level ninety-five, and they don't belong to the category of Extreme Douluo, they belong to ordinary titled Douluo.

But in the sacred pillar, the strength is comparable to Limit Douluo.

It is equivalent to Wang Feng's need to fight seven at the same time against seven Extreme Title Douluo...

When he arrived at the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar, Wang Feng also saw another group of people.

Tang San and the others.

Although Wang Feng didn't know their progress in the past few months, he felt a little bit surprised when he felt it a little bit.

Because several of them have broken through the 80th level!

This means that they should have passed this test and defeated one of the Title Douluo.

Some are still at level 80, which means they have not passed.

According to Wang Feng's guess, this test is so difficult, as long as you pass it, the reward will definitely be very rich, and it won't be a problem to reward another god bestowed spirit ring.

Therefore, being able to reach more than eighty levels means that it must have passed the assessment.

Tang San and the others are here to watch the battle, and they don't know where they heard the news.

"One dozen seven...Tsk, this Wang Wu is really crazy."

Tang San and his party looked at Wang Wu who came by, Ma Hongjun took the lead and said, "Listening to Seahorse Douluo, it seems that his disciple, Hu Liena, was defeated by Senior Sea Witch. Hey, provoke Wang Wu, and then Wang Wu solves it. Then I plan to gather the seven sacred pillars and fight Wang Wu again."

The nine people have all seen the Sea Witch, knowing her characteristics and abilities, but they don't have much doubt about it.

No, after hearing this, no matter whether he passed the fifth test or not, he quickly rushed to the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar.

The Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar is the largest territory among the Seven Sacred Pillars!

It also symbolizes the strength of the owner of this area, extremely powerful!

The diameter of the sea in the sea alone is at least several thousand meters, and the position of the holy pillar is at least two to three hundred meters long and wide.

Perhaps for the titled Douluo level powerhouse, this place is a bit narrow, but it is enough.

"Seven Sea Douluo...My God, can this strength be defeated by one person?"

Oscar slapped his tongue, "This is a titled Douluo team! It's still an extremely complete team! We played one, and it was so difficult. After trying so many times, I can barely defeat the weakest seahorse. Douluo... is better than Zhuqing. Passed quickly, and after only a few times, he successfully challenged Sea Ghost Douluo." Yunxuan Pavilion

The spirit of Sea Ghost Douluo is a kind of devil fish, and it is also a spirit of assault system.

Zhu Zhuqing chose to challenge him.

Compared with other friends, I don’t know how many attempts it took to barely succeed. Zhu Zhuqing’s is excellent.

Ning Rongrong, as the tool of this test, can be said to be half-tired.

After all, with the exception of Tang San, every one of her had to be accompanied at the same time, giving her an increase.This is also her assessment content.

"Hmph, you are ashamed to say." Ning Rongrong looked at Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun with his arms akimbo, "Do you know how I came here in the past few months? In order to assist you and accompany you and friends Senior Sea Douluo is playing against each other, and I have to move several times a day!"

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar blushed, and then laughed.

"Those who can do more, Rongrong."

Bai Chenxiang said encouragingly.

"Hmm, yes."

Shen Lingqi also said, and then she changed the topic and hurriedly said, "I didn't expect this Wang Wu to listen to the short...Well, do you think he will succeed or fail today? These seven add up, even if facing the deep sea monster Whale, should he be able to fight? Wang Wu can safely escape from the mouth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale, his strength should not be much worse than Senior Bo Saixi?"

A few months ago, they didn't know how Wang Wu left safely from the battle of the deep sea monster whale.

But being able to come back proves the strength of the other party... it must have reached a terrifying point.

Think about it, too, that one thousand and one steps can already explain a lot.

"It seems unlikely..."

Dai Mubai thought for a while and said, "The combined strength of these seven Title Douluo is unimaginable. We don't know what kind of battle will erupt, but this place is an advantage for them. I want to defeat them. , It feels too difficult..."

The power that the team can exert far exceeds that of the individual.

Moreover, this seven-person team is not an ordinary soul master...

It is the Seven Sacred Pillar Sea Douluo!

"Actually it's not impossible..."

Tang San suddenly said, "That day, he used a Shen Yinzhu to fight the Deep Sea Demon Whale fiercely, and then he left safely. Shen Yinzhu's power, in his hands, will exert unparalleled power! No matter how strong the seven are! , It's impossible to beat the Deep Sea Demon Whale, and no Title Douluo can bear it!"

"Furthermore, Shen Yinzhu is too big, but he can play with ease in his hands. As long as he swings up, they will mess up their formation and break them one by one. There is still hope..."

Speaking of this, Tang San coughed a few times.

Although there is hope, it is indeed relatively small.

In fact, what Tang San said was a way.

Of course, this was a way from Tang San's understanding of Wang Wu.

"I think it is more likely to lose with Shen Yinzhu..."

Ma Hongjun shook his head and said, "That thing is too big, but the person is too small! It is very difficult to hit! You think, how big is the deep-sea magic whale? More than two hundred meters long? The target is too huge, so I want It's too easy to hit...but we are different."

"It's like letting me hit mosquitoes with Phoenix Howl... it's almost impossible to hit, it's too easy to be dodged"

Tang San nodded, and the fat man made sense.

"Wang Wu's Ding Wuhun can release a special kind of colorful light, and its ability is very abnormal, and it can reduce the quality of the opponent's Wuhun... If this is a group skill, then it will win."

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