Check in from Douluo

Chapter 897 Soul Beast Riot in the Far North (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It should be, but we only promised to be under the jurisdiction of the alliance, but only under the jurisdiction of the white pope..."

"On the contrary, you, the Alliance’s great worshipper, Qian Daoliu, took away the Pope in white. It has been three months without a single figure. What does he want to do? He is not just the Pope in white in your alliance. Now he is also the great elder of Tang Sect."

"If he doesn't show up, we will never be directly under your jurisdiction. If we want to send the Soul Master Legion to the north, we refuse to lead you."

far away.

When Wang Feng heard this, he vaguely understood something.

The unrest in the northern soul beast forest?

Could it be that something went wrong in the far north?

Wang Feng's heart moved. When he was on Sea God Island, he directly asked the three whale sharks to go to the far north to see the situation of the crocodile.If possible, it is best to go to the Star Dou Great Forest.

But when I went to the Star Dou Great Forest before, I found that they had never been.

This shows that they must have encountered a situation in the far north?

Therefore, after Wang Feng planned to settle Qian Renxue's affairs, he quickly went to the Far North to see the situation.

Now it seems that the situation is not good?

Wang Feng frowned deeply, thinking...

At this moment, there was another battle on the stage.

"Look at it, you can't tell the winner, you're going to fight again."

Someone exclaimed, "This has been fighting for several days, and I feel that the strength of the two sides is not too different. This time it does not seem to be easy. It is Tang Sect's suzerain. Tang San is fighting with the second worship of our alliance!"

"The two men finally started fighting."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng was taken aback and quickly looked on stage.

I saw that the Golden Crocodile Douluo and Tang San had really started fighting.

In three months, Xiao San seems to be stronger again!This time, he used the Clear Sky Hammer.

At this time, the Clear Sky Hammer actually had five spirit rings!

The spirit power level has also reached level ninety-five!

Titled Douluo in three months can raise one level!This improvement is simply terrifying!

However, because it was just a discussion, Tang Sanyi couldn't help Golden Crocodile Douluo.

As a titled Douluo at level ninety-eight, the distance from level ninety-nine is no more than a footstep.It is not so easy to defeat him.

However, the fighting between the two became more and more vigorous.

A huge storm of energy poured in the sky of the two men's arena.

In the middle of the storm, two voices intertwined, the golden crocodile shadow and the purple clear sky hammer, like two lightning bolts, meeting in mid-air.

It seemed to be able to tear through all storms, causing many Title Douluo to frown slightly.

And the many audiences in the audience were naturally shocked!

Generally speaking, they have no chance to see this kind of titled Douluo-level battle scene.This kind of battle is generally forbidden to watch by outsiders, which is an internal matter.Just as the finals of the Continent Senior Elite Soul Master Competition were forbidden to be watched by civilians and nobles.Kanshuge

These are the rules of Wuhun Alliance.

But since Tang Sect led the two empires to join the alliance three months ago, this rule has changed slightly.

So that the vast number of middle and low-level spirit masters, or the rest of the civilian nobles, can also see this kind of high-level spirit master fighting.

Even this year's mainland senior elite soul master competition is the same.

This kind of battle can actually improve the soul masters who have entered the entire continent, and their awareness of high-level power is of great help to the soul master world.

Although for most people, it's just watching the excitement, and they don't even understand it.You can only see the interweaving of various brilliance in the battle, the huge figure colliding with the weapon, but it is enough.

That's why there are many audiences today.

In fact, the Wuhun Alliance refused at the beginning.However, it turns out that after showing this power to many soul master civilians and nobles, it seems that they will also gain a certain special power, and they will begin to be worshipped and admired by many civilians, and their strength will also increase.He also agreed, just saying that he would show part of his strength, and then keep part of his unique soul skills, etc., so as not to be exposed.

The consequence of this is that in the past three months, most of the title Douluo within the alliance have been remembered by people.

With their respective supporters...

It’s not that most people can’t recognize the former title Douluo, and don’t even know the name...

Wang Feng listened to the soul masters or civilians beside him, and said in his heart, this idea must have been thought of by Tang San.

When I was in the Holy Soul Village, I used this method to build the Stone Tablet of the Holy Soul, which allowed the Holy Soul Village to develop to a certain extent. It attracted a lot of people from outside to pay homage to the handprint of the Holy Soul. Stele.In order to drive the flow of people.

This was also the first step that Tang San wanted to change the spirit alliance with this.

At this moment, a violent light burst out in the midair.

Wang Feng frowned.

The two of them were angry. If this continues, one of them must be seriously injured.

The violent vigor formed by the interweaving of energy bursting in midair caused the surrounding audience to recede far away.

It scraped on the body like a knife.

"It looks like something happened..."

Dai Mubai's face sank slightly, and everyone at Shrek.

"Tang San has always refused to admit defeat." Ning Fengzhi said solemnly, "Moreover, it is about who can take the lead. The spirit beast forest riot in the north is also an opportunity to use this to subdue the spirit alliance. I want it later. The change is even easier. Qian Daoliu took Xiao Feng for three months. Your plan has been slow to progress during these three months. Obviously they have noticed it too."

"When we want to change their Wuhun Alliance, the Wuhun Alliance must also want to annex us. Three months ago, we announced to the whole continent to join the Wuhun Alliance and sign a treaty. Now, if anyone violates the treaty first, think If you want to go out independently, you will be successful. This will be extremely detrimental to any party."

"That Qian Daoliu is also extremely cunning, knowing that Wang Feng is the key, so Wang Feng will be taken away the first time, so that we temporarily lose the opportunity."

Ning Fengzhi made a wave of analysis, but it made everyone think.

"But it's not very good to fight like this." Jian Douluo looked at the battle in the distance, "I'll stop them, otherwise, something will happen. Don't let the northern spirit beast forest riots have not been settled, but we ourselves have been damaged. ."

"No, Uncle Jian, if you blend in like this, you will definitely be seriously injured by the energy of the two of them fighting together. You can't stop it!" Ning Fengzhi was taken aback and hurriedly stopped.

Sword Douluo frowned slightly, his eyes solemn.

At this time, the audience in the audience seemed to see something wrong.

Because the battle between Tang San and Golden Crocodile Douluo was too exaggerated, it was no longer normal to compete!

The end is here.

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