Check in from Douluo

895 Three months later (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Wang Feng walked out of the Douluo Palace, he was still a little confused?

what's the situation?

How can Qian Renxue be so familiar?

'It seems to be a big game...'

Wang Feng thought of Bibi Dong's words, sweating in his heart.

You know, he went to the Angel Fantasy Realm for a short time, but two or three months have passed.

This is more than half a year, isn't that one year from Bibi Dong's talk, isn't that long?

After counting, Wang Feng felt his scalp numb.

What should I do after more than half a year?

Although the relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong was broken since childhood, if the relationship between mother and daughter is very weak.But after all, it is his own, and his character is also carved out of a mold.

'After half a year, neither of them has defeated...'

Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something bad, and he couldn't help but feel terrified.

No, this must never happen!

But then these two people will definitely be gods.

Qian Renxue won't say anything. It depends on the situation, that is, if you become a god, there should not be too many changes, which is good.

Bibi Dong is in trouble.

After Bibi Dong became a god, his strength was definitely not normal.

The two main ones are not easy to fool.

"too difficult."

Wang Feng sighed.

What he worries the most is, if both of them know by then...and then go together, two gods, how will he fight?

Can't beat it.

Even at level ninety, it is unlikely that he has ever beaten two gods.

One of them is still a strengthened god.

"Sorrow... If these seven blood gold patterns can be unlocked."

Wang Feng thought about it, "Combined with the new angel martial soul, if the fourteen different powers contained in these seven blood gold patterns can be combined. It should be possible to condense what angel source core that the god said that day? "

But it is also easy.

According to the angelic god, if this angel source core is condensed, it means that it can achieve the highest deity.

In other words, this thing is a symbol of God's position.But what kind of god it was, the angel god didn't say, and Wang Feng didn't know.

Because of the exchanges with Qian Renxue in the Angel Fantasy Realm, Wang Feng is now considered to have opened the first blood gold pattern, and then the second and third should be opened soon...

That kiss should be similar to the password to open.

As for the reason, Wang Feng estimated that He Qian Renxue was the heir to the angel god. At the same time, she had experienced seven angel statues and possessed a seraph martial spirit, which had a high degree of compatibility with her own angel martial spirit.

Although the password is turned on, I want to achieve true integration.It's too difficult.

Wang Feng can't even use it now.

Let alone fusion.

However, the power contained in this blood gold pattern is indeed extraordinary. After the impact of the two different source forces into the body, it will give itself a great increase.Exceeded the pure bloodline power at the time.

And the current angel martial soul, shouldn't be called the dark angel martial soul, maybe it is called the light and dark angel martial soul?More fit and appropriate.

Although the name is a bit vulgar, but it is simple and straightforward, not fancy.

Because it is half light and half dark.

As for the angel god said that this angel martial soul cannot be used, once it is used, it will still be life-threatening.

Wang Feng was a little confused at this point.

According to Wang Feng's guess, this is very likely to have something to do with the God Realm, right?Jingaishu Novel

But Wang Feng is not very scared, it is impossible for a god to be in the lower realm...

"More than three months have passed. I wonder what happened to Tang San after they joined the alliance?"

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart.

For three months, even though he was not there, Tang San and the others wanted to change the Wuhun Alliance and replace it with their plan. I wonder what happened?

According to Qian Daoliu's words, it should not be so easy.

The Douluo Palace is opposite to the Pope Palace, and it is not far away.

However, Douluo Palace was sparsely populated, and even Wuhun Palace, there were few qualified to enter.

Wang Feng hesitated, instead of going to the Pope's Palace, he walked into Wuhun City and disguised a little.

Wang Feng went shopping around.

If they joined the Wuhun Alliance, then this Wuhun City must have changed.

"On the street, there seems to be a lot of soul masters from the two empires..."

Wang Feng was shocked.

When I came to Wuhun City before, there were no soul masters from the two empires.

Even Wang Feng saw the people in the Fourth Hall of Tangmen.

Although most of them are from Wuhun Alliance.

To know that the spirit masters of the Wuhun Alliance, their clothes are quite special, with a special mark of "wuhun".

It's easy to recognize.

The soul masters of the two empires, either Tang Sect, or the soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, could also be recognized.

These spirit masters were able to enter the Wuhun City, which meant that Tang San and the others had indeed joined the Wuhun Alliance with the two empires.

But the specific situation is not clear yet.

However, when Wang Feng was quite surprised, the faces of these spirit masters were very solemn, and it seemed that something serious had happened.

"Walk around, today is the final. This will determine who will lead the soul master legion, the soul beast forest in the north, and suppress the unrest... Our Tang Sect must win.

On the street, the voices of people rushed forward.

Wang Feng's heart moved.

The soul beast forest in the north?Isn't it the far north?

turmoil?What turmoil?

"Winning? You soul masters of the Tang Sect, don't look at yourself. Although our alliance now says that the pope is not born, the pope is back. Is it possible that you think you want to be in power after joining our alliance? North? The turmoil in the soul beast forest, just you soul masters, will you give food to those soul beasts when you go?"

A spirit master from the Wuhun Alliance Academy arrogantly said to the Tang Sect soul master.

"Che, you don't know how powerful our Sect Master is, right?"

The Tang Sect soul master said disdainfully.

"No matter how great, our Pope, isn't it the great elder of your Tang Sect now?"

"Fart, he is the Great Elder of our Tang Sect first, and then the Pope in white of your alliance. This order can't be messed up!"

"Hahaha, when the Pope was in our Wuhun Temple, your Tang Sect was not established yet, right?"

"The Great Elder and our Sect Master have known each other since childhood, what is your Wuhun Hall?"


The two teams quarreled separately and walked forward.

Wang Feng: "..."

These should be the young disciples of the Wuhun Alliance Academy, the disciples newly joined by Tang Sect.

For them, they didn't know much about the grievances between Tang San and Wuhun Palace.

Even fewer people knew about the grievances between himself and the Spirit Hall. Very few people knew about the battle at the Pope Hall of the Soul Master Competition.

The Wuhun Alliance also retracted the notice that the Pope in White was dead.

However, listening to this, it was obvious that Tang San and the others had reached an agreement with the Alliance.

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