Check in from Douluo

Chapter 915 Extremely Frozen Lake (7)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The blood soul poison is now integrated under the glacier in the far north. Except for our polar ice layer, the rest of the inner circle is covered. Even if it does not touch the water in the glacier, it will absorb the blood emitted by the glacier for a long time. Breath, you will gradually lose your mind. How wide is the glacier in the far north? How can he be a human being?"

Having said that, the Bingdi still couldn't help but look into the distance.

Looking at that figure.

"How about going and seeing it together?" said the Titan Snow Demon Ape, "I believe this human can do it. Even a soul beast that has been poisoned with blood and soul poisoned me, it only took a few days to fully recover. I believe him Can unlock..."

With that, the Titan Snow Demon Ape walked away.

The Bingdi hesitated for a long time in the same place and glanced at the top of the Yuling Tree Emperor.

"Child, go."

At this time, the Jade Spirit Tree Sovereign uttered an old voice, "That human being is not simple. He exudes a more pure and flawless aura than I am... I have lived for so long and have never seen such a human. It is those The inheritor of the gods has never had such a pure aura that seems to blend with the heaven and the earth."

Hearing this, Bingdi was startled.

"Grandma Tree..." Bingdi looked at Yuling Tree Emperor in surprise.

To say that this extremely northern land has the oldest life, I am afraid that apart from the one in the Forbidden Land, there is only this Jade Spirit Tree Emperor.

In the far north, there is still a long way to go than my sister.

Its cultivation base does not rely on its own active cultivation, but on passive cultivation.

It is the oldest being born among the countless ice jade spirit trees in the inner circle.

Living fossil in the far north.

But unfortunately, the life of Grandma Tree is coming to an end.

It may only be a matter of thousands of years.

Although the breath exuded by the blood soul poison was purified by Granny Tree, this purification was actually a disguised absorption.

Absorbed into the body, it will cause great harm to itself.

"Let's take a look, Grandma Tree is also very curious..."

The old voice came again.

Bingdi nodded, twisted his body, and walked forward.The glaciers in the far north are covered under the snow and ice.

And the source is naturally near this polar ice layer.

Because this place is the most central area.

All the glaciers in the far north originate from this place.

Extremely cold ice lake.

Smelling the smell of blood, Wang Feng arrived at this place soon.

Looking into the eyes, the area of ​​this extremely cold ice lake is not very large, but at this moment it is showing the light of medium blood crystal.

"This is the source of the glacier below the far north?"

Wang Feng looked at this big lake. The lake was huge, and the lake was covered with blood-colored ice.

Below is a bright red lake flowing from here, spreading to the entire Arctic Glacier.

The smell of blood in this place is so strong that I inhale a little bit, I am afraid that I am not sober.

The original statement was that the ice monkey said that the two evil spirit masters used the blood of the dead three evil spirit masters to use their spirit skills to drip blood soul poison into this extremely cold ice lake.

Like this special ice lake, ordinary toxins cannot survive in this ice lake.

The moment they fall in, they will be frozen and sealed, otherwise it will not be so easy to use this method to deal with them in the extreme north.

But using the blood of the three evil spirit masters to produce poison is not simple.

Those two evil spirit masters must also be extremely strong.


Shen Bing looked at the extremely cold ice lake and said, "Fortunately, Gui Kun was not there at the time, and he had already flown into the sky. Otherwise, Gui Kun would probably be recruited, and then the blood soul poison broke out. Later, Zuo Kun felt a little upset, because this place was his lair. And the absence of the glacier meant that he could only fly in the sky and not be lazy in the future. So he wanted to go down and try... and was beaten by Sister Qing. Pause." 520 Novel

Wang Feng: "..."

Wang Feng stared at this lake.

This is the root cause, if you want to solve the soul beast riot, then you must solve this.

Otherwise, even if they defeated the two evil spirit masters, or those violent spirit beasts.It's no use, I will come again.

As for how to solve it, although Wang Feng saw it for the first time, he had already thought of several methods on the way.

Although Bailian can purify everything in the world, the blood and soul poison in this place is obviously extraordinary.

Just purify this piece, what about the glaciers in the far north?

Is it to be purified piece by piece?

How hard is that?

Wang Feng can use the white lotus to absorb the various evil thoughts of killing that this blood soul poison brings to the soul beast because of the effect of the million-year spirit ring.

But it cannot absorb toxins.

The soul beasts can be restored because they have absorbed the side effects of the evil killing thoughts brought by the blood soul poison.

Can not absorb, only rely on the purification ability of Bailian.

This filthy and powerful blood soul poison itself exudes an evil aura.

But only relying on purification, Wang Feng is not sure whether he can succeed.

"Shenbing, shake this lake open."

Bai Lian turned in Wang Feng's hand and appeared in his hand, full of glory.

With a pacing on the soles of Shen Bing's feet, the ice on the extremely cold lake split instantly!

The smell of blood rose to the sky.

Although it is disgusting to smell, if it is to suck the water of the lake, it will be extremely eager.

Seeing this, Wang Feng will directly stimulate the white lotus, blooming with a dazzling white light... into the entire lake.

In an instant.

Under the white light, the blood in the lake disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Shen Bing's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, even this blood and soul poison can't be troubled by the boss!

The Titan Snow Demon Ape and Ice Emperor who came from behind also watched this scene with shock.

Under the action of Bailian, the blood soul poison is disappearing quickly!

Even the smell of blood in the air has diminished.

The ice emperor who came from behind could even smell the pure aura radiating from that human being, which was extremely attractive to the soul beast.No, not just soul beasts, even ordinary creatures will be attracted by the opponent at this time.

Under the white light, Bingdi stared at the white flower in the center of the human palm, it was so beautiful and moving.The human face looked like a god, staring at the lake with great seriousness.Makes his original extreme and peerless appearance even more charming.

Even from the point of view of the beast, the Ice Emperor had to admit that this human being was indeed very attractive.

After a while, Bai Lian took it back in.

The boundless white light dissipated.

The whole lake has a new look!

Seeing this, the three soul beasts all showed joy.

'Can this human being really help my sister?'Bingdi questioned his heart.

But at this moment, the Ice Emperor looked at the human being and still frowned...

It seems that it has been resolved, why is this human being frowning?

Bingdi was a little curious in his heart, but suddenly understood something, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's useless."

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